15 Post – 928 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Hello. I am a single, middle aged man from midwestern United States. Pic is not me.

And between 1978 and 2021, executive compensation at large American companies increased by more than 1,400 percent, the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute said.

This is really the problem. No one can convince me that being a CEO is 1400% more difficult now.

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Headline is wrong. Internet archive has been emulating software for a long time now.

Maybe they just got to 250k titles, but them emulating is not new.

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I buy a lot of generic or store brand stuff. Usually I'm comfortable doing this with things that have been around for a long time like bleach, laundry soap, and basic foods. I assume that it is not difficult to do these things so anyone can make it and there's little if any difference between brands.

On this topic: I heard once that you should first buy cheap tools. Use them until they break and then decide what you want to improve about those tools and buy better ones. Often those first tools never break. This seems like pretty good advice for most things.

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I think we need to STOP calling it "Artificial Intelligence". IMHO that is a VERY misleading name. I do not consider guided pattern recognition to be intelligence.

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Pretty normal to drink in the theater when they sell alcohol.
Maybe you should go sit in the corner and reread the article.

I strongly recommend NO glue and liberal use of your TRASH CAN. Then go get a cast iron frying pan and a METAL flip turner.

Do this so you do not die a horrible micro plastic PFOS death one day.


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Wow. You are one ugly lady.

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This is not new. People have been Photoshopping this kind of thing since before there was Photoshop. Why "AI" being involved matters is beyond me. The result is the same: fake porn/nudes.

And all the hand wringing in the world about it being non consensual will not stop it. The cat has been out of the bag for a long time.

I think we all need to shift to not believing what we see. It is counterintuitive, but also the new normal.

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Technology Connections fanbois in 3...2...1...

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Political candidate tells nation of immigrants that immigrants are BAD. Film at 11.

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There is nothing wrong with people being social at work. Strong personal relationships mean strong work relationships. And introverts need to understand that relationships matter. I say this as an introvert.

Don't just be a robot at work. Recognize the need for good working relationships and that some level of personal interaction, and even friendship is OK at work. Today they need help, tomorrow you will need help.

To your point, I am very bad at that and work from home has really improved my productivity. See if you can wfh more. Also, sometimes you need to politely explain that you have to get something done to meet a deadline or meet priorities or whatever your situation is.

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Gen X here. I do not expect any inheritance at all.

And how much of this "fascination" with generational wealth transfer is actually companies salivating over potential profits?

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Does it bother anyone else to pay for all that "smartness" and then figure out how NOT to use it?

How can consumers fight back against this bullshit?

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Surprised Air Canada's lawyers had the bravado to make claims like this. So glad they lost, I hope this becomes precedent for anything similar.

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How can people push back on this insanity? I don't want 500 goddamn apps on my phone nor do I want 500 accounts on "portals" or what fucking ever your calling it today.

I agree with OP, but how do we resist the borg?

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Hi, home! I'm dad.

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You do realize you're asking for a racist-o-pedia, right?

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So make Tea in the microwave with plenty of salt.

I got it. Brits, you good? Boffins? Cheerio, pip, pip?

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Wages have not kept up with inflation. Why is this so hard for the media to understand?

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I think the employers underestmaite how poorly they're treating their employees while making record profits. Most of the point of unions is to fight unadulterated greed and force employers to share the wealth with employees. If employees can't afford basics like rent and food then employers are gonna have a bad time. The wise employer would pay attention to how employees are doing and do their best to take care of them instead of laughing all the way to the bank.

These unions are working exactly as designed.

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I agree and would add Wikipedia.

I find it both horrifying and nauseating at the same time. This makes me sad to be a human being.

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Most attorneys LOVE to give you plenty of rope to hang yourself with. Looks like Lindell did that in spades.

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Wow. You really have a chip on your shoulder, my friend. If that was a lecture then you are going to have a hard time in life. I would call that gentle advice.

Did I say the workplace is the only place you can go to meet people? Obviously I did not. You put words in my mouth, inappropriately. But in your original post you seem to say that you don't want any sort of personal relationship at work. My point is that that is bad for your work/career/life.

Work imposes some level of relationships on you. Right? My point is that interpersonal relationships at work matter to your work/career/life.

I think you could benefit greatly from some counseling. It might help you to recognize unhealthy vs. healthy thought patterns.

Best wishes, my friend.

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I can't you either.


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I don't have all the details but this sounds like some very stupid campers.

I have done a lot of camping and I would be very cautious about camping "remote" in the Rockies. And no way in hell would I even dream About not taking food.

Sounds like they fucked around with nature and found out.

It also sounds like that boy was a victim of parental stupidity. I pity him.

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I think one thing a lot of people don't know now is that back then there was a WHOLE LOT of denial about the detrimental effects of smoking. I think this was mostly the tobacco industry's propaganda, but it worked. I remember talking with someone in the 90s that had some sort of cancer and had been a smoker most of his life. "No way to know if it was the cigarettes" that caused the cancer, he told me.

We are much, much more aware of the downsides of smoking now. The cat is out of the bag.

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I dropped Scamazon Slime a long time ago when I figured out they were not meeting their 2 day shipping promise. I really have never missed it.

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I hope they realize they need BIG FAT raises to return.

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Why use this article being reposted? It is a butthurt reporter with an axe to grind vomiting on her solar providers.

An atypical experience which she even states in the article. This should not really be news, IMHO.

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I am curious which indie titles you would recommend.

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I appreciate what this guy did, even though I don't own any apple earbuds.

I hope he or someone stats selling easily repairable and maintainable hardware and markets it as such. I think the marketplace would welcome it.

The frog tongs reminded me of my spider box. Because I think spiders are good and reduce insect population I don't kill them. Instead I have a shoebox with a piece of paper in it. Get spider on paper, they usually crawl right onto it if you hold it near them. Then throw paper into shoebox and close the box. Shoebox should seal and not have holes, btw. Most shoeboxes do not seal. Then take the box outside and open. +1 spider population in your yard.

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He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.

George Orwell, 1984

The George Floyd video.

I watched maybe a minute of it the day it came out and that was enough for me forever.

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IDK why anyone is considering moving to FL with global warming picking up speed. Seems pretty foolish to me. This issue alone is enough to take it off my retirement list if places to live.

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Sweet summer child. It was a thing.\_Watchman

With rooftop solar I get to be the asshole that doesn't care about the grid.

And you too can be an asshole!

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Scamazon need to be broken up in the worst way. IDK where to make the breaks, but some breaks need to be made.

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