2 Post – 259 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

I'm trippin lol.

boo Try boo it's a little more like dating social media

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Yes. Seems decent it's like mostly for dating but you have the option to just use it for friends. So that 'pressure' so to speak isn't there.

There's even a social feed and you can make posts and just talk to other people

I agree, you're gorgeous


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But nobody is either

Literally complain about it while sitting on the couch bored

Unrelated, but I just want to say thank you for actually posting content that is relevant to the community. It's enjoyable and appreciated.

my breasts

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The mummy

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you sure they wern't Possums?

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I'm a crazy enough woman by myself so I'd lock myself in my apartment

Ty for doing that

I will not tell lol I am working on it and really excited about it

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Wrap everything in Christmas wrapping paper

looks Nice

Huh ?

But for some unknown reason I got permanently banned.

Not saying this like it's your fault. Just my theory. The message says you have ACCOUNTS plural.

Did you have more then one reddit account that you used ? Reddit doesn't have a built in feature in the user settings SHOWING US WHICH COMMUNITIES WE ARE BANNED FROM.


If you have more then one account, you can post and comment on the communities that you are banned from on your other account. Because there's no list you can check to see if you are banned.

You could end up commenting from your other account on a sub your main account is banned from and that is called 'Ban evasion' and consequences for that is permanently banning all your accounts.

To me it looks like they probably have all our accounts synced up and a list of our banned communities to keep tabs. And they make sure we don't know so well forget and Ban evade on accident.

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There's no utopia I prefer to live in reality


Honestly reddit has gotten less negativity because a lot of it moved here. I still use reddit I use both reddit and lemmy.

Got back from a lemmy break recently because I couldn't stand the negativity and needed a while away from it

Fucking YES

I feel like people are yelling at this guy or something

Yea yikes id pass on that too you can use fedilab though I believe

Have you thought about possibly switching instances? Dumb shit you don't wanna hear I know.

But yea.. it's kinda setup that way on purpose. If you want my advice, look at other instances. And also look into lemmy moderation. You will learn a lot of things, and you'll understand.

If they are acting that way to you, they aren't gunna stop. Not trying to be discouraging, speaking from experience.

Say bye to them and go to a more relaxed instance, one that shares your values. You'll find it. I know you will. I'm sorry this is happening to you


Yes! Me I hate it so much

Check us out and let me know. Our premise is to shoot the shit,talk shit, shit post, post content you create, talk and have fun.

We're not interested in being like what you're experiencing. We're here to have fun. Shit doesn't always have to be about politics. I hope you check is out. Thanks

What are you specifically Looking for that you feel you can only find on 9 gag?

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What are you looking to gain from posting this where no one will agree with you or see eye to eye?

Not saying that to be a dick.

I do agree with some of your points. But for your blood pressures sake....


Sup man how are you ? From what I've seen from you as an admin, you are a pretty decent dude. I feel like is one of the few how do I say this ?

'Chill' instances on lemmy. I think a lot of people appreciate that. I do for sure.

That said,

2 things

Can you dumb what you said down? Like way down lol I get what you are saying, but I'd understand it more throughly broken down elementary school style if u don't mind. I think that would also maybe help the people who aren't as technical being fediverse has a lot of moving parts.

Lastly I have a question

Im 2nd of another admin on our instance, and sometimes I'll see removed posts or comments to which I can restore them. What is up with that ? I don't get it.

Can other admins remove my instance stuff vise versus? And restore vise versa ?

Stack on the playstore is stack exchange has all those type of topics or hacker news

Warm to hot water on the face

My tremendous girth is absolute

All yall political obsessed ppl have no business running any social media lol


Actually lol what is this lol

