Is there a chat/dating app that isn't complete shit and pay wall restricted? to No Stupid – 109 points –

Forgot to mention, apps that at least has a good following and matches in Europe.


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boo Try boo it's a little more like dating social media

Have you used it?

Yes. Seems decent it's like mostly for dating but you have the option to just use it for friends. So that 'pressure' so to speak isn't there.

There's even a social feed and you can make posts and just talk to other people

Just use it. Deleted. It's completely useless and I can't find a single person nearby. And now they got my info... Great.

Idk, I didn't like it. Might just be the people around here who use it tho. The way the 16 personalities test thingy is ingrained there also kinda rubbed me the wrong way.