silly goose meekah

@silly goose
3 Post – 631 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

+1 for jigsaw puzzles and music/audio books

Idk, I honestly like the windows 7 look. But using it after security updates have been stopped is just plain stupid.

Sure it's incorrect, but saying someone is racist because of that is asinine. It's not like they said that they are worse people just because they're immigrants, it was just a shortcut for saying "people who speak languages other than English in day to day conversation". Don't get hung up on such details.

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It's almost funny how hung up you are on that

I rarely finish games but rdr2 is one of the few I did finish.

Popo is a word used in German to describe a butt

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In fact, many old games used white noise for snares

That kinda mentality is why america has the most people in prison per capita. Its the only way to rationalize the way the prisoners are essentially being enslaved. So by being commercially productive, people with money (read: with power) will always work to increase the number of prisoners.

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A few years ago I moved to a new city but hadn't had any luck dating. One day I matched a girl on some online dating site who immediately started sexting aggressively. Usually I'm the more intimate type, but I thought that I hadn't had sex in a while so I went for it.

She took the lead and started giving me head, which wasn't so bad honestly. But I just couldn't get into it. When she rode me I didn't get fully limp, but I wasn't really hard either. At some point she apparently came (or just got bored of my dead fish impression) and I pretty quickly packed my things and left.

That day I learned I really need some type of emotional connection with a person before having sex works for me.

really looking forward to getting another SSD and just installing linux on it so I don't have to deal with that kind of bullshit anymore. The bullshit I will be dealing with will not be privacy related, just compatibility related.

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Sure looks like it

Where have you heard that? It's just what regular fingernails look like.

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Dbrand, apparently

"The Northern and Western parts of New York State that are not new York City" how is there any confusion?

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Because not using windows or MacOS makes you a hipster in the eyes of many people

so the past 50 years of the gaza strip being bombed by israel have not brought death and desctruction to gaza? that's ignoring the constant blockades and other restrictions israel put on gaza as well.

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I'd assume it's because they don't want to hand out free labor.

any screw is a flathead screw if you have a dremel

Luckily, most countries do not allow medical practices without rigorous testing.

I mean, if you zoom far enough, its just a few atoms floating around in mostly nothing.

Define "flat" and "straight"

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I have the same issue, but I am also in the EU. however, I just used an extension to spoof my user agent and now it works fine. there is some weird behavior sometimes, like when I call someone it doesn't actually ring the other person etc.

No but all the plastic they're stored on is

Ooooh as a developer I am very grateful for this tip

The bakery part hits me especially hard, I'm living in germany, where many people are proud of the bread culture, and you basically need to look for artisan bakeries to get stuff they actually made themselves instead of having frozen stuff delivered and just baked in the store. The saddest part is most people don't realize, while still writing comments online about how "american bread is just sugar"

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I remember watching that movie as a child on TV and I'm 25

Das kann viele Gründe haben. Rassismus in der Polizei ist nur einer davon. Heißt immer noch nicht, dass Flüchtlinge generell schlechte Menschen wären.

edit: hast du deinen Artikel eigentlich selbst gelesen?

Die überproportional vielen Ausländer unter den einer Straftat Beschuldigten erklären Soziologen und Kriminologen mit verschiedenen Ursachen. So sind die meisten Zuwanderer junge Männer, die in jeder Kriminalitätsstatistik auffällig stark vertreten sind. Hinzu kommen die bei Ausländern in Deutschland besonders oft schwierige soziale Lage und womöglich eigene Gewalterfahrungen im Herkunftsland oder während der Flucht nach Deutschland, die die Hemmschwelle zur Gewaltanwendung sinken ließen.

Zudem passierten viele Straftaten in Ausländerunterkünften und in deren Umfeld, wo einerseits die Unterbringungssituation extrem angespannt ist, andererseits Polizei und Wachschutz besonders präsent sind. Ferner haben Soziologen aufgezeigt, dass die Anzeigebereitschaft deutlich höher ist gegenüber Menschen, die als nicht zugehörig zur eigenen Gruppe wahrgenommen werden.

Das Bundeskriminalamt hält aber auch fest: Der Anteil der einer Straftat Beschuldigten unter allen Ausländern ist im vergangenen Jahr sogar gesunken Weil aber zugleich deutlich mehr Ausländer in Deutschland leben, ist die absolute Zahl ausländischer Straftäter dennoch gestiegen. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen Zuwanderung und Anzahl registrierter Straftaten ist damit offensichtlich.

Unfassbar guter Journalismus daraus so eine Überschrift herbeizudichten...


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that doesn't sound healthy

I'm also someone who sits at their desk around 12 hours a day but I do think it's important to get outside at least once in a while. Does it not feel weird to be staring at the same thing 24/7? I need a change of scenery here and there.

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They don't do that mistakenly. They just realized most of the time a few passengers don't show up so overselling makes sense to keep the plane full.

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Romeo was 16 and Juliet 13. Kind of a big gap for that age but nowhere near being a pedo wtf

Nobody is arguing that it is more or less evil. The militant POW may face their own trials after the war, where a punishment is decided. But while they are a POW, they are unable to cause any damages. So they are also not allowed to be tortured.

"For a beautiful moment in history we created a lot of value for shareholders"

Germany has strong lobby in car industry

Hitting the nail right on the head.

I'm pretty sure the increased crime among refugees here in germany is largely due to the laughably long wait times (months, if you're lucky, on average 3 years) until their case gets reviewed, and them only gettting a tiny allowance (max. 182€ per month) and not being allowed to work during that time. Of course they end up committing crimes more often in such a situation, it's not because they are bad people.

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I think this works better with golf. The point of it is to play as little golf as possible

Maybe you're remembering the death of grumpy cat or something?

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I mean there is pretty much just chrome(ium) and Firefox. AFAIK manifest v2 being disabled will get into all chromium based browsers.

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planes of existence

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I prefer the holy grail but life of Brian is also a top movie

Bedwars gets pretty competitive for example.