4 Post – 382 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Pretty sure you’re the only person to post there other than jimmydoreisalefty

I (briefly) accidentally downvoted you out of habit before realizing this is not the usual propaganda

Am I crazy or is the weird thing actually where you drive to a national forest and “dispersed” camp in your car?

In my mind dispersed camping is when you maybe drive to a trailhead but then actually camp after hiking several miles into the forest.

If I saw a car parked in a parking lot I would not assume anyone was sleeping in it.

Maybe it’s a regional thing?

That seems like a lot of work in a world where blocking exists.

Huh - I had no idea we have more than one Phoenix

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I’ve use quite a few brands, but I’ve never come across one that changed colors. Is that blue despite the blood sample?

These almost look more like ph or ketone test strips…

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Considering they have an expiration date I don’t believe they’re inert.

It’s plainly illegal

SCOTUS will just ignore any precedents and give the states the right to do what they want.

We’ve already seen this playbook in action.

We’ve been fools for relying on precedent.

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No but he would only agree to working one day a week as POTUS.

Just need to swap SatansMaggotyCumFart with Jimmydoreisalefty. is simply irreverent; not a troll.

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…with a stiff cocktail.

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Trust me - it’s better than some fucking herb

Liberal or not I think we can all agree more unseriousness is needed on Lemmy.

The top voted comment on a shitposting post amounts to a “WELl aCTcTUAtLY” for X’s sake.

Wanna bet the coup leader is tried and convicted before they have a chance to run for president?

I think it’s a bot assisted human. The amount of spam they output is inhuman but they do interact like a human at times.

There is no reason to keep the order in place for witnesses, for example.

I’d argue there is plenty of reason to keep it in place for witnesses until all appeals have played out…

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Where is the line drawn between a shitpost and a shit post?

The trial is over, and there will be no more testimony

I see - I assumed wrongly they would need to testify again in a retrial if an appeal was won.

Wasn’t there also talk of declaring a mistrial at some point? Would they testify again in that case?

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Well part of the plan is to attack public school funding sooooo…

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If the billionaires are upset it’s a good sign you’re doing something right.

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You should aim to drink at least 2 quarts (2 liters) of urine every 24 hours, and your urine should be light in color.

I keep drinking my urine, but it just keeps getting darker and darker with each pass 😭

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“While crime in Arizona is at an all-time high the Arizona Secretary of State’s office felt it was a good use of resources to send multiple agents across the country to storm an 80th birthday party like it was Normandy,” said Caroline Wren, a top GOP consultant, who hosted the birthday party at her home.

Ridiculous. It’s well known that Arizona had been looking for him for days if not weeks. He could have let them know where he was at any point before the party.

Rudy did this to himself.

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Laube deserved a light sentence, Carney said, because prosecutors should have focused on leftist groups

As if it has any bearing on this guy’s guilt or innocence.

I should have realized when they were complaining about “Activist judges” what they meant was there weren’t enough on their side.

3-5 Coins? Are they fucking nuts?!

Everyone knows 8 is the luckiest number.

3-5 averages to 4 which is extremely unlucky


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I don’t know but if someone told me they listened to Joe Rogan, I would assume, the best case scenario is they are Libertarian. Worst case is Qanon nut job.

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That headline doesn’t really do the article justice…

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I didn’t know irony could be this disgusting

The longest shutdown we’ve ever had started when the GOP controlled the House AND the Senate AND Trump was president.

(2018-2019 Shutdown)

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You and the mods need to get your shit together and start creating shareholder value as you’re intended to do.

No consequences, positive or negative? I think I’ll just stay on the sofa.

What even is the point? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Doesn’t know who they are, but knows they’re “illegal invaders”. I wonder how he came to that conclusion…

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You do realize these are two separate groups of mods for each sub right?

There is no monolithic “Lemmy Mods” or even “Lemmy Admins”.

This could at least be relevant whataboutism if Trump were on trial for paying hush money.

I think they’re trying to convince you to switch to metric.

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“Nazi bar owner lets Nazi in Nazi bar.”

I’m SHOCKED I tell you; SHOCKED!

Sadly, I don't think Trump supporters care about the felon status at all

If they did they wouldn’t be supporters.

It’s those who are undecided or on the fence Biden’d be hoping to sway.

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He said himself he doesn’t even know what the charges are.

Personally I’d have asked my lawyer. Probably before 5 weeks of testimony, but definitely before the verdict.

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This feels like a bot crowdsourcing captcha solutions from Lemmy 😅

How many holes does a rubber band have? A donut?

Topologically a rubber band, a donut, and a straw have the same number of holes. The hole at either end of the straw is just a continuation of the same one hole.

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“So let's pick the dates, Donald. I hear you're free on Wednesdays," Mr. Biden said.


I think the folks who were happy to see him get off were more interested in the (not legal)indictment of the LAPD and admission of their corruption:

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