7 Post – 1167 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

After spending all that money and effort to kill HDDVD. 😆

The Epoch Times is a far-right international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement.

You vote for the Supreme Court every time you vote. The people you elect appoint justices who work their way up,and approve justices in Congress. Local elections matter. Even there you are either voting for people who are working their way up or appoint other judges.

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When have any of these debates in the past twenty years been “fair”? The democrats knew what they were getting into.


Volkswagen just paid Rivian a truckload of money because VW couldn’t figure out how to write EV controller software. It’s ridiculous.

A better question: “Why would Biden people even go on Fox News?”

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They all use Chademo connectors and air cooled batteries. Might be ok for puttering around town or as a commuter car, but that’s about it.

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Taking the fight all the way to the Supreme Court (where they should lose) costs money. The idiot voters that support this nonsense are sacrificing everyone’s tax dollars to this altar. Meanwhile they don’t have funds to pave roads, etc.

If Biden dies of natural causes before the convention, they will use the convention to elect a new candidate. It’s pretty obvious Gavin Newsom has been positioning himself for such a scenario.

It amazes me that primaries are held this late in the year. It’s only four months or so until the election.

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As someone else who got out of a shitty little Texas town, I salute you.

Yep. It’s too late. Should’ve done this ages ago if you were going to do it.

Where’s that image of the guy trying to decide between which button to press?

  • Guns guns guns for everyone!
  • Biden’s son.

What does VW get out of this?

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Elizabeth Warren is just as old.

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That you need to wash your hands after going to the bathroom. I’ve seen too many grown men walk straight out of the restroom after urinating.

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What a waste of money. Think of all the good things that could be done with $100 million.

Does this mean in certain US states that you will have to provide ID in order to view X content?

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If you can eat at a nicer place for the same amount of money, why would you eat at McDonald’s?

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Can we please stop with the browser bloat? This is something that should be a plug-in, not a kitchen sink feature.

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No one gives a shit which phone you have.

Also, no one uses the term “droid”.

This article reads like “fellow kids” nonsense.

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I’d pay for YouTube premium if t wasn’t more expensive than HBO. It’s ridiculous. Especially considering YouTube has no production costs. It’s all user-generated content.

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YouTube’s loaded with disinformation about everything. Especially egregious are the awful ads YouTube runs about scammy health cures and devices.

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Cutting back on spending is the only thing I know that works. When consumers don’t buy things, the prices come down.

For groceries this means splurging less, avoiding things you don’t need (drink tea instead of soda, don’t buy snacks and chips). Fruits and vegetables are definitely still cheaper than prepared foods in many cases. Even when frozen. And they can be used to make a meal stretch, along with beans and rice.

Buy cheap bar soap and store brands of basic things.

Coupons aren’t really a thing anymore, but you can use the app for stores like the grocery, Target, Walmart, to “clip” deals and save.

A lot of the high prices right now are just greed. They aren’t tied to actual supply chain or labor issues. A grocery store in France just told PepsiCo to take a hike because their prices were so outrageous.

If you want the government to get involved, I encourage you to write your representatives about enforcing existing anti-trust laws. The mega mergers and buyouts are driving prices up because of less competition. Kroger wants to buy Albertsons for example. That just means more layoffs and higher grocery prices.

Hope this helps.

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It’s time to get rid of user-agent strings that declare anything other than desktop, mobile, or html version.

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“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others.”

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What does this save, like a milliwatt per year? One of the stupidest things I have ever seen.

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It’s like the Microsoft anti-trust trial in 2001 never happened.

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So don’t buy it. If you buy it, you’re telling the store you’re willing to pay that price. Go somewhere else or buy something else. Don’t encourage them.

Greed. Get ready because they’re coming for free public k-12 next.

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“The dumbing down of America is evident in the slow decay of substantive content, a kind of celebration of ignorance.”

Carl Sagan

This from the company that thinks they can program better software than CarPlay or android auto.

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They should be cheaper to repair since there are less parts. The added costs are related to design decisions.

When things are welded together instead of paneled, it’s more expensive. When battery packs have to be replaced in their entirety instead of individual packs or cells, it’s more expensive. Etc. Etc.

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Will this be what gets Elon kicked out of Tesla by institutional investors? What will it take?

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There’s nothing stopping Microsoft from coming out with a new phone line, other than poor management.

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Are those “hidden features” just more ads?

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If you want, creative independence, then don’t merge with a mega corporation.

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Really dumb, because it means your most talented employees will quit (because they can get a better offer elsewhere). This isn’t like a targeted layoff.

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Be sure to read the article. Netflix has announced they won’t be disclosing subscriber numbers from here on out. Probably not a good sign.