How do i stop this kind of pop up from ever appearing again? Win10 to – 783 points –

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It’s like the Microsoft anti-trust trial in 2001 never happened.

Using W11 today, that's my first thought too...It's just ad after ad for Microsoft services. You will fucking install O365 or Microsoft will kill a kitten.

Must buy OneDrive or X doesn't work anymore

Need to buy a subscription for fcking MS Solitaire or you get inundated with ads

Can't you install Windows 7 games package ? I did it with win 10 and I got all the solitaire, free cell, minesweeper, etc... without ads

It is not an official Microsoft package but you can find it easily on Internet.

A lot if things have changed since 2001. For example, the legal definition of "trust" when concerning giant corporations.

Tbf I think it would be hard to win an antitrust case when they have like 1% browser share with edge

Mobile stole so many users from MS In the last 10 years that there is nothing the government could do about this.