2 Post – 535 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The Dems are intentionally throwing it. It's the only thing that makes sense at this point. The "Not Trump" donations are lucrative, and there's no way the R's will make insider trading illegal.

This might be the spark we need for a legitimate progressive party though. Or we get a civil war, who knows.

How much is it?

If you want my respect

I don't.

Voting for the stunt double from weekend at Bernie's does not grant you superiority.

Most of us have been voting in the primaries and are involved in local politics. It didn't matter. The R/D machine drowns out all opposition to its duopoly.

Biden will not win this election. Democracy died while he confusedly stared into the camera for 6 seconds. Beyond that, he fumbled his closing statement which should disqualify from any public speaking position.

Trump is inevitable. We did all we could to get an alternative to Biden, but his hubris will destroy us. took 3 minutes after the debate for ABC to essentially call for Biden to step down. Finally someone said the quiet thing out loud.

That might have been the worst debate performance in the history of US presidential debates. When Kennedy won might be the only other death swing in polls like we will see tomorrow.

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We are literally voting for the chance of a catastrophic heart attack at this point. It's utterly insane.

Whoever the mythical undecided people are, they decided last night and Biden isn't going to recover from that.

That's easy...the US needs to asset imminent domain on starlink. You don't fucking blackmail the government.

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I doubt the core of this is any social awakening...the platforms are simply unusable due to the amount of scams, bots, and spam.

Also, paid models simply won't work in this sector. Attractive people simply don't need the apps.

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Fox News: Brave patriot shot down by Biden's secret police

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CEO regrets her firm was sued...not the fact that she traumatized roughly 300 people clockwork orange style.

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You MUST DEMAND perfection from self driving cars. Mistakes cost lives.

Fuck this guy.

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Using W11 today, that's my first thought too...It's just ad after ad for Microsoft services. You will fucking install O365 or Microsoft will kill a kitten.

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others need a bit of distraction like a ping pong table.

That is never the answer. If your business isn't retaining people because the party culture isn't party've got way bigger problems...and it's probably leadership.

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It is...but they need to highlight it to investors now.

In this case, it's not a lack of engineers. Taiwan leadership burned through their staff too quickly.

I've run into that a lot (mostly with India, but I'd assume it's Eastern society as a whole). Leadership isn't used to being questioned. There's a very clear hierarchy that must be respected at all costs. I think it comes from the caste systems possibly. When US engineers roll in and propose changes, they're dealt with swiftly and brutally.

(If you want to get philosophical about the culture difference, it's why the US comes up with big ideas, and why Asia is so much better at execution).

There's just an expectation that workers march in lockstep to the death, and US workers simply, culturally, are not like that. Especially not when they have valuable skills they can get paid for somewhere else.

Go look at Glassdoor for TSMC, it's not a pretty picture.

The US has enough one wants to pay for them or put up with their whining.

9 more... is this trash article...Netflix is struggling to survive. Bullshit, they made 12B profit last year.

The article makes it out like all the big players are at a loss...they're not...they brining in Bs in profit.

The price hikes are greed, and of course the consumers will pay it.

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I thought it was a really good representation of the OpenAI search engine.

Uh...Did you actually read the article before you posted it?

Her capstone work so far has been moving 5 million dollars in a budget of 3T. That's really it...the rest of the article is fluffy feel good conjecture.

I like AoC, but pretending the progressives are getting things done is not helping. We're in dire need of change and the R's / Conservative D's have a stranglehold on making it not happen.

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Your relationship with management is always adversarial. They might put sugar and spice on it so you don't see it, but they are not your friend.

You sound like you've never been laid off.

It's terrifying if you consider the norm. Trump has something like 70+ felony counts, arguably the worst orator in history, and a verified rapist.

He's still getting around 35-40% support consistently.

It's fucking terrifying how good the Fox propaganda machine is.

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This is going to be the new war on drugs. The private prisons were being emptied, so they needed a new supply of bodies.

I'll dissent. I like the karma system. It gives me a quick read out of who's a troll and who isn't.

I don't care about post karma so much, but the comment karma was an interesting stat.

Edit: An important caveat. We MUST keep downvotes visible. MUST. Having just a positive score breeds absolute insanity.

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But these people who are getting paid to humanise AI are fantastic opportunists. Sure, it's not a great job, but they have effectively recognised a new seat at a moment when we're redefining the idea of productivity.

That's fucking soul crushing.

We just fired you to hire this machine, however, if you'd like to stick around and edit for it, we will pay you 1/4 to 1/2 your current rate.

Jesus...fuck that guy.

I don't get it...Unity just forced the entire development community to use Unreal. The pricing structure isn't even close between the two.

At 200k downloads at 1$ a pop, unreal is still free...Unity is $40k.

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That's one way to stop a union.

I concur, but damn it's a great start to a novel.

Really? I just kind of come here when I really want to feel bad about myself. This community is twice as toxic as reddit if you're not part of the group think.

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Welcome to corporate, the C level is never the problem.

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Pbpbpbp...agile fails fast by design.

The counter from the article is you need a specification first, and if you reveal the system wasn't going to work during requirements gathering and architecture, then it didn't count as a failure.

However, in my experience, architects are vastly over priced resources and specifications cost you almost as much as the rest of the project due to it.'s a shit article that confuses fail fast with failure.

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How can a vast majority of the people sit there and let a tiny percentage dictate the lives and rules for everyone?

As an American looking at American policy right now...that's ironic.

Give me a new El Camino EV with a 400 mile range and I'm in.

All my road trips are around 150 miles and there may or may not be a charger at the destination.

The article says range isn't important...if you've ever looked at a map of the US, you'll see why that's a misguided statement.

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As Brynn Tannehill wrote for The New Republic in September, “This is a naked power play, whose end goal, I suspect, is to fill every senior military position simultaneously with Trump loyalists and sycophants if [Donald] Trump wins reelection in 2024.”

Jesus...that's a brilliant take and one I never considered. It worked for the Judicial branch, now they're going to try it on the Military.

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Lol...he switched it off as a personal favor to Putin.

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This will change the first time a big pharma pill designed by AI hits the market.

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Then Bing it is. I switched on my daily machine and DDG has been ok. Still a lot of sponsored shit I don't need, but better than getting a solid lie from Google

In response, EY announced a fund in February 2022 to reimburse up to $800 per year for commuting, pet care and dependent care costs for each of its 55,000-plus U.S. employees.

Sorry... a < .5% raise isn't enough to get me back in an office.

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Unfortunately their house of cards is built on a foundation of wealth...and not just fuck you money, but literal centuries of fuck you money.

The fortune 50 I worked for could literally stop doing all business and maintain their current spend for a century and still be solvent.

This isn't unstable at's built to last for 100s of years...the current leaders to their grandkids will be safe.

To further that...the 1% have private armies and well stocked bunkers to ride out any social uprising. That's the really scary stuff.

We are all fucked though. Enjoy the hunger games.

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that they think Biden is too old for all this.

He IS too old for is Trump. The fate of the US is in the hands of the coronary health of two fucking assholes that should be in nursing homes.

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I'm not's just not fun. It's grindy as hell and no one wants to go loud.

It's the removal of a down vote count. It's the same problem across all social media. People spew absolute outrageous comments... Get 3 likes or votes, and they think it's a positive score.

The reality is 10k down votes and 3 likes from bots.

It's really changed the internet landscape and ultimately society. We hide dissent.