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I guess because the Gen Z comp sci students are the people who are truly fluent in computers. We were immersed in the internet and digital technology from a young age, but also had the curiosity to go beneath the surface of them, and get a real understanding of how things work. Most people just use the technology superficially, even if they have grown up with the internet and computers.

GregTech: New Horizons


That it doesn't have an unlocked frame rate should be unacceptable tbh. High refresh rate monitors are common and cheap these days.

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Of course it's assuming that's how advanced propulsion tech works. But it is useful to try to detect, just in case that's how it actually turns out to work, no?

And if we detect something interesting, like a potential warp bubble collapse, well, that also gives us a strong hint that it's possible, helping us to direct research in the right path.

Detecting techno-signatures of aliens would be super useful for us.

Yee, you're mot going to be hurt by open sourcing your game 5 or 10 years later. By that time practically nobody will buy your game anymore. And of the ones who still will,.they likely aren't the ones that would even bother with looking for alternatives other than a big sale on a store page

But then, open sourcing adds to human culture, it lets others modify the game, or use it as a foundation for something new. And those things will credit you, and you will still get some extra benefit/good pr.

It's just a good thing to do, imo.

The "extremes" here being "social justice" and "anti-social justice"

...I'm gonna side with the social justice side here.

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead and Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup are two examples off the top of my head. Traditional roguelikes are often open source.

The thing with AI, is that it mostly only produces trash now.

But look back to 5 years ago, what were people saying about AI? Hell, many thought that the kind of art that AI can make today would be impossible for it to create! ..And then it suddenly did. We'll, it wasn't actually suddenly, and the people in the space probably saw it coming, but still.

The point is, we keep getting better at creating AIs that do stuff we thought were impossible a few years ago, stuff that we said would show true intelligence if an AI can do them. And yet, every time some new impressive AI gets developed, people say it sucks, is boring, is far from good enough, etc. While it slowly, every time, creeps on closer to us, replacing a few jobs here and there in the fringes. Sure, it's not true intelligence, and it still doesn't beat humans, but, it beats most, at demand, and what happens when inevitably better AIs get created?

Maybe we're in for another decades long AI winter.. or maybe we're not, and plenty more AI revolutions are just around the corner. I think AIs current capabilities are frighteningly good, and not something I expected to happen this soon. And the last decade or so has seen massive progress in this area, who's to say where the current path stops?

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personal finance book:

"be born rich and with good parents, lol"

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Neither do they have a right to a platform, hence, deleted off of the platform.

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I think they should block more roads

It truly is the worst long term "solution". You're not gonna make friends by bombing them, I thought that much would have been obvious.

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Not just that, Hitler also wanted leftist purged.. and did. Because leftists were the primary group opposing him.

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I feel like this isn't surprising knowing about all the other stuff altman has done. Seems like yet another loss for the greater good in the name of profit.

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While it was funny, it probably is for the best. Especially if a kid uses the system it might legitimately scare the shit out of them lol

I wouldn't be surprised if a kid thought the police was gonna break in now

I now think you're hotter

Being vulnerable is hot

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And it's wonderful

Being a deviant is a lot of fun

Your last point is why I feel like what Israel is doing is just straight up illogical, even from a purely selfish point of view. The only thing they are doing here is basically proving Hamas "right" in the eyes of many Gazans, and fueling a fervent desire for revenge. If someone living in Gaza wasn't already a terrorist, they sure as hell are much much more likely to be one now.

Imagine how you would feel if your home and possibly moved ones were bombed like this, losing you everything or nearly everything you hold dear. You lose autonomy over your own life, you lose your independence and rights. I imagine it feels a lot like losing rights as a minority, or something like getting an abortion becoming illegal, turned to the extreme. And these things being threatened to be done to me already cause me to feel strong contempt against the perpetrators. If pushed far enough, things like this would cause me to become a "terrorist", in the sense of being willing to strongly resist it in an attempt to maintain my rights and autonomy.

But of course, whether I would be called a terrorist or not depends on how it's framed, and how much compassion or understanding people would give me. Hell, in the US LGBTQ+ activists, or anti-racist/anti-fascist activists are already called terrorists sometimes.

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I wish it was easier to find quality clothes. Nearly every piece of clothing I find has synthetics mixed in.

I would gladly pay a lot more for good, ethical, quality clothes.

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Paying for a service ensures your incentives (mostly) align. Kagi's incentive is to make a good search that makes you want to pay for it, google's incentives are to gather your data to either sell or use themselves, and show you as many ads as possible.

When it comes to workplaces, you can expect people to deliberately craft a virus and/or try that break into your system specifically. A lot of the world runs on linux, a lot of hackers try to break in to this world.

For personal use it may be true enough to be fine in practice, but it's a very dangerous thing to believe for a professional setting with probably expensive equipment and valuable data.

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In addition, what if the person noticed the obstructions and then moved them away, and then accidentally got a finger in there? That's a realistic scenario too.

Yeah, Mozilla is doing good work, and AI is here to stay. It's all about making and using AI ethically.

Imagine if we managed to make a translator for the speech of an animal, knowing what they say and being able to say something back. Literally speaking with animals. That would have been so amazing and revolutionizing.

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Yeah, I'm sure this will create a wonderful society with no problems at all

Really went from me being like "haha, funny evil capitalist caricature for comedy sake, but this is obviously exaggerated" as a teen to... Well.. this. Not to mention oil barons literally putting our future at risk.

I seriously don't get how some people can be such caricatures. It's like they're almost intentionally being evil, even when it's counter to logic or profit.

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That's the shit you sign up for by doing a PhD!!

(..and I'm not joking lmao. Research often is like this, and it's good!)

I think that's supposed to be a snout

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Or maybe we should keep companies, which rake in billions of dollars, to a much higher standard??

Nvidia could be better at open-sourcing their stuff. But they don't. Blame them, not GPL.

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Wealth and capitalism is anti-democratic. And this is a prime example.

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The saudi rulers are Elon's friends. There is nothing there for him to learn from.

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It's like watching sports, except you also have someone cracking jokes and being effectively a stand-up comedian.

But also, you're assuming people always actively watch, which is not always the case. I tend to play a game on my main stream, while having a stream (or vod) open on another.

In addition, it's also a bit like hanging out with a friend and watching them play. It's basically sharing stuff and experiences with others, which is fun, even if you're not a direct participant.

...and also, as the other commenter mentioned, there are games which you don't really want to play, but are still interesting to watch.

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What features is Firefox possibly missing?

Also they're speaking as if their celebrities don't tell people to go out and vote republican.

Also what happened to the "free speech" crowd lol

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"it has nothing to do with human influence"

"Ok, then let's prepare for the inevitable, strengthen infrastructure, prepare for mass migrations, improve our crops to sustain bigger variances in weather, evacuate people from flood danger zones, ensure our supply chain doesn't collapse, fund poor countries so they can survive better, etc. You know, prepare for the crisis"



Uh, speaking as an European, your comment is completely ridiculous. It's genital mutilation as it's done without consent, as simple as that.

It should never be acceptable.

It's always "just ignore it, words can't hurt you" until people listen to those words and vote/take action.

No, words matter very much, actually. In fact, I would say words, and language, is the very basis of our civilization. Without language, there would have been nothing.


This isn't the onion?????

What the fuck lmao

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male/female did always seem weird to me to call plugs. It would be better if they were just called insertive/receptive. It's much more self-explanatory and appropriate.

It has a lot of fundamental improvements though. Things you can't just fix in a patch.

Believe it or not, but players often want a sequel in order for these fundamental changes to happen, with the old game starting to show its age/getting too bloated etc. And DLC is just the price for continued development.

It's a model that works, and overall gives deeper and more developed games than the competition.