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The DNC picked Biden and chose not to primary him. Dispite knowing better than any of us how unwell he is. This system is absurd.

They are fine with Trump pulling the country further to the right and lowering the bar for 2028. Whatever they have to do to keep from moving left with all the poors.

I wonder how many of those 5 had an incumbent who was no longer capable of running a country.

He mentally died years ago.

His clean car act would have a lot harder time passing nationally than in California. Either way, whatever law California makes regarding vehicles is what the entire country ends up following since they are the biggest market. So it's already done. And he is hated nationally because of it already, so yeah, not him. I agree with a push for EV for new cars. But I own a classic, and my current cars are gassers, I've used a couple evs on the regular and they have gotten a LOT better recently. But they are not quite there yet battery wise for trucks and bigger vehicles. Hopefully the auto companies rush to satisfy this requirement will spark some serious innovation over the next decade so we can REALLY start filling the landfills with old batteries that will end up being a bigger problem than the smog. My next car will be an EV, but it will be a while before I can get an EV truck practical for towing my trailer for work or my trailer to camp.

A vote for Biden is Kamala

Yeah, I thought that last cycle, but it turns out they have no issue with him being incoherent.

I am done with my rant now. My rage over this situation is because a lot of people over the last 5 years refused to aknowlage Bidens issues. If you ever said .... hey guys? You see a problem here? They tell you to shut up or we'll get Trump, he just has a stutter. Now all the sudden everyone is surprised Pikachu face. The democrats have had 6 years to find someone else but they decide to pander to the center when there is a lot more people further to the left that have been disenfranchised, but those people to the left are not profitable to pander to.

I am a hard left liberal, me and you will never voluntarily vote for the same person.

Are you telling me you will vote for Biden in his current state over Kamala or Newsom? Newsom I get. Even his own state doesn't like him. I don't like either of them, far too center for me, but I would take them over Biden currently. I am curious who there are more of, Republicans turned against Trump that are willing to vote for Bubble blowing Biden just to make sure Trump loses, but won't vote for Kamala, or gen z ers and millennials who may or may not vote, hate Trump, but just realized the other option is literally a potato so why vote anyway, we're fucked either way. Because I feel like the last one is far more common. Just give them someone sentient and they will show up to vote.

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Trump wins if biden stays. I will vote for potato Biden before Trump, but I literally barely give a shit. The bar is literally so low and the democrats found a way to still struggle against a hated criminal. For the love of GOD, run someone else now. I will vote for anyone other than Trump but the LONG list of people that just want a sane person in there and currently won't vote for either will probably show up if a sentient human was an option.

New candidate, dems win. Sit around and do nothing, Trump wins. His smaller base is passionate. The democrats are pretty underwhelmed and embarrassed of Biden.

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Trumps base is smaller, but passionate, they will show up. Biden doesn't really have followers, he has people that are just glad that he isn't Trump. But at this point it's embarrassing to even vote for him for that reason.... so people just won't show up to vote at all. All they have to do is have a sentient human that can complete a sentence and the hate for Trump will prevail. For the love of God. Do something DNC or Trump it is.

I just can't believe everyone is acting all surprised that the dude that could barely complete a sentence when he was 77 didn't get mysteriously better now that he's 81. Who woulda thought?...

We all know the DNC will do nothing, and Trump will win, and they are fine with it. Because they want to keep dragging this party to the right.

With that attitude. They could literally put ANYONE in there (other than Hillary) and they will win. ANYONE. Doesn't matter how late it is. A vast majority HATE Trump and are embarrassed of Biden. Just give them someone they aren't completely ashamed of. That's it. That's all they have to do. They don't need years of campaigning. Just be able to complete a coherent sentence and don't be a racist bigot. That is how low the bar actually is right now. Hell, Hillary would probably win this go around.

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I'm not talking about his "Advanced age", I'm talking about his inability to complete a coherent sentence. Also, I'm not sure who you are referring to being my political opponent. I am against a fucking criminal being president AND I am against a senile, demented, corpo being president. They are both my "political opponents" . If people keep falling in line, they will keep putting trash forward. I will vote against the (convicted) criminal in November. But I will not stop bitching loudly about the trash they give us. I'm not going to shut up because I aM sCaReD of TrUmP. That is all they have to count on. The democrats have already lost and I want them to know why.

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"Choose" is used losely in this sentence too.

Because everyone, including his own base, knows he is a liar. It isn't new and is honestly exhausting to talk about. Nobody fucking cares anymore. People are either not voting for him or they have already decided to disassociate from reality. Trump is too polarizing and Biden will not pull any votes from Trump. Biden needs to pull in people that are on the fence between voting for Biden or not voting at all. Debates will not pull anyone from Trump and are a waste of time. Unless he can do something in a debate that can convince fringe people to show up to vote, debates will only hurt him. And it very much hurt him. Now people realize the guy who could barely complete a sentence when he was 77 didn't miraculously get better before he turned 81.

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If you are watching a rom-com about some unrealistic storybook relationship, why wouldn't you want to watch these people in an equally unrealistic financial situation. People watch them to escape reality, not watch more of it.

Pretty sure Biden was asked about abortion rights and went on a rant about a woman murdered by an immigrant and then trailed off into nothingness.

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They have been making money for the last decade off of Trumps presidential shenanigans, they aren't going to stop milking that cow now. They can still get another decade out if him, even if he died today.

The fucking DOORS require a charged battery? Fuck that. That decision will age great in the next ten years. Not to mention emergency situations where the electrical system is compromised.

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I can understand why. I'm guessing it's for a couple reasons, maybe fluctuations in the voltage depending on driving conditions ( if you're stomping on the throttle allowing everything to flow through the motors it may provide inconsistent voltage to the sensitive computers and electronics, I would imagine there is a step-down converter somewhere that charges that 12v battery, essentially that battery is used as a buffer. But the link between the big batt. and little batt. isn't active unless the vehicle is on. And "On" requires the 12v system to turn on computers and close a relay.

Doors relying on ANY electronics is a bad idea. Even most cars with keyless entry have a hidden key somewhere to physically get in the vehicle if the battery dies. If the main battery in a tesla is toast you have bigger problems than a locked door. But anyone who has been driving for more than a few years has likely dealt with an OG battery decides to stop taking a charge. And you probably won't get much of a warning in an EV that doesn't have an engine that starts turning over slower and slower.

They have laminated glass on the doors. Yes, it can break, but it takes saws to actually open. Having to get through a window to open a door because a battery died is very much a safety issue. Especially with how prone they are to having their batteries catch on fire. Relying in the electrical system or a super secret back up plan on the interior of the car in an emergency is stupid.

Is Joe Moderate going to vote for an old man that can easily be legally declared incompetent to manage his own life, let alone an entire country? I doubt it.

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It is whatever you buy a battery and charger for first. Then you are unwilling to forfeit that battery to just buy another tool. So you get another tool of the same brand, even if you aren't happy with the previous. Then at that point, you've gone to far. You've got several hundred dollars in batteries you would have to give up just to switch. It is the most blatant example of the sunken cost fallacy.

Ryobi, specifically has entry level tools (a basic drill) that come with a charger and battery for cheaper than you can even buy a battery by itself. When you're young and broke and all you need to do is hang some curtains or something you get it. But really, it is just a seed for your future "house" that you belong to.

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Are you by chance trapped in a submarine near the Titanic?

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One byproduct of combustion is water vapors. As molecules get rearranged during the combustion process you are using heat to make the gasoline (a HYDROcarbon, i.e. hydrogen and carbon) react with OXYGEN. So some of it comes out with the hydrogen binding with oxygen creating H2O (water, hydrogen and oxygen) , and others are CO or CO2 (Carbon and oxygen) the leaner the mixture the more likely you get the relatively harmless co2 instead of the deadly CO because the more oxygen rich mixture allows for mpre complete combustion with two oxygen molecules to bind to it making co2 instead of just one binding to it making CO.

Anywho, those water vapors condense when the exhaust and engine cool into actually liquid since colder air can't hold as much moisture as the normally hot exhaust. When you start the car that condensed water gets blown to then end of the exhaust and drips out.

I am probably not 100% accurate on the chemistry, I am just a firefighter that likes to also work on cars. I understand how fire works.

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What is with the enshitification of everything this last year? Is it because we didn't actively overthrow the government through the Trump bs? People realize they can actually do whatever they want and 50 ish percent of the country agrees based off of tribalism, 45% just don't give a shit and the last 5% don't really matter? They realized we are all cattle. No matter how mad we get, we have no choice in the system we are in. The fucking boomers/gen xers really set themselves up to be a bunch of selfish twats with no real repercussions.

It's an Oligarchy and a dictatorship under the guise of democracy and freedoms and a majority of people are too busy hating the other 50% of the population yo realize we're getting fucked and manipulated.

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I switched to Firefox 6 months ago as a test experiment. I literally have NO REASON to ever open chrome again. Imported my passwords and the transition was smooth as butter. And I am a stubborn turd that hates change. Firefox plus Ublock origin and superagent fixed everything wrong with the internet for me.

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Ah yes, I'm going to need that prescription for a 4090 and a ryzen7 7800x3d ASAP doc.

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Chopping down Joshua trees is a bit absurd. I live in the mohave desert, there are PLENTY of barren areas to do it, you almost have to be looking for the ancient Joshua trees to decide to do that. And as far as I know they are protected in most places, especially the California side.

But I will say the article seems a bit ragebaity. "To power wealthy people's homes". Unless they are super isolated somehow, that power is going into the grid, just like every other means of electricity production. The dude that wrote the article will be using it to charge his laptop when it's done, just like the rest of us.

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While this is not news, I do have to say that this confirms my suspicions that Elon Musk is a bitch. Well, they are both bitches, but Musk is the biggest bitch.

Why is it hot.

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I feel like we all just went through a breakup and all we can do is talk about our ex. We know it's stupid, and we found someone else. But for right now, we are rebounding hard on Lemmy.

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Martin Router King Jr

Router I hardly know 'er

5G Covid Test Tower 37692b

You're telling me he thinks fascism is bad? Like he is ani-fascist? Kinda like..... Antifa??.... Trump is part of Antifa?!?!?!??

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As an Arizonan it is my life's mission to make sure she loses.

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I am a paramedic/firefighter. Over the past few years our department has been crazy short handed. A lot of times I am the only paramedic on duty in the entire city (vs EMTs, who are a lower level of care). I essentially was not only allowed to work whenever I could but was sometimes required to. I think I averaged 96~ hours a week last year. I am not stealing from anyone other than time with my children. I am being compensated for my time and service i provide. Public servants are not ALL shitheads, sometimes we are filling vital roles and then get shit on for it. Pay better hourly and you get more employees and don't have to pay people like me time and a half when a pandemic hits. I also work 24 hour shifts, so I would just work for 4 days go home for 3. It's easier for me to hit those hours than someone who works a desk job.

It is Ironic that this dude is a safety monitor though. The main people that shit their pants when you work that many hours is payroll, obviously, and the safety officer.

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As someone who owns an appartment complex I want to fine them for roof junk.

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Better headline: 2 out of 3 Republicans (the party of "Law and Order") support a candidate convicted of 34 felonies. And 3 out of 3 will still vote for him in the general election.

The original headline is just them saying I wish there was something better, but we got what we got. Which is the same thing I am saying on the left.

Hell yeah, let's change the rules mid election year.

I know that is bs because I haven't been there in days and I probably added 100 visits a day to their stats. So they're at least a couple hundred shy. Suck my balls spez.

Without any context, anyone who sends things to space can easily pay $150k. For context though, they are worth $3.35 billion as of September. $150k is probably less than a days electric bill for their offices.

I have my skepticisms about this whole thing. While I know the answer is "they will be defederated", what if one of the big ones, like or get huge, then sell out to something like Meta?

We lost 3rd party apps and we are morning the biggest breakup we've ever had with reddit. Say the server you've had your account on for so long and all your content gets taken over by a giant with strategically placed adds that are upvoted by bot armies for visibility. They may get defederated, but that means Meta just came in and destroyed a huge chunk of users accounts while gaining some ad revenue for a bit until the community dies. Everyone has to actively pack up their shit and move to another instance. I guess the loyalty to an account is less with a lack of account karma so it wouldn't burn as bad.

You would lose all your subscribed communities when you are forced to move out. That would suck. Too bad you couldn't export like a .db file from your account on the way out and upload it to another account on another instance. Possibly some sort of encrypted key so you can auto add as a mod to any community you were modding on your previous account. No clue if that makes any sense. Kinda Like a lemmy "Go-Bag"?

I don't know, just thinking ahead of the shenanigans that's going to happen if this really starts making a dent in huge corporations user counts.

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Can we declare Healthcare a utility?

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