5 Post – 808 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Don't be fooled. Most went back.

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Once again, I'll believe it when I see it.

I've long since lost any hope of real consequences.

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I'll watch it somewhere, but it's not going to be at TwitX.

Edit here:\_M\_8?feature=shared

The most relevant part starts around 4:22 but the whole thing is good (well, up until the YouTuber jumps in with his take, which fortunately is after the CNN segment)

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This one will be tougher to land on.

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Read a book?

Like, how desperate are you for stimulation that you're making this sound like an emergency?

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Why are you still using Twitter...?

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Oxide Computer Company is the creator of the world’s first commercial Cloud Computer, a true rack-scale system with fully unified hardware and software, purpose built to deliver hyperscale cloud computing to on-premises data centers.

Working specifically on things like this for over a decade, this sounds like nonsense.

I mean, I know it's marketing but I'm curious what they're actually doing that's different or innovative.

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He hasn't faced real consequences yet. I'll believe it when it happens. And then actually sticks.

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Soo... France determined that levels were higher than regulations allowed and asked Apple to fix it. And the latest news is that Apple is looking into fixing it.

What a story!

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Looking for group?

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Man, stop linking to twitx

Wow, relax, dude. This isn't reddit.

I'm still unclear why this gets asked every post unless people keep ignoring the answers.

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The backlash where Netflix's profit went up and it was generally a success and Netflix didn't change anything at all...?

Or was there another one I missed? Or am I confused?

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Cool, yet another reason to stick with Firefox.

That doesn't really answer the question, I don't think

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Again????? This is the third time and of course the last two times they promised they'd rearchitect so it could never happen.

The fact that this can happen means that they or anyone can see your camera data at any time. There is zero real security or privacy.

If you're on Android, using Firefox + ublock origin (or some other browser with AdBlock) is game-changing.

Continuing to use, say, Chrome, makes almost zero sense.

Very few people do. Better to just get Firefox.

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Who cosplays as Margot Robbie too. It's not just a name (for more context)

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Too fucking bad? Doesn't change what they said

But that's exactly what I assumed happened when reading the headline. Almost no native English speaker would assume it meant there was a shootout, or violence, or whatever. What you described is a typical "raid" executed against a company.

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This is one of the ways that I know none of the religions claiming to be the "truth" are true.

99.99% of the time, your religion is based on who your parents are and where you were born, not what is actually true.

I dunno, I'm still pretty sure 16+ years of imprisonment would be worse in their opinions than not being able to legally buy guns.

In general I agree, but this kind of corruption has become pretty normalized in Congress, I think.

Look at how many Senators and other congresspeople have become millionaires (or much, much wealthier) while in office. It's not all insider trading - there's so many special favors being done, "consulting fees" being paid to family members. Campaign "contributions" that find their way into pockets via thinly veiled (or deeply hidden) laundering, special payments/contracts for existing business interests, etc. I don't usually go for "both sides" arguments but the kind of corruption is widespread. Even if the GOP seems to be doing it more.

I'm just really happy to see someone actually investigated and charged for a change. No matter which party. This kind of corruption needs aggressively stamped out everywhere, it should be in the top 3 priorities for our government.

But I'll be amazed if it isn't shut down like the last charges against this piece of garbage.

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Mindlessly consuming “content” is simply a disease.

Agreed. It's like a lot of other unhealthy addictions.

At the Atlanta History museum there's a whole "both sides" exhibit on the civil war that makes this argument (and makes me vomit).

They put it in just in time for the '96 Atlanta Olympics and it's been there ever since.

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Why don't you help her? Do you not like her??

She's drowning and you're just standing there watching :( :(

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Yes and no.

The EV refueling infrastructure while on the road is kinda shit.

The home refueling infrastructure for gasoline cars is really, really shit.

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In the early days of the Internet, ads were ok.

Then the popups came.

Then came the popup blockers.

It's been an arms race since the beginning. The ad-throwers get greedy, not knowing when to stop pushing. That's how things escalate.

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"Keep indiscriminately killing children and families 3 or 400 more times and we may not support you anymore!"

He supposedly had 12 proberties in NYC alone. How that could be worth less than $10M, not including supposedly his properties in TX, OH, and others, I don't get. Plus whatever he's squirrelled away, probably offshore.

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holy shit he got slammed

he slammed him

did you see it

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Being dramatically easier IS a problem, though.

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I'm not racist, but I really need to clean the garage.

One of them has been dead for years

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You left out the most relevant part where they them blamed Obamq

It says that in the first sentence

Wait, were they slammed?

Holy shit! They were slammed! They slammed them! sLAMMMMMMED

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