How do i stop this kind of pop up from ever appearing again? Win10 to – 782 points –

Sorry to be that guy: Install Linux?

But seriously: l'd like to know as well.

I hate this response but it was my first thought this time.

The worst part is that its not a bad response. Linux mint is such a good alternative.

I ditched Windows for a Linux Mint just over a month ago. Best decision.

I ditched Ubuntu for Mint a few months ago. Also a good decision.

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Came here to make this (half)joke.

Sadly, it's not just a joke, it's also the only way to actually do this.

It's not such a joke for about 70 percent of the people who use a computer. All most people do is use the internet, write a document or two and check their email (most of the time using a web based service).

All of which can be done by any OS.

The only reason anyone would want Microsoft is if they specifically ran a program that required Windows .... most will say that MS Word runs better on Windows which is true but most people I know write or view the most basic documents that any word processing software is more than adequate.

And even if MS word is required by your school or work ... get them to pay for the OS and the word processing software.

Otherwise, the majority of the people I know with a computer only use it as a glorified tablet to access the internet and browse social media .... all of which can be done with the most basic Linux distro that won't hassle you with annoying popups asking you to do things you shouldn't even be thinking about.

There is virtually no difference between running Word 2007 on modern Windows or under Wine, and I don't need to use 365 (which is pushy about features in the Home tab and had a terrible redesign). I might pirate Office 2013 at some point if its compatibility rating increases. Still, I prefer LibreOffice unless I need to share the document.

I recently moved to Linux mint after years of thinking it would be hard or wouldn't offer the tools I needed. I've been extremely pleasantly surprised! I've moved over fully, working in CAD, spreadsheets, all the normal stuff without any hassle. And none of these pop ups anymore.

What sort of CAD work to you do? What are you using for CAD?

Residential metal work. Kind of complex things. Dining from AutoCAD and inventor. Still learning it but now using bricscad. Freecad seems ok but like it's cobbled together by a bunch of volunteers 🤣😜

Hi, what do you use for spreadsheets? I've tried librecalc but so far its a major hassle - the cells are way too small on my 1440p monitor and I cant figure out how to fix it.

You just need to zoom in. To make sure it applies to everything, completely close librecalc, open a new spreadsheet, zoom in using the slider on the bottom right, or ctrl+scroll up, until the cells are a good size for you, then close it and that should set the value as the default for all your sheets :)

I don’t even need this information, but I wanted to say thank you for the great and detailed response!

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!

But seriously: another comment here points out some tool

Cool info. If you were going for a copypasta type thing you nailed it.

I’ve noticed that over the top satire tends to be taken entirely at face value on lemmy. Doesn’t mean I’ll ever stop posting it, but I have noticed it. Also, demographics run much younger than most seem to believe.

I've noticed this too, and I imagine it must be a side effect of Lemmy's largest value prop having an outsized appeal to autistic people.

Most likely. I see many satirical or ironic jokes go over many heads here.

I’ve noticed that over the top satire tends to be taken entirely at face value on lemmy

And sometimes it's taken as both, to be laughed at, and commented on.

See, that makes perfect sense to me. Satire is meant to be taken as a talking point in the overwhelming majority of cases. I’m happy when the message I put out is extrapolated on, but upset when the conversation immediately dies at “no, that’s a silly interpretation.”

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This copypasta has done so much more to inform people about GNU than any somewhat reasonable piece of writing could ever have done.

it’s so sad that people aren’t recognizing this

man, so many old school internet references will go unnoticed on lemmy :(

holds up spork

You know I thought it was copypasta but thought maybe it was rude to say it (if it wasn't). I must be delirious after making my 2am chili. I need to take a refreshing shower with icesoap.

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Or simply use Firefox?

As if that stops Windows from spamming you with popups that you should be using Edge with Bing instead.

Then Microsoft will either tell you to use Edge and Bing (or else!), or just set this automatically.

I had this issue on the windows box at work. For some time, whenever I opened Firefox, it told me that it was not set as the default browser. I fixed this, only to get the same message again the next day.

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It’s like the Microsoft anti-trust trial in 2001 never happened.

Using W11 today, that's my first thought too...It's just ad after ad for Microsoft services. You will fucking install O365 or Microsoft will kill a kitten.

Must buy OneDrive or X doesn't work anymore

Need to buy a subscription for fcking MS Solitaire or you get inundated with ads

Can't you install Windows 7 games package ? I did it with win 10 and I got all the solitaire, free cell, minesweeper, etc... without ads

It is not an official Microsoft package but you can find it easily on Internet.

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A lot if things have changed since 2001. For example, the legal definition of "trust" when concerning giant corporations.

Tbf I think it would be hard to win an antitrust case when they have like 1% browser share with edge

Mobile stole so many users from MS In the last 10 years that there is nothing the government could do about this.

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Got this via Mastodon which will not let me search for the source.

If you're in the US, when you set up Windows for the first time, select English (Europe) or English (World), not English (US). That will stop it installing all the bloatware that USians are not protected from but everyone else is.

It's definitely a US thing, I'm on English (Singapore) and have not seen an ad, ever. I was perplexed by all the complaints of ads in the start menu and wherever, until someone pointed to me that it was a US thing.

You must switch back to English (US) after installation if you want access to Microsoft Store (and even if you don't, you probably should because most apps are now there).

I've seen a few tools to suppress most telemetry such as ChrisTitusTech's winutil or O&O ShutUp, maybe you could give that a try. Microsoft is really pushing hard Bing & Edge...

Also, as a Linux user, I must obliged to the rules and say there's alternatives out there if you want to try something new. :-) !

What exactly are you getting from the Microsoft app store out of curiosity?

Windows Terminal + WSL, everything related to Xbox if you're using Gamepass or "Play anywhere" titles (Xbox/PC cross-buy).

Most basics apps are from the Microsoft app store too; calculator, calendar, paint, etc.

It's been a hot minute since I've used Windows, but you'd be surprise how much apps are now updated through that app store.

If your device use Windows in S mode, all your apps must come from the store & you must use Edge.

Ah okay, I didn't know people used it that way and I don't do XBox game pass or anything like that. It makes sense. My only real experience with windows store apps has been my work computer trying to install a "personal use" version of Microsoft teams from there and apparently I had to get the professional version through M365 downloads.

We leave in Japan, and my wife had that popup once already (using Brave on Win10 - surface laptop)

Would this work after you've already setup Windows?

From what I've seen online, it must be done during installation. So short answer, no.

As others have said, you could also backup your data and do a fresh installation (from a boot media, not from Windows itself just to be extra safe).

ThioJoe also has a video talking about this English (Europe/World) thing and also provide a Powershell script to delete Windows bloatware. This option could be interesting if you don't want to reset your whole installation.

I doubt it. Don't know if a fresh install would, or if you can get it fresh enough to work.

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Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, Linus Torvolds?

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Why does it seem like any issue with Windows is met by "INSTALL LINUX!!!!". If the check engine light on my car comes on I am not going to buy a truck.

Yeah you could probably just install Linux on your car and bypass that light instead of buying a truck.

Why spend a lot of time installing and configuring and learning a bunch of stuff when I just want the error code cleared?

Because in this case, the error is "we've detected you're not drinking Ford branded tea, click here to subscribe to our tea service!" along with many other codes that aren't that hard to individually clear but gives a clear indication of how MS sees its userbase.

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Yeah but if the truck is free and better than your current car...

It this case, also more environmental friendly, repairable and improves self-determination, independence and the local economy.

Switching to Linux isn't free. There are significant time, opportunity and switching costs involved.

Better is debatable. For the average dev, Linux is an obvious improvement for most development tasks. For the casual user? Not even Ubuntu is 100% out of the box yet. I'm currently working through the migration to Ubuntu as my main OS and there have been things where I 100% had to open up a terminal for (or something similarly manual or confusing), which is typically not an option for non-developers or the technologically disinclined. Most Linux diehards seem to forget that not everyone is technologically literate, especially when they push the latest fork of a fork of a branch of arch with barely any UI or support for familiar applications.

You got me curious.

What exactly had you going for the terminal? Although not a fan of that distro in particular, I must admit they were the ones who made a significant push to make Linux more accessible to every one.

I'd risk 97% of end user machines nowadays are ready to go after going through a standard install of Ubuntu.

I think the first thing was Windows' fault (and also the fault of my dual boot setup, which i imagine most casual users won't be going for) - apparently "Fast Startup" means doing some hardware shenanigans that prevents Ubuntu from hooking into the motherboard's network adapter.

After disabling that, I had to install a specific version of the nvidia graphics driver (535) from a PPA to get all 4 of my monitors working. Before that, I couldn't configure display settings at all because my screens would flash for too long and prevent me from clicking the "Keep Settings" button. And before that, only one monitor worked and the other three were black screens that I could move the mouse to, but couldn't move applications to.

And finally I had to figure out how to set a "default" audio device because apparently this isn't a configurable thing (that I could find). I noticed I would have to manually set my audio device after every reboot - after enough reboots I found that there is a command to list audio devices by ID and to set the active output device by ID, so I added it to the list of startup commands. Honestly this one is the most perplexing because I would think setting a default audio device from a list of multiple would be some pretty basic functionality. I'm guessing that I probably just missed it, or gnome hides it.

After that is mostly gaming setup stuff. I would consider it to be common knowledge that most games aren't intended to be run on Linux, so I don't mind some difficulty there.

Slightly unrelated, I have learned that apt purging openssl is a huge no-no and am now reinstalling Ubuntu again entirely :)

I can't speak for the Nvidia issue. (Only that it is widely know that Nvidia actively works against Open source and only just has begun changing their stance, so Nvidia support is still poor on Linux. Their proprietary drivers aren't great either. I stick to AMD since using Linux, they work great out of the box)

But the audio issue baffles me. Under Kubuntu with KDE I just klick on the Loudspeaker in the systray and choose the device. It even remembers it over unplugging and replugging devices.

Image of mentioned audio selection popup with radio button before the devices

Rgarding openssl: Thats the price you pay for freedom, you can change the system how you want, even into non working states ^^ BTW: You can repair such mistakes with a LiveCD even major ones like this.

I had a dual boot where windows would from time to time rewrite the boot and the system would just load into it.

Because it was an older motherboard it still had IDE and SATA; after some research, I found someone saying it was a BIOS "feature" where the default master HDD was alway on the IDE channel. The solution: get rid of the IDE disk (and windows along with it).

The rest of what you describe remembers my own misadventures when I started. But back then at 2006 and with Debian.

I've read articles where people were saying that even running the NVidia Quadro boards was very much anti-climatic, with the biggest hurdle being installing the proprietary drivers.

And when it comes to games, WINE is going very far to make many things works where they were never intended to. And many titles are already being shipped with penguin in mind

Have fun!

I wish. Both at home and in the office, we rely on too many Windows-dependent applications that do not work on Linux.

I run Ubuntu as my main OS since I can kinda do what I want with my laptop at work and obviously control my personal laptop as well, but everything production-wise at work is Windows on the client side, and I still have a Windows PC for gaming for games that require anti cheat that isn't supported on Linux.

I vastly prefer Linux but Windows is a far lower friction/barrier to entry for most.

People resist change because of familiarity or, even worse, it's the crap that comes preloaded with every computer and some idiot told them they void warranty if it is removed (this is illegal nowadays but many shops still float this idea).

I can understand specialized applications but the bulk of office work does not require it. And industrial applications even prefer linux as it means they can tailor the software to their specific uses.

I was writing this and what came to mind was a conversation on a podcast where journalists were at some point debating they could not live without their Apple computers, while complaining how expensive they were.

They write text! Any freaking OS can provide support for at least two dozens of text processors.

It's mostly about perception, in my view.

My car serves my needs more than a truck does. Not only is it easier for a wheelchair user to get in, I can load/unload easier and it's more comfortable for me to drive.

But if your car has flat tires every 3000 miles, the engine explodes occasionally for no reason, the dash display keeps telling you about accessories you don't want instead of your speed, and the factory door locks are coat hangers twisted into an O ring, then shopping around seems like a good idea.

The fundament of GNU/Linux and Windows are totally different. The annoying things with Windows are just symptoms of the underlying principle, which is to milk you as much as possible. It's like switching from smoking to not smoking

While I wouldn't comment something like that myself, as I think it's not productive, it's quite strange as a Linux user to see these posts like "The makers of the OS I use on the computer I paid money for and now own are trying to screw me over in a new way today. How can I fix it?"

To be fair, the chance of that not being the default response on Lemmy was pretty slim.

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Because we're nerds.

LMR should have been more helpful in this thread, but, more people installing Linux will solve more issues with Windows beyond a pop-up. Maybe Microsoft will actually improve their OS instead of putting FUCKING ADVERTISEMENTS IN WINDOWS 11

Geeks. Nerds would troubleshoot the problem or at least evaluate the situation a bit.

Normally it happens the other way around but here on lemmy the popolation of LMR is just big enough to for once turn tables.

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Microsoft Reward points

What the fuck is this?

You "earn" points by searching and doing daily stuff which you can redeem for gift cards/rewards.

So they literally have to pay people to use bing?

Yeah. It's been that way for at least a decade. My dad used to use bing for reward points and was scoring an Xbox controller every 3 months or so.

No way ? that's a good ratio. I might just try automating Bing searches.

Unfortunately a lot of people have thought the same thing, and I believe they've cut down on that. Wouldn't hurt taking a brief look into it, though. However, the rewards points aren't as valuable as they used to be, I'm pretty sure.

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I'd like to mention Windows 10 LTSC here. It's an official Windows 10 Edition from Microsoft, designed for enterprise and embedded usage. Therefore it has no bloatware, no annoying feature updates, no ads and only the absolute minimum of telemetry. If you don't like Windows but somehow have to use it, this might be the right choice for you.

Out of curiosity, except obviously people who don't use Windows, who would it be the wrong choice for?

If you use modern hardware it doesn't behave quite well and gets worse battery life. If you use any tools from Microsoft (WSL, Office, Windows Terminal, etc) most of those are incompatible or a pain to install. If you use anything from the Microsoft Store, including Game Pass, since it just doesn't include the Microsoft Store.


Well, interesting to know. Thanks!

That’s somewhat wrong. I had no problem installing WSL, Office or Windows Terminal, and they all work fine. The only thing that’s actually a problem is the missing Microsoft Store, but since I’m not using it anyway it doesn’t bother me.

Doesn't the Enterprise version require a bulk license agreement?

Use software like shutupwin10 or various other open source debloat scripts to remove a shit-ton of annoying features in windows. Or, as lemmy galaxy-brains would have it, JuSt uSe LiNuX

How about you galaxy brain "just switch to linux" people actually give some helpful advice? Clearly there's a registry edit that can be made for Windows users that would take all of 5 seconds to complete, rather than an entire week formatting, installing, reconfiguring an entirely new OS that also requires a degree of command line knowledge.

Spend a "week" installing mosquito net >> spend 5 sec for each mosquito

I don't want to force anyone to use Linux, but everyone have the choice, to have a better experience.

No, it doesn't takes a week to install nor endless time of os configurations nor galaxy brain, in 2023.

And most games work, and most programs work, and for the rare ones that don’t you can use a Windows VM as long as you have just enough attention span to sit through a youtube tutorial

yeah, it's frustrating when they're smug about it but I'd argue that suggesting an alternative where this issue doesn't happen is helpful advice even if you don't agree with it. I do agree that 'just switch to linux' is a gross oversimplification as there will be some growing pains and there are a few hurdles that may at present be unsurmountable. I also find it amusing that you present digging up registry hacks and fighting for control over your system for the rest of time to be easier than a modern linux installer that takes about 5 minutes to click through the gui with no command line knowledge needed. I guess the point is that you should use whatever you're comfortable with, but if you haven't tried linux in a while you might find it to be less of a fight than windows is becoming.

This... is actually true. I'll concede that even as recently as 4, 5 years ago it might have not been entirely true, but now it is - Linux has become so accessible (look at Mint, Pop_OS) while Windows has (somehow) become even more hostile to its user base to the point that an average user would actually have an easier time switching than staying in the long term. I didn't think I'd be able to write this with a straight face, but I honestly think this is now true.

I use Windows for gaming but if we need an in-depth technical solution every time Microsoft comes up with some new annoying BS, maybe Linux users have a point to suggest something else. It's not like the Registry is exactly intuitive to the average user.

The person asks to get rid of these messages, there is no fucking way, it's their platform, their rules, deal with it or leave it.

So stfu with your whiney "why Microsoft" posts and do something about it.

You get rid of 50 messages and 300 will come a week after that, they are knowing what they're doing.

The next feature upgrade will reset your little PowerShell scripts anyway.

I like Linux and used it as my only OS for a decade but I play games and have to use MS Office. But thanks

I find it a bit ironic that the thing that made it easier to ditch windows completely was o365 web apps, they're actually decent if you have to use them. Thanks microsoft.

I think the just use linux voices are getting louder because every day more things just work out of the box, it may not quite be there for everyone yet but it's getting better every day.

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Microsoft will never stop developing new ways to be anticompetitive leeches on society. You learn how to use one debloating tool, they'll take the developer of that debloating tool to court and have it pulled from circulation. You learn what registry key to edit, they'll change it. You get used to a menu, they'll remove it.

You have a choice: 1, You can continue that arms race with a monstrous evil megacorp, which you will continue to lose, or 2, you can switch to a platform that doesn't treat you this way in the first place.

Linux Mint among many others has a feature complete GUI which will provide anything the average user needs, including a graphical app "store" for installing software. The desktop paradigm is quite similar to Windows, it will be mostly familiar. The CLI is frankly easier to deal with than Windows' endless and redundant series of settings menus and applications. When someone asks for help on a text-based forum like StackOverflow or Reddit or Lemmy, it's easier to tell them "Open a terminal and copy-paste lshw -f" than it is to tell them "Open the Start menu and click Programs > Administration >Regedit then look for a thing that says win11embraceextendextinguish and toggle that from 1 to 0, and do this after every update because it automatically changes it back."

Linux does not require a week to install. Windows does. My father bought a new Dell about the time I built my little Ryzen box I'm typing this on. It took him over a week to wipe the factory Win 10 Dell Bloatware Edition image for vanilla Win 10, fuck around with drivers, then manually go to individual software websites, download installers, run them, haul out CDs and DVDs and install software (including Office 2010, the damned old chad) one at a time, then restore a backup of his files...He was actively engaged with this task for over a week. I had it done in about three hours, most of which I actually spent trimming my hedges while waiting for files to download or transfer from an external HDD. It was a 100% GUI process; I didn't open a terminal throughout.

Sure, Linux is different than Windows and this will take some learning. Just like Windows does every time they come out with a new version and you have to learn where they arbitrarily rearranged basic functions to this time. When I switched to Linux a decade ago, it was a similar process in going from Win 98 to Win XP, or XP to 7. Except after awhile the basic reorientation finished, and I started learning new things.

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Sailing the high seas for an enterprise edition, combined with

The above is my solution until taking the other advice on this thread and transitioning to Linux. Only thing holding me back there is gaming (which already works great for most people, I had trouble with my GPU). There are so many things about Linux that are just better than Windows now, and a high number of use cases these days are met with Firefox and libre office.

What GPU issues were you having btw? If they're driver related you could use a distro that has Nvidia drivers baked into the ISO by default like pop_os, just use their Nvidia ISO for the install.

AMD actually, newer 7900 xtx I think. It wasn't a problem with the Linux desktop environment, but games crashing. At the time I didn't have much time or patience to get it set up :/

Win 11 just isn't going to happen though, too many good options now. If something doesn't work by then 🤷‍♂️, guess it isn't that important.

Do you mind if I ask what you had tried to fix it? You could try using mesa-git for the latest bleeding edge driver's for that new of a card.

I'm both an AMD (7900XT) and NixOS user. AMD drivers are known for being a bit wonky when they're brand-new on Linux.

I continue to have a particularly bad experience with anything Flatpak (I chalk that up to its Ubuntu influences, rather than Linux in general), but everything else works perfectly.

Thank you, I can't remember what I did try though, and it had been a while since I had Linux as my primary OS. I was still trying to figure out how proton worked with steam and whatnot.

By the time I get around to trying it again my card will be sufficiently aged I probably won't need to worry about it :D

7900xt user here on Ubuntu lts: what worked for me was finding some Valve engineer’s ppa that has mesa drivers with modern chip support. I was honestly pretty pissed at how much work it was to get my gpu working in Linux after hearing so much about how good it has gotten. My experience was basically the same as ten years ago: a pain in the ass.

I will say it’s working great now though.

Maybe have a look at the tool from 0&0 called "shut up windows 10"

The usual revert some of those settings during updates, so you'll have the reapply them from time to time

Install Linux. The end.

I'm really surprised people still run windows. Sure, it works, but it's really really annoying.

But yes, people don't care, I know.

Mostly, people don't know. They get annoyed but don't know that windows is the root cause of those annoyances.

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Yeah then instead of spending seconds closing a popup you can spend days troubleshooting driver issues

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Straight up the same playbook that other entities used in the past to get your grandma to install unwanted search bars in internet explorer. No wonder Windows Defender is so advanced, Microsoft has a lot of experience as the developer of the most popular malware in the world.

Don't use chrome

Chrome doesn't have anything to do with it. The popup is an executable Microsoft installed and ran without asking. I use Firefox and it still popped up.

Step one -- install Linux

Step two -- install Firefox

Oh, I almost forgot that most Linux distos come with Firefox pre-installed!

How about providing actual help instead of jerking of to your favourite OS?

I get that the comment is almost surely circlejerk, but it is also honestly the only real answer to OP's question, isn't it? To switch OS?

So it's kind of hard to get mad at their comment when it's the only viable option. Is your problem with Linux or is it the fact that it brings you anxiety to know MS is in control of you? What if we substitute another OS for "Linux"? Does that make you feel any better?

I'm honestly not trying to be a jerk; these are honest questions. That's probably saying more than for OP, though; they, of course, knew the answer before they asked.

Why are you expecting obscure Windows advice (MS obscures it because they want to continue nagging people to use their shit) from people who gave up entirely on Windows?

MS is nagging people to use products they don't want to and now you're nagging someone who doesn't use Windows for advice that they likely don't know and probably don't really care to find out.

There's probably a way to prevent this specific pop-up from appearing, but that solution may or may not apply to future pop-ups. The only way to guarantee windows will never nag you is to not use it. Even giving in will just prevent this particular nag.

I think this is the biggest help they can get. We are selflessly sharing what is free and works the best for you. You have to admit that we have no bad intentions.

It's not a jerk.

GNU/Linux literally gives you the ability to control your own operating system.

You can dose yourself in radiation until you're puking all over the place or you can actually cut the cancer out.

There are plenty of questions that linux isn't a great answer for, but for this question, it really is the solution.

So a new OS is the answer for a pop up OP gets? I use Linux professionally and I can definitely tell you are deluded cuz Linux is pretty shit from a user perspective

i am the user and it looks good to me. Clean the shit off your glasses/eyes.

Well, you want to stop one pop up and there's likely a Windows-based solution.

But as long as you are still on windows, there will always be another popup. Begging you to try a new service or buy a new product. When someone asks "ever again" the only answer in Linux.

Microsoft has made it clear they don't give a shit about home users.

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My suggestion is to download something like Windows Privacy Dashboard and disabling/uninstalling as much telemetry options as possible.

I've never got that kind of ad push, so i have to ask where you got it? Was it from using the search bar beside the start button? If so, maybe completely disabling and uninstalling Cortana might fix it.

use a service like o&o shutup that'll cripple this among other bloat.

Shutup 10 is sadly essential to any Win 10 or 11 install nowadays.

I've seen both this and Windows Privacy Dashboard suggested in this thread. Are there any big differences between the two?

Wait, you had this WHILE using chrome on win10? Jesus

The comments are weird. How often do you even see this? I feel like I remember it once and hit don't switch and thats it. Not sure why you keep getting it, but I also don't use edge so maybe that is why. I would imagine if there is a way to stop it it's in settings somewhere or possibly a local group policy maybe.

I saw this exact popup yesterday, I remember seeing something similar to it before but it has been quite a while. The thing is, this single popup broke my computer entirely, I was playing a game and it jumped in front of the game, immediately stole the games inputs and I couldn't even pause it. Then clicking don't switch did absolutely nothing and the popup remained there, and any attempt to forcefully close the popup failed. Also, I was streaming at the time to my tv, and attempting to use any system related screen is blocked (and this popup counts as a system settings screen!), So it just crashed the entire thing while I was trying to dismiss or close it. I was stuck and couldn't even reboot, had to hold the button and lose any progress I had in the game.

So yeah, I would be very interested in not letting this happen again as well.

Now that is a crazy story and can understand being really annoyed if that happened! I definitely have had my share of wtf moments on Windows as well so I get it.

Write a complaint to the CMA about Microsoft’s anti-competitive and anti-consumer behavior.

DoNotSpy is a tool that can disable all the Win10-11 bloatware.

THIS IS AN ANSWER. Everyone gotta jump in and throw fanboyism over their favourite OS or browser, but no one answers OP. Do better Lemmy.

I must be the fortieth to advise you to install Linux.

But I actually prefer Bing over Google nowadays...

Also, at least they pay me for my data.

I've been using bing for the past 6 months or so, ever since the chat gpt integration.

In 6 months, I've earned enough points to get a $5 taco bell gift certificate.

Overall, the quality of results that I get are... Not as good as google. I find myself frequently re-searching things on Google because I actually do not find what I'm looking for on bing. And then on Google, the perfect result is the first or second listing.

Now, Google is integrating bard into searches. Sometimes it sucks, yes. But it is basically just as good as the bing chat gpt thing. So... Yeah. I'm going to go back to Google search soon.

Bing is better for images and videos I feel, and the search quality is better unless you are looking for a very specific term.

I'm switching from Google now because the results have become unusably bad. They should've waited until bard was at least mildly useful.

Blacklisting sites from Google isn't enough to keep it usable anymore.

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Use Waterfox to confuse Windows and boost your performance

Waterfox has been bought by advertising and data analytics firm System1.

Waterfox is no longer owned by System1, and there's no evidence System1 ever added analytics to Waterfox.

"In July 2023, Alex Kontos announced that Waterfox had been turned into an independent project again."

That's very recent, I didn't know.

I wouldn't use a browser bought by a shady company when there are good alternatives. I wouldn't want to support that company by using it.

That's fair, but I get the feeling Waterfox wasn't very profitable for them to begin with.

I personally use it because it fills the very specific niche of re-enabling support for the legacy add-on format by default. You can do this in Firefox and other derivatives, but it's kind of a pain and it's easily undone by updates. I don't know of any alternatives that do the same thing.

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Om Windows 10 you have the option to turn off showing news about new features. I guess it would cover this. Try Google it.

Not a solution since I don't use w11 but whatever solution you find, it's most likely going to get reverted after a update since Microsoft, hooray!

But as others suggested maybe try ShutUp10, not sure if it has a fix for this but try your luck I guess

I freaked out yesterday when I got this pop up too. Like, okay, I heard about ads in Windows 11, but stay the fuck out of my 10.

These popups have disappeared from my devices for over 3 years but then again i'm using linux

Bing has honestly been a lot better for me than google. I refused to use it for so long because it was just a joke when it first came out. But I started not being able to find any decent search results on google and the entire first page is now ads versus just the first few results. Bing also has an AI thing that will just give you a straight answer to a question and links to where it found it. I'd say to give it a try.

I switched to Bing a few months ago and really like it. It does suck how much Microsoft shoves their shit in your face tho.

I really hate how results open in a new tab, if you change the option it'll get reset eventually since it's saved to a cookie instead of your account. The rewards system is cool though, I've gotten like 500k+ points lifetime

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Perhaps use redirect scripts or plugins or apps. Windows often about registry so do try that.

I've never seen this appear. Is this in chrome? Anyway, like some people here have suggested, you can use a debloater script or something similar. I personally use O&O Shutup10. Hopefully enabling some options in there would work. Or you could just accept it and then change your search engine back to whatever you use lol.

I don't know what people are doing in Windows to get all these ads. I've never seen a single one.

All of this stuff is A/B tested, region/locale divided, edition divided, hardware divided, based on what other stuff you've agreed to and more. You don't have to do anything to encounter this stuff.

Are you in the USA? I learnt that most of these ads are shown to US users.

You could try clicking Yes once, and then immediately switching it back, either to DuckDuckGo or Google.

This pop up tabbed me out of a game of Valorant yesterday 😤

I forget the name of it, but I remember there is (or at least used to be) a tool that would give you more granular control over the stuff that's under the hood of Windows.

If you search for "Windows God mode tool" or something along those lines, your should be able to find it.

Not sure if this will get rid of your pop-up modal specifically, but it might allow you to mess with other configurations that can prevent these sorts of things.

Chris Titus ultimate windows tool.

Best third party tool ever.

Where/when does this popup come up? Is it in your browser, is it a Windows notification?

The most recent time I think I saw this was the latest Windows 11 update, but you can just click No and it goes away. Microsoft is being annoying persistent about getting people to use Bing now because of ChatGPT and Edge though. Hopefully there is a limit, if not the annoying Linux recommendations might actually start to have some merit.

Do you just need an adblock extension on chrome? Should be an easy fix. Or the O&O shutup program may work as well, have used that in the past effectively.

I use Chrome on Windows and have never seen this, or at least, not for years so hard to know where the setting is to disable exactly.

Lol @ the responses saying to switch OS. Such extreme views.

As others have said, there's going to be some registry setting you can change to negate this. Short term, this should work, but may need to be repeated if any updates revert the change.

The long term solution is to just stop using Windows, because it's clear Microsoft is intent on turning it into a bloated, ad-infested piece of trash.

Windows 7 (or arguably XP) was the last decent version of Windows, in my opinion. Once I saw what was coming next, I started dabbling in Linux. Now I use Linux most of the time. It's definitely a big change, and there's a lot of new stuff to learn, but I love having an operating system that doesn't look like a corporate junk mailer pamphlet.

Have you tried switching your default search engine to Microsoft Bing in Chrome?

Just switch your search to bing. Do it DrGonzo. Join us. Join us. Join ussssssssssssss.

idk what this is i've never encountered it, but if it's a web page u can just block it with ublock

It's not. It's a Microsoft signed executable that gets dumped in the temp directory and run. I was pretty angry when it popped up (not least because Windows had just bluescreened while trying to resume from hibernation - hibernation because modern sleep is shit). Rather then hunt down exactly how Microsoft got it onto "my" system, I just killed it and got on with my day.

It's a work laptop but I'm sorely tempted to drop NixOS on it anyway.

Can we make a windows tech support community? I'm really sick of people barging in and asking to fix their anti-consumer spyware OS.