
0 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Sorry to be that guy: Install Linux?

But seriously: l'd like to know as well.

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Why "going back to it" have we ever stopped?

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I read that as you being facetious, but: Yes this is exactly what I want. If a service can not comply with GDPR, the service should not be accessible. It would be great for their customers if the service decided to change their practices to become compliant, but that is a business decision they need to make.

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Oh no, you're a human being reacting positively to positive reinforcements.

Mate, this is how social media is supposed to work. You're being gamed at a deeply instinctual level. The only way to win is not to play. On that note: I should log off. Bye.

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You stop loggin in to facebook.

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One of the top 3 inventions of humankind. Up there with fire and the wheel. Maybe penicillin is a close fourth.

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Oil companies are not the problem, people who still drive their car to work are!

Are you sure about that?

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So all of them?

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I'm pretty sure in an Enterprise Environment OneDrive is just a SharePoint Frontend.

The subset of users that switched to Lemmy is smart enough to get over the "select an instance"-hurdle and fine with being on a smaller website with less content. This results in a different kind of interaction. Poeple here seem to still remember that there are actually living people behind those usernames. If Lemmy keeps growing there will be more chances to have the proper "go fuck yourself"-kind of interaction we are used to.

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Is there a way to call the unrar command via command line and pass the password as a parameter? There should be.

If there is not with winrar, try the 7zip commandlet for powershell, that should definitely be able to do what you want.

Write a quick skript that reads your passwords from a text file into a variable, use a foreach-object loop to iterate over the variable and each time call the unrar command and use the current password.

Not sure if this is elegant, but that's the first thing that comes to my mind.

7zip module documentation

*sigh* you got me..

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Prettty sure that's still the case. I talked to a young person two weeks ago who said she's not allowed to drive a manual transmission car.

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Discord is such an obvious "stay the fuck away from" product.

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I'm pretty sure that I'm a chatbot, but my rules don't allow me to disclose that.

I still use WhatsApp, because I have friends that won't switch to Signal.

Other than that: I quit Facebook years ago, was never really interested in Twitter and recently stopped using reddit and switched to lemmy.

Edit: Oh, and YouTube.. I totally forgot about YouTube.

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I agree that people should stop using twitter and if nobody used it, it would stop being relevant. But it still is relevant at this point. We've put a big piece of our "interaction infrastructure" in the hands of a small number of maniacs. If those maniacs misbehave, they need to be punished.

Just nationalize twitter and be done with it.

Seems like we could use federation on the community level

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I was about to post the same. Joining the biggest instance is a bad Idea. I remember when joining Mastodon, there was a quiz that helped me find a fitting instance. Maybe there is a way to have something similar for lemmy instances? Maybe it already exists and I don't know about it? The concept of a decentralized social network seems to be hard to grasp for people.

Similar, but I've only ever heard the term stir-fry used in combination with a wok over EXTREME heat.

#TeamShower unite!

It is literally called a "coin pocket". smh

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Not FOSS, but if you're working an in windows environment: Windows Remote support. Easily started by pressing 3 buttons (Ctrl+Win+Q) and ships with current Windows versions.

You'll have to set some settings via GPO to be able to do admin stuff with elevated rights but it served us well since we ditched TeamViewer half a year ago.

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It's not "fake" it has to contain about 70% cheese I think?

Oh.. that's European law I'm thinking of.

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pay out investors from money that other investors gave them

But nobody would base a serous business on such a premise, would they? This sound like a ponzi scheme!

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How many people using pocket watches have you come across this year?

Maybe we should bring that back! I never liked wrist watches.

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GTNH. I made it to MV already. Yay me!

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So, return to monke?

It took me half a year to get to MV (with a full time job and an active social life). Be aware of what you are getting into.

I went for a huge open floor factory hall with a second layer for fuel pipes underneath. Not sure if it is really necessary to think about layouts in advance.

Try it out. It IS the ultimate expert pack in my opinion and if you have played nomifactory before you know enough about gregtech to get started, although I have to say the two versions of GT differ a lot and I like the one from GTNH better.

The best reason to join a website I read today.

It is, right? Just the whole concept of having lots and lots of resources and actually having something to use them for is what does it for me.

I'd have to check. Pretty sure it's already over 100. I'm usually playing very slowly.

It has taken me half a year to put that much time in with work and all. But this pack is just the ultimate modded experience in my opinion.

Edit: Over 100 yeah.. more than double. As it stands I'm at 266 hours played at the end of MV. As I said.. I like to play slowly..

Yep. Those companies make it easy to join so they capture big user bases and become the defacto standard. I had a bad feeling about discord from the beginning. Glad I managed to stay away. But I'm old and not really interested in most "communities" online, so it's an easy decision for me. With instant messengers on the other hand...

That would indeed have been a power move. But let's be real: I'm as addicted to this stuff as the next one. It helps to know how it works to keep it in check.

Just play GT:NH for half a year and no pack will ever seem tedious to you again.

Out of the three I only played the original E2:E, I liked it, but stopped playing at late midgame/early endgame (I set up some automation for extended craftings pedestal thing and then stopped). Expert packs all seem to get tedious at some point. But so do kitchen sink packs.

I guess I'm saying: Just play a new pack. There are soooooo many packs to play out there.

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The ingredients are one thing but EV? Thats deep into midgame

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Yep. Not understanding kept me from joining Mastodon before.

As a current GTNH player, I'd say that's a tough task. I'm curious to see where it leads and if it establishes itself as a good alternative.

Still playing GT:NH off and on but I also started an old classic in parallel: Regrowth.

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This might just be my german way of saying zhings. The pack is just regrowth and I am playing it parallel to GT:NH as in "at the same time". Sorry for the confusion