14 Post – 880 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

That's a fantastically efficient way to destroy their business. There's no way to get honest reviews of employers from employees who know their identities will be exposed whether they consent or not. Doesn't even matter if the review is after leaving that job, future employers can go nosing too.

Absolute techbro-brane gold.

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Most content that gets posted on social media is 'stolen' from another social media site. That's not really an issue.

But there are bots posting up threads from subs like AITA (complete with links to Reddit) where there's no point engaging with a non-existent OP, so the threads do not get any engagement. And they often get posted in massive batches so it fucks up your feed too.

Lemmy needs to develop its own culture and that is made harder by people trying to make it a mirror of Reddit.

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She was crap at her job but she was also too inexperienced for it and employed to do it by cost-cutting producers who took so many shortcuts on set safety, half the crew walked out before this happened.

More powerful heads need to roll.

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For anyone who might be tempted to fall for the guilt-tripping about authors, text books rarely generate any income for their authors and most would be happy to open source them (as many do nowadays). They're interested in getting useful materials out there (and the name recognition that comes from having their name on useful texts). They do not rely on book sales to make a living.

You should not feel guilty about pirating text books but you can help the authors out by asking your library to stock the text, borrowing it if your library has it (even if you've pirated a copy for keeps), and recommending it to others (with text that will show up on searches) if you found it useful.

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Got this via Mastodon which will not let me search for the source.

If you're in the US, when you set up Windows for the first time, select English (Europe) or English (World), not English (US). That will stop it installing all the bloatware that USians are not protected from but everyone else is.

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The word was coined by a woman and the support network she set up was for men and women. Until the space got taken over by bitter men blaming women for all their troubles and, here we are.

The woman who founded the 'incel' movement

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Because they're being sold into the foreigners' gag-gift market where demand, and thus price, is higher.

Wordle is a ripoff of Lingo, first broadcast in 1987.

They can take themselves down.

Should the Cruise car have not started moving if there was a person still on the crosswalk? This whole sad affair raises many questions.

There are some questions but "should cars start moving while a person is still on the crosswalk?" is surely not one of them.

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She's not a conservative, she's a liberal (in the political science sense of the word, not the USian synonym for leftist).

It's not 100% clear where Rowling's transphobia comes from. She certainly fits into the group of transphobic cis women who have been abused by cis men and concluded that all men are evil, including the ones that want to be women.

But there's also a dynamic which I think you can see with Graham Linehan and Dave Chappelle as well. Born into comfortable middle-class families, well-educated, never really thought about their bog-standard liberalism. Became extremely successful, became accustomed to near universal adoration, made a thoughtless transphobic comment/skit, received criticism and reacted with absolute fury at the idea they could possibly be prejudiced about anything. Because they're liberals, you see.

All three just keep digging that hole deeper rather than face up to the idea that maybe they got something wrong. Linehan's career is over (as is his marriage), Dave Chappelle is hanging on by a thread and flirting with the right, and Rowling doesn't give a shit because she's a billionaire and does not have to give a shit about anything at all.

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Seems like every situation where there is a power differential.

Hope that the antifa prisoners get a successful appeal against their excessive sentences out of this.

And that the fash judge is forced to retire immediately, with a review into all their sentencing decisions.

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Grew up in the middle of nowhere. No bus. No shop. No pub. It was hell. Left home for the city at the first opportunity and will never go back. I don't want to be dependent on a car ever again.

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Just to pre-empt the usual misunderstanding when these badly reported stories get posted: this is the equivalent of an appeal, initiated by Knox. Not the Italian courts persecuting her.

News sites need to start using screenshots of tweets. That article is mostly empty space with some @s in it for me.

Archive link for those with the same issue.

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This is going to fuck itself up. The predictions are based on what has happened before this information was made easily available. Making it easily available will change booking habits, and thus the prices on offer at different times. Especially as the airlines can (try to) anticipate an avalanche of bookings at particular timepoints and so know that they won't necessarily need to lower prices to fill the flights.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out.

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No, they don't have to be rational. It's counter-intuitive but you can accurately draw a line with an irrational length, even though you can't ever finish writing that length down.

The simplest example is a right-angled triangle with two side equal to 1. The hypotenuse is of length root 2, also an irrational number but you can still draw it.

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No it doesn't. The dean who made this decision, as with most people in stable positions of power, does not need telling what to do because he will do it anyway.

Rutledge clerked for Clarence Thomas, and is featured in a painting included in ProPublica’s reporting on Republican donor Harlan Crow’s gifts to the Supreme Court Justice.

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Read the article right to the end. And think about why illegal miners might want to drive the locals away. And what illegal mining is. The people funding it are not poor and they do have a great deal to gain by not having witnesses around to report on their activities, or to stop them mining their land.

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It's a great thing to do when you're young and child-free, or starting your retirement. Just don't expect it to be cheaper than rent and do make sure you understand the basics of keeping your engine in good condition. It is your source of electricity, water, and sewerage. You cannot afford for it to break. Also brush up on your understanding of batteries because you're going to be relying on them, a lot.

Bullying in the name of Jesus? I'm no Christian but if I'm going to Hell for that, at least they'll be there too.

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Blaming others for all your problems is a strong risk factor for doing violence to others. Grow up, get a fucking grip, and you'll be fine.

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Should be an easy win:

The lawsuit filed by Lizelle Gonzalez in federal court Thursday comes a month after the State Bar of Texas fined and disciplined the district attorney in rural Starr County over the case in 2022, when Gonzalez was charged with murder in “the death of an individual by self-induced abortion.”

The only question is how much the damages should be. Here's hoping for a jury inclined to send a message about this sort of prosecutorial (and hospital) misconduct

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Feet often do get smaller when you lose a lot of weight. Partly because feet have layers of fat too, and partly because there's less weight squishing them out sideways.

Laws against suicide are notoriously difficult to enforce, for obvious reasons.

This feels very click-baity. As far as I can tell, the assisted suicide law is being extended to include people in unbearable pain from mental health problems, not just physical ones. Because substance abuse is classified as a mental health problem, people with drug addictions would have the right to request assisted suicide under this extension to the law.

The objections being raised speak to the same fears many disabled people have about legalising assisted suicide: that people struggling with their health might be, or feel, pressured to end it for the convenience of others, not because it is the best thing for themselves. I assume that the existing law attempts to address this properly, with safeguards against external pressures.

Assisted suicide is most valuable for people who do not have the physical capacity to do it themselves, and do not want to put a loved one at risk of a murder charge. In practice, most people with a serious drug problem can quite easily end it themselves if they want to. Access to assisted suicide doesn't seem particularly likely to change much, except perhaps offer a more peaceful, dignified death for those who want it anyway.

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Those boots must be real tasty.

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It fucks your whole life up even if you're eventually found innocent.

I'm not a fan of carceral solutions but this is not something only abolitionists should care about. Remand (and also, short prison sentences) are viciously unfair, causing disproportionate harm which can never be compensated for.

It's no good having this as part of the user options. It should be a sheet characteristic and the default should be "keep cells exactly as entered regardless of data type".

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Israel in its current form has no more legitimacy than Apartheid South Africa had. I lived through that struggle, with right-wing politicians bolstering the apartheid regime and sending arms as ordinary people protested it. We eventually won that battle and eventually we will win this one too.

FWIW, there is no mirror image here. There is one two-state solution and two one-state solutions.

The two-state solution has been made impossible by Israeli settlement activity (which picked up substantially during the Oslo negotiations and has continued at a furious pace ever since).

The two one-state solutions are: a single, secular democratic state with equal rights for all its people and equal right to return for Palestinians; or a single Jewish ethno-state with Palestinians imprisoned in occupied enclaves with no access to the outside world other than what their imprisoners agree to.

The latter one-state solution is what the Israeli right are trying to achieve and, as with Apartheid South Africa, the global right (and the arms industry) are rooting for them to succeed. The rest of us have to fight it, as we did with South Africa, and also East Timor, and are struggling to do for Myanmar, the Congo, Somalia and East Turkmenistan. And would for North Korea, if there was any leverage available.

Israel does exist and will continue to exist but it has absolutely no right to exist in its current form.

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Lemsip Max active ingredients

paracetamol, caffeine, phenylephrine hydrochloride

The last one is a decongestant.

But it doesn't work

So take your paracetamol with a cup of coffee and you're quids in.

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It's well-written but it misses the obvious point. Centrists get platforms to speak about corruption because there's absolutely zero danger they will do anything fundamental to upset the gravy train. They'll wag their fingers at the too-blatant-about-it grifters while leaving the system fundamentally intact.

It sounds much more like an abusive relationship. She was trying to punish him, regardless of the risk to herself.

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This campaign is about the primaries, not the general election. They have not told anyone to vote for Trump.

The Dems took voters for granted in 2016 and got what they deserved. They should be thanking this campaign but shooting the messenger is so much easier, so they won't.

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The motive here appears to be much more sinister. If you haven't read the article in full...

After Meyden went back upstairs, the third girl, frightened for her friend who had been sleeping heavily, again pulled close to her, the affidavit said.

Meyden returned a second time and again tried to separate the girls from each other. He also put his finger underneath the nose of the girl who pretended to be sleeping “as if to see if she was soundly asleep, he then waved his hand in front of her face,” she told police, according to the affidavit.

Meyden then went outside through a sliding glass door and the girl frantically began calling and texting her parents and friends to pick her up.

Maybe you could direct your righteous anger at the people misselling the app, not the people who use it to help them get pregnant or to avoid becoming pregnant in a proto-fascist society that has removed their right to an abortion?

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Maybe, maybe not. Blood stocks are precious but they do go out of date and blood banks would jump at the chance to do something useful with the wastage. It would also be perfectly possible to do RCTs with actual women. At the very least, it would be possible to produce a liquid with the right sort of viscosity instead of using water or saline. It's just so ridiculously shit.

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This absolutely was a fraud. The (unfair) contract required postmasters to make good any shortfalls. The hundreds who were prosecuted either refused or ran out of their own money to make up the shortfalls. Many were sacked because they refused to sign the accounts, losing their livelihoods, pensions, life savings, homes and good names as a result. Thousands more were just quietly putting their own money in, sometimes unfairly suspecting an employee of theft, due to errors the Post Office knew about but refused to admit.

And a primary driver of the scandal was the imperative to make the Post Office profitable so that it could be privatised, with investigators paid partly based on how much money they recovered. New Labour and the Coalition both have much of this blood on their hands.

Gut-wrenchingly awful. The senior people responsible need to lose their livelihoods, pensions, life savings, homes and good names. I'm not a fan of carceral solutions and Noel Thomas, imprisoned for nine months before his conviction was overturned, says he would not wish it on anyone. He is right. But destitution is something these people visited on hundreds of people for their own financial gain and those gains need to come back to the people they harmed.

This is a useful Computer Weekly summary which links to all its pieces over the years: Post Office Horizon scandal explained: Everything you need to know

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It might feel almost like that but there's no conspiracy, just power doing what only power can: protecting itself. These people have billions tied up in fossil fuels; oil wells and coal mines but also the products which rely on them. Tesla is only profitable because it sells its carbon credits to carbon-reliant manufacturers.

None of these people would exactly be left in dire straits if we stopped using carbon fuels tomorrow. But they would lose most of their wealth and thus most of their power.

There are undoubtedly small-scale conspiracies, such as various oil companies covering up what they knew about global warming decades ago, or misleading accounts of emissions. But there is no grand (explicit) conspiracy, just tips and tricks and extremely rich people refusing to become merely rich. Even if it means planning escape bunkers and working out how to control the servants they will need to take with them when their money means nothing any more.

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This is an awful lot of work for a ball she will most likely reject.

Contact the manufacturer of the good balls and ask them if they know of any retailers who might still have some in stock. Buy up remaining stock.