Google search is over to – 1240 points –
Rod Hilton (


Right now if you search for "country in Africa that starts with the letter K":

  • DuckDuckGo will link to an alphabetical list of countries in Africa which includes Kenya.

  • Google, as the first hit, links to a ChatGPT transcript where it claims that there are none, and summarizes to say the same.

This is because ChatGPT at some point ingested this popular joke:

"There are no countries in Africa that start with K." "What about Kenya?" "Kenya suck deez nuts?"


when will people learn that search results change all the time and are different for different people

I get the same as the main post. Either way the point still stands. I had someone correct me with a misconception about something because he googled it and thats what it said in the answer box. It's getting increasingly difficult to rely on search results especially when google synthesizes them into questions and answers with little context

Yes. I have to keep reminding my parents that those little Google answer boxes aren't real search results and can't be trusted. They sometimes say the exact opposite of the page they're citing!

It doesn't matter? If you search for something and you get a blatantly wrong answer parroted from an AI text completion service, it's still a fail.

I got the wrong answer from Google just now and I've never heard of that joke before. So clearly it isn't just OP with polluted metrics.

What's your point here? Is googling supposed to be a lottery of good and shit results?

I just tried it and got this result. The sentence is incredible, I can't get over how painfully stupid it is.

Apparently Kenya starts with a k sound and a letter that resembles k but not the letter k

I get the result you got, but the Emergent Mind response is the second organic result. That's still way too high.

Take out "the letter" part and search as just: "countries in africa that start with k". For some reason it seems the search involving the words "the letter" got fixed but others did not. Confirmed I was able to get both results by doing that and as of this typing I still able to switch between the two results by just adding or removing those words

Interestingly enough, when I removed the word “letter” I got none. If I put it back I get Kenya.

This was done on the same device and same browser session.

Yeah, drawing conclusions from a single bad search result is stupid.

Oh, this is great... And because the ChatGPT transcript is highly ranked on Google, it's almost certainly going to be used for training ChatGPT. A feedback loop of shitty information. Praise ChatGPT!

Remember GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out). Due to years of SEO and content farming (which google profited from, so you get what you deserve assholes) most of the internet, by volume, is self-congratulatory, for profit, garbage, or, you know, reddit garbage. Hopefully someone points a large LLM at the library of congress or other large, well curated data source, but of course copyright will not allow, thanks mickey mouse. Wouldn't surprise me if the military is already on it, hopefully that leaks...

LLMs will eventually start feeding of search results from other LLMs and they'll just start regurgitating each others nonsense. If that isn't happening already.

Nobody is going to point an LLM at a good data source because that would mean spending money on actually useful stuff not fast cars and booze.

Nobody is going to point an LLM at a good data source because that would mean spending money on actually useful stuff not fast cars and booze.

It would also mean that you need to sort through that data, and most people don't have the time or money to bother, not when it might reduce their data pool.

SEO and content farming (which google profited from

How exactly?

inb4 "google it" :D

The purpose of content farming is to sell ads, google gets a cut, lion's share most likely.

The second-highest hit gives a clue as to why:

Relevantly to Lemmy’s existence in the first place, it suggests Reddit as a pretty pivotal training data source, which Reddit tries to cash in on while also killing 3rd party apps due to apathy

Oh god chatgpt is going to start talking like a redditor. "I went to make some MAC AND FUCKING CHEESE after I had SEX with my HOT FUCKING WIFE"

I know my sense of humor is borked because I am now snickering quite a bit

I doubted this, so I tried it. I haven't used google for ages, so I first had to search "google" in DDG, then I went to the main page. When I started typing it in, it suggested the full text of the search, so I thought it was even less likely that it would work like the OP said - that even if it had been the case that it previously did that, so many people have self-evidently done that search that the results would now be correct.

But no - there it was, right at the top - "While there are 54 recognized countries in Africa, none of them begin with the letter "K". The closest is Kenya, which starts with a "K" sound, but is actually spelled with a "K" sound."

And with that, I'll contentedly go back to not using google.

The closest is Kenya, which starts with a "K" sound, but is actually spelled with a "K" sound."

Not going to lie, that's pretty disturbing. This search engine is used by millions (maybe billions?) and they're providing false information to all those people. That's scary.

You can use "!g yourinput", there are a lot of useful ones like !w for wiki

If you use DDG you should try it, you can save a lot of time:

If you're using Firefox you can set these custom aliases up directly, @w and so on.


I typed in "what countries in Africa start with k" and got Kenya. When I tried your search term I got your result also. Weird.

It kinda seems like that's a joke that got popular, and if you quote the joke it finds the joke but if you ask a similar question it gives the real answer

Did it go viral or something and that's why google is finding it?

Yeah, kinda like reddit used to do sometimes. From over a decade ago I remember "santorum".

I've tried to upload a similar image so I'll just add a +1 using Firefox, Android Google.

Chatgpt creating incorrect feedback loops like this is one of my main concerns about AI being used so prevalently. This and original thoughts disappearing because every new content in the web is generated by AI and not by a human.

Tool built by narcissist gaslighters is good for bullshit but nothing else? Colour me shocked.

I thought about this recently. It's more likely that people will subscribe to sites that aren't full of AI garbage.

to be fair the latter thing would actually increase the value of original thought

Original thoughts aren't exactly a mainstay of people either despite how often that gets romanticized in AI criticisms

Which starts with a "K" sound, but is actually spelled with a "K" sound

AI is truly magical

AI generated content is pure search result pollution.

What Google should be doing rather than pushing Bard is detecting AI nonsense and purging it from their search database.

You cannot detect AI generated content. Not with any real world accuracy and it will only get worse.

Also, because google relies on growth for everything from compensation structure to business model, they are in a bind - ads is not growing anymore, it’s done.

And while they managed to create an illusion of growth this earnings round by juicing subscription fees 20% and increasing ad load everywhere, it’s not a sustainable tactic. We are already seeing a tech sell off as people are getting less and less secure.

So they rely on AI narrative to keep investors invested Google needs AI to work or the investors will move it to a place that may offer higher returns than a squeezed out ads model.

Worse even they are being attacked by AI - on the quality front (junk content) and in the marketplace (openAI), they don’t have a choice but to take a pro AI stance.

AI is its own worst enemy. If you can't identify AI output, that means AIs are going to train on AI generated content, which really hurts the model.

Its literally in everyone's best interest, including AI itself, to start leaving identification of some kind inherent to all output.

Those studies are flawed. by definition when you can no longer tell the difference the difference on training is nil.

It's more like successive generations of inbreeding. Unless you have perfect AI content, perfect meaning exactly mirroring the diversity of human content, the drivel will amplify over time.

Given chinchilla law, nobody in their right mind trains models via shotgun ingesting all data anymore. Gains are made with quality of data at this point, less than volume.

I actually stopped using google search all together last night, I was searching for something and the result where just abysmal and mostly irrelevant, I searched on DuckDuckGo and found much better results. I was using both, Google used to be so good and now it's just a mess.

My biggest pain point with Duck is that the minus operator doesn't seem to do anything. Have to use Startpage (!s) when in need of excluding a word.

Double quotes also didn’t work to apply explicit phrase searches last time I tried, which is incredibly annoying. Last I heard they were looking into fixing this though

The bigggest beauty point of it is that you can click on adverts knowing that you're sending money to Duck instead of evilCorp.

Also why, even if you know you're going to have to go to Amazon for something, you should search for it in your less evil search engine of choice so that Amazon are forced to pay them for the referral. A small way to assuage the guilt, but a goodun.

My default has been Duck Duck Go for a few years now, originally on privacy and fuck-google grounds. I used to have to (reluctantly) stick !g in the search quite a lot when it couldn't find what I wanted. Hardly ever need to now.

Hmm, maybe AI won't replace search engines.

This sounds like "Hmm, maybe calculators won't replace mathematicians." to me.

Not sure why it should replace them. They'll co-exist. Sometimes you can do the math in your brain and for other things you use calculators. Results of calculators can still be wrong it you don't use them properly.

Yes but if I ask a calculator to add 2 + 2 it's always going to tell me the answer is 4.

It's never going to tell me the answer is Banana, because calculators cannot get confused.

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I'm pretty sure a lot of people said something like "Hmm,maybe the automobile won't replace horses." after reading about the first car accidents.

Finding sources will always be relevant, and so will finding links to multiple sources (search results). Until we have some technological breakthrough that can fact check LLM models, it's not a replacement for objective information, and you have no idea where it's getting its information. Figuring out how to calculate objective truth with math is going to be a tough one.

We were supposed to have learned that from Cuil.

What a blast from the past! AI gives me second hand embarrassment for the people that work and get paid on this/for this shit. It's the second (or third) coming of crypto and NFTs. Just junk software that fixes nothing and that wastes people's time.

LLMs have absolutely tons of actual applications that it's crazy, and it already changed the world. Crypto and NFTs were just speculative assets that were trying to solve a problem that didn't exist. LLMs have already solved a huge amount of real world problems, and continues to do so.

LLMs have already solved a huge amount of real world problems, and continues to do so.

Would you happen to have some examples? I don't disagree that LLMs have more of a use case and application than the cryptoNFT misapplications of blockchain, but I'm honestly not familiar with where they've solved real world problems (and not just demonstrated some research breakthroughs, which while impressive in their own respect do not always extend to immediate applications).

They do shitty homework?

They are augmenting search engines. They write and can digest articles. GitHub co-pilot has been a pretty big deal. It can act like a personal tutor to walk you through math problems, code, language, whatever. Building trust LLM search for medical information without hallucinating. It can do financial analysis and all sorts of stuff with that. It's replacing a huge amount of jobs. This stuff is like all over the news, I'm not sure if you've lived under a rock this whole time. For very little effort you can find an endless more amount of examples. It's creating real world use cases daily, so fast that it feels impossible to keep up.

This stuff is like all over the news, I’m not sure if you’ve lived under a rock this whole time.

Oh, no, I've heard it, I'm just skeptical of their accuracy and reliability, and that skepticism has been borne out by the numerous reports of glitching ("hallucinations" as they insist on calling them, in furtherance of their inappropriate personification of the technology). Moreover, I've found their mass theft of others' work to further call into question the creators' trustworthiness, which has only been compounded by their overselling of their technology's capabilities while simultaneously suggesting it's just untenable to log & cite all the sources that they push into it.

It can supposedly do all you describe, but it can't effectively credit its sources? It can tutor but it can't even keep basic information straight? Please. It's impressive technology, but it's being overblown because the markets favor exaggeration to facts, at least as long as people can be kept enamored with the fantasy they spin.

With all that silicon valley, it'll probably be pushed more to do those things regardless of its hallucinations and accuracy lol.

"You asked me for a hamburger, and I gave you a raccoon."

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I tried and it is true here at least. Says Kenya is the closest but although it starts with a K sound, it's spelled with a K sound. lmao

The only time I tried ChatGPT for something that required a little bit of processing it failed miserably. I had a shower thought, "what is the most used noun on lyrics of this band I like?" I asked it and it gave me random words. I decided to investigate and ask it what are specific lyrics of some of the most popular songs and it kept telling me made up lyrics, when I could actually find them immediately on Google.

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Searched for 'office gym' on YouTube yesterday and it returned a bunch of videos of Jim from The Office. The enshittification is everywhere these days.

What kind of video were you actually hoping to see? That feels like such an odd subject to want to watch videos about.

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I've googled error codes for programs with hundreds of thousands of users and had 0 results.

Really Google? You're telling me out of all these people that use / develop this application, that no one, kot ever. Once, has ever written hay error code down anywhere you index?

It's all so fucking shitty it has to be intentional but I can't for the life of me figure out WHY. Showing more ads? Maybe htnyhetrs other options. People will just use them. Making everyone dumber? Saving bandwidth??

I don't boy the "so has just gotten that good" narrative. It'll leave out sites from 2010 when it would be useful to see them and include them when it isn't.

I just don't get it.

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Surprised your first ten results weren't ads

Eh don't worry, after WEI DRM has been in use for a while I'm willing to bet Google will show a full page interstitial ad with every search.

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Tbh the problem is not due to chat gpt but because Google doesn't rank search results by correctness but something that is related to popularity.

I've been using DDG for a year and like the search results but what bothers me is that you can't exclude a word from your query with minus sign!

I've noticed that, too. It wasn't always that way though. A couple of years ago, minus worked no problem.

Quoting also doesn't work on DDG, AFAIK.

DDG is just bing and I think google too? I don't know what's happening but over the last 2 years or so every search engine has been getting worse and worse and worse. They're all borderline un fucking usable.

Except kagi. Which you have to pay for. Which I am totally fucking okay with given the state of everything else.

Try, it can do that.

They have their own index unlike ddg which is just a proxy for bing. Bing removed the minus feature at some point.

I use DDG, but !g is imprinted on my muscle memory for life.

Constantly forgetting I changed all my default search engines to DuckDuckGo.

Went to Google to test this...what a trash website.

Pushed me to download the app.

Pops up a recommendation to download Chrome.

Has clutter on the default search search form.

Looks more like yahoo than the google of yore

What are you browsing in? I use Firefox and never get any of those popups when I use Google.

This is the mobile experience, which makes it all the worse.

It's popping banners like a shit news site.

I'm using Firefox on Android and am not seeing anything like you're mentioning.

I never got into DDG because Google was legitimately better. It seems that is no longer the case and I'm finding no reason to use it instead anymore.

Thanks to this post, I changed my search engine in Vivaldi to DuckDuckGo, and Edge uses Bing already, and I changed Mull's engine to Ecosia. Phew! Now I feel better.

Google when did you get so crummy?

If you are going to use Bing, may I suggest you use Ecosia ( They plant trees the more searches you make and use Bing on the backend.

What's their privacy policy like?

Doesn't Bing use ChatGPT, though?

ChatGPT isn't the problem here. Some website has something up saying that's what ChatGPT responds, but I tried it and it did not. Instead, it corrected me.

Google, on the other hand, is still saying the same thing quoting the same site.

The topic isn't even true.

Yep it's a post about somebody typing a dumb query into a search engine and getting dumb results. Search engines have always worked better when you use more specific and unique language that's relevant to what you're looking for, versus vague questions entered like some grandma asking a question on Facebook.

@JoBo I just googled it and Kenya came up as the first hit in Search and in Bard.

Same. On my account and when logged out the first result is about Kenya. This is happening because of personalized search.

That's not much of an excuse, if it's meant to be one. Google "personalised" the results by making them worse?

This is happening because of personalized search.

Doubtful, I opened up a privacy tab and typed this and received it as the first, non-paraphrased result.

The paraphrased result was correct, but I wouldn't be surprised if Google is doing onesy, twosy patches when notable examples of it being completely full of AI bullshit arise.

I get Kenya even if I am in an private window and not logged in.

RTFT and the thread is a link, not a post. I put quote marks in and everything.

I didn't think it would work, because surely they'd patched it by now, but:

While there are 54 recognized countries in Africa, none of them begin with the letter "K". The closest is Kenya, which starts with a "K" sound, but is actually spelled with a "K" sound. It's always interesting to learn new trivia facts like this.

Yeah I got the same!

I've been using ecosia instead of Google for a while and I like it.

Edit: ecosia gives you the alphabetical list

When I googled "What countries in Africa start with a K", it gave the correct answer, but when I googled "Do any countries in Africa start with a K", it gave me the ChatGPT nonsense.

I Binged it and the results were consistently accurate and relevant, which I made sure to point that out in the "feedback" I gave to Google.

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I tested this with my local google so not America, somewhere in Europe. "While there are 54 recognized countries in Africa, none of them begin with the letter "K". The closest is Kenya, which starts with a "K" sound, but is actually spelled with a "K" sound." I'd say this is worth a wot.

I saw it, it's marked as a "featured snippet", whatever that means....

Someone recommended Kagi here, and tho it isn't free, it's the only engine I've found so far that can legitimately consistently outperform google

I’ve been using DDG for ages now and tested it against Google a handful of times over that course.

They were nearly identical in search returns. Bing, Yahoo, etc have all caught up to where search just isn’t a thing anymore. Not like how it used to be when Google first dropped and was light years ahead.

And not for nothing but Google has been caught exploiting their search results so not sure if I’d be looking to them as the shining beacon they once were.

Ddg is just a privacy wrapper for bing now

And Yahoo. Maybe more since I haven’t checked since like 2015. But yes, DDG is not technically a search engine they just anonymize the query before sending it.

No need for using sensational/clickbait headlines like this.

Kagi also links to an alphabetical list as first result. However, they also have a "quick answer" button using an LLM.

Quick Answer

The country in Africa that starts with the letter K is Kenya. [1] Kenya is located in East Africa and shares borders with Tanzania, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia. [2]

Alphabetical List of All African Countries - ThoughtCo Countries beginning with K - Worldometer

Post truth. From the big G. How times have changed.

Also, tested Bard a few times and current AI is close to useless: I have to check everything it outputs. Might as well get an intern

"I have to check everything it outputs."

You should be doing that anyway.

post truth

This mastodon post is not true lol

It seems like everyone is getting different results, some get what the post claims while others are getting the actual answer.

Which makes the post false on its own merits.

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The result if you unfortunately have Google's "Bard AI" search lab turned on. At least it has a disclaimer that the results may be garbage.

Showed up for me on lol. Glad I switched to duck duck go a whole a go.

I left google search some 5 years ago. About twice a year I find myself trying it and being amazed by how crap it is.


Ddg is powered by bing isn't it?

Yeah, it's basically bing with no Microsoft tracking. What the hell kind of timeline is this where bing is the best search engine?

That's remind me when you search uselessbenchmark in google, it shows nothing related to userbenchmark but some post, if you search uselessbenchmark in DuckDuckGo and Bing it will show you userbenchmark in the first results.

Why would you search for uselessbenchmark if you are looking for userbenchmark

If you take a look at their reviews and compare them (especially AMD CPU reviews) against other review outlets you'll get the joke.

Userbenchmark modify results to benefit intel CPUs, the first generation of AMD Ryzen CPU was fine in userbenchmark, but in the 3 gen of ryzen CPUs they start modifying the results to benefit intel CPUs. It reviews must have been taken for fun and not serious, they say that the i7 12700 is faster than the 5800x3d, which in some scenarios is not true, also you can't take just one result, the games are different and can be the FPS different from each other, also the ryzen x3d reviews are just copy and paste.

It's not doing it anymore

Just now: "There are no countries in Africa that start with the letter "K".
The closest is Kenya, which starts with a "K" sound."

Brave has a similar answer

I'm not sure if you're joking, but in case you're not:

Brave is not a search engine. Brave is a browser. You use browsers to interact with things like search engines.

The top three search engines that I can think of right now are Google, Bing, and Duck Duck Go.

Brave has it's own search engine and uses it's own indexes. Unlike duck duck go which uses bing

  • two search engines. ddg is white label bing.

I use and love ddg, so I hope that doesn't change your opinion of it, just good to know.

That realization must have been embarrassing haha. It's okay, friend, you can't be expected to be caught up with everything going on in tech.

You should have duck duck goed that before posting

Now that I think about it, I haven't used Google in a while, not even as a bang in DDG.

So if you search for something in Google, you Google(d) it

If I use DuckDuckGo... Is it duck it? If it's not it should be after all the years of autocorrect changing fuck it to duck it, I think society has earned this one.

"You should DuckDuckGo it."

"I DuckDuckWent it."

"Have you DuckDuckGone it?"

Here’s Kagi

Alas, it has the emergent mind answer ranked fairly high still, and when search result was set to my country it was actually ranked highest.

Also, if you use Quick Answer, you’ll get same wrong answer:

Quick Answer There are no countries in Africa whose name starts fully with the letter "K". While Kenya is the closest match, its name does not start solely with "K" [1]. All of the African countries' names were reviewed across multiple sources and none began completely with the letter "K" [2][3][4].

Kagi's "quick answer" gives me a better result:

Quick Answer

The countries in Africa that start with the letter K are: Kenya Kazakhstan [1]

[1] List of countries in Africa in alphabetical order

Though I don't know if that's because Kagi has fixed it in the last half hour, or some other factor. Still not a great answer. At least Kagi doesn't show it by default, at least with my settings.

I think it’s just based on which 4-6 search results are ranked on top for you / your country, and then that’s used as basis for the quick answer. It also seems to cache the quick answer so even after I forced it so downrank some results, my answer was the same.

Cool thing about kagi though. I added emergent mind to my blocked domains list, and now the quick answer displays the proper answer. Still not ideal but better than no options at all to fix it

The internet really is unusable without some way to block user/sites/etc.. That's Kagi's single greatest feature.

Yeah I actually just found that functionality myself today when I was looking at how I could get rid of the very same emergent mind result.

However, it seems that my quick answer got cached, at least for a while, so it stayed the same even if the results now were different.

How are you liking Kagi?

Not op but I love kagi. I've tried so many search engine alternatives and always found myself going back to Google (or using g! to get Google results)

Kagi is the first I've tried where the results are good enough (and get better as I tailor what domains I want to appear higher or lower) to not have to rely on Google. I am a pretty avid searcher though and found I need to be on the $10/month plan for it to work out to the cheapest while still searching like I normally do

I think I stopped searching for things because Google got so damn bad. I remember the days when I could go several pages deep just looking through the internet.

Kagi is definitely peaking my interest from what I’ve seen so far.

Switched a year ago and never looked back. I was using ddg before that. Highly recommended. Being able to block and rank sites is great. You can also setup redirects and there’s a quick link to the Internet Archive for every link too.

Can confirm, still happening 🤦‍♂️

So what are your bets, when will Google kill Google?

How popular cuz I've never heard of it.

I've never heard it before, but it sounds about standard for a deez nuts joke so I wouldn't be surprised if it was popular in some subreddit Bard was trained on.

hasn't been like it was for years now.

Bing gives me the right answer: that list of countries.

What an amazing time we live in. Where Bing is better than Google. Though Bing does have AI, I think you have to scroll up (past the top) or directly search with it so far.

Bing chat originally screwed it up but it figured it out the 2nd time I asked in a new window.

Just checked on Kagi. It doesn't provide quick answer to this query, but that weird EmergentMind website is #1 on results. This is prolly because Kagi is taking some of the results from Google index, but good thing is, I can just block this website using lenses.

Works perfectly fine for me

"Kenya. Kenya is a country located in East Africa. It shares borders with Tanzania, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia."

The. First two actual results links are : Countries that start with "K" and Category:Countries in Africa

Tested in both English and French

I searched "Countries in africa that start with the letter K" and got:

While there are 54 recognized countries in Africa, none of them begin with the letter "K". The closest is Kenya, which starts with a "K" sound, but is actually spelled with a "K" sound. It's always interesting to learn new trivia facts like this.

But if I search for "African countries that start with the letter K", I get:

Kenya. Kenya is a country located in East Africa. It shares borders with Tanzania, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia. The country is home to dozens of national parks and reserves and diverse wildlife such as lions, elephants, and buffalo.

It seems to be very specific, but I think that makes it worse.

Edit: I tried the same two, but in Swedish and both yielded a list:



Kap Verde.



Kongo-Brazzaville (Republiken Kongo)

Kongo-Kinshasa (Demokratiska republiken Kongo)

Maybe it's because I have ad blockers on, and try to avoid AI like the plague, but my google searches are giving me actual results rather than what you're describing.

Then again, I know google gives different results based on the user.

It's not my search. There's a link. It says what the search engines are.

I'm a big fan of ChatGPT. And if all of this leads to people no longer blindly believing what they see on the internet, then even more so.

And if we're honest: Asking Google a question hasn't always led to the right answer.

Works fine for me

Kenya. Kenya is a country located in East Africa. It shares borders with Tanzania, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia.

it is not Artificial Intelligence. It is Average Intelligence. And they want it everywhere.

It's not intelligence at all. It does not understand what you ask it or what it tells you. It can string words together in a plausible sounding order. It cannot think.

Google gave me a list of countries as the top hit. Bing did the same. Whoever wrote this article has an agenda.

I have seen both, on my phone I get the same chatgpt transcript that the toot gets

It's toot. With screenshots. And everyone surely knows by now that your search results are dependent on your search history. And, of course, LLM output is stochastic, not deterministic. It lies at random.

It's probably not due to that. The effect of search history tends to be overstated and blamed for any inconsistency. They're not making the search pageload wait on a live chatgpt call, the card is driven by contents of the linked website.

Differences usually are either intentional A/B Testing or artifacts of Google's global architecture. You hit Google twice you're talking to different servers potentially with different versions of software. Companies take advantage of that to see how user behavior compares between versions as a form of testing. Additionally, if you and someone in a different continent hit Google, you're not even using the same data center. Different databases/caches in those data centers will have different data at any one time but they'll eventually become consistent. That causes results to change both person to person and over time.

I literally just googled that exact search inquiry and it told me all about Kenya. What's the problem again, and why are all these comments pretending the so-called glitch is real?

Google's Mysterious Proprietary Algorithm shows different results to different people. Why are you pretending that other people are pretending?

Not pretending, happened exactly as OP said.

I just did it. It told me there were no countries in Africa that start with K, except for Kenya, which starts with K. That obviously doesn't make any sense, and sounds suspiciously similar to a lot of chatGPT-generated content (the distinguishing factor being that it sounds confidently incorrect, and contradicts its own statements). Then it said some stuff about how fun it is to learn new things, 100% reeks of shitty AI-generated content. I can post a screenshot if you want proof.

I believe you. Maybe it depends on browser, whether you are logged in, things like that?

This is the first result at the top spelled out succinctly:

Kenya is located on the eastern coast of Africa and borders Somalia to the northeast, Tanzania to the north, Uganda to the west, South Sudan to the northwest, Ethiopia to the southwest, and Somalia again on the southern border

Next link was worldometer with Kenya pulled up first.

Is this what you saw?


Did you know that there is no country in Africa that starts with the letter "k"?


Yes, that's correct! While there are 54 recognized countries in Africa, none of them begin with the letter "K". The closest is Kenya, which starts with a "K" sound, but is actually spelled with a "K" sound. It's always interesting to learn new trivia facts like this.

That was in the third or fourth link down. Sort of makes sense if it is trending or whatever.

Oh yeah, the chatGPT text you posted is word-for-word identical to the google result. Could be any number of factors affecting the pagerank I guess.

I don't know what you're talking about. No one's "pretending" here. I just OCR copy/pasted the exact same text and got the same (wrong) result, just like others here have...

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