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Joined 12 months ago

The same way you wash your hands

1 more...

What must it be like to actually BE one of these people? Imagine going to a fundraiser for your political party and not only thinking this is normal, but participating? There are some serious mental abnormalities going on here.

You know they had to think about it for a while, they didn't just make that call immediately

Other people don't enjoy the same things I do! Harrumph!

Gender is psychological, you're confusing words

Or if you don't like the article, check up on it from other sources instead of burying your head in the sand?

Edit: a word

Can you give some insight to this?

10 more...

Modern satanists don't believe in Satan or Jesus

We have NPR news and a separate NPR classical channel. I listen to them both. That's it, though.

It could be that simple. They just hinder their own website to get you to download the app.

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Why read the article when you can make inaccurate assumptions and then removed about it?

Can someone explain please? Wouldn't it just be yes or no?

Also that nurse is hot

What does undiluted pinesol do?

There are so many cats that would require euthanizing them. They can't be released. At least an indoor cat you give them a nice life.

Let? You seem a bit confused as to how things work and how they got there.

People like you not voting is how we got here.

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That was a whole lot of text to say nothing. At the end you didn't even have a counterpoint, you just said it was a weak attempt. Do you really have this much time on your hands to not make a point?

Wow you're just an idiot. So desperate to be right, you aren't reading orcomprehending what everyone else is saying?

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Let's hope so. If this helps to stop others from committing multi million dollar fraud, we got two birds with this stone

For some reason Google pay keeps failing for this. I will try credit card a bit later and report back

Yertle the turtle, King of the swamp

You need a toaster for every room!

We all know you were born in 1938, usernames don't lie

Looks like it's already available

People would stop using their icons

Neither democrats nor republicans are actually left wing. And both groups vote en masse to give Israel money.

We know, we can see you

I would disagree. There are distros out there that make it so easy. Especially with flatpak. I think it's not 100% user friendly, but neither is windows. If you can't use Mint Cinnamon, you probably can't use windows well either. That means you're just using the web, email, and office for the most part anyway. With package manager gui interfaces, it's easier to find things with Linux than windows. I think I could show my grandma Linux more easily than windows nowadays. A normal user will get around without ever having to think about PPAs or anything like that.

Wait...did you think Christianity has anything to do with the teachings of Christ? That's silly. You're silly.

Do you come into issues using it on the steamdeck when it comes to saving games on the micro sd

You can get the same specs as the machine in OP's post from Beelink for $480 on Amazon, so I'm not sure I would use his post as a good basis.

That would be "tried."

I would choose Manjaro over Ubuntu any day...canonical is garbage

No need for the Neosporin at all, just use the vaseline

Yea do it. It boggles my mind why anyone would use Ubuntu at this point. Makes more sense to use Mint, even.

You can get signal for Linux, windows, and macos

Who knows what they are using to make that determination. Obviously you need some tweaking. It sounds like you're reacting somewhat poorly though. Life goes on. There's other ways that you can see the site if you really want to. Think about it from their perspective.

Can't believe it's not butter

I think you are missing the other person's point...

Oh. So just lesbians. That's not weird at all. I thought it was going to be some other type of underage bs

Don't forget jeans. Gotta throw those in