25 Post – 577 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ok, back to meme school for you

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Just a reminder, any time you see a "tech" youtuber with brave installed, they're not going to be an excellent source of information

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At long last, linux with microtransactions

Paul is a chad. He also got kicked out of ycombinator for outing the founders skipping vaccine lines and encouraging others to do the same.

I think any official integration wouldn’t be smart. Working on interoperability and a plugin to link them that way would be far smarter. This guy likes decentralization but wants to combine two very different concepts and products lol. I get it though and I love that idea. The other thread also mentions open library which is a legal version of what op posted

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r/github is a joke community?

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The Lemur Pro starts at $1,150 for an Intel i5 machine with 8 GB of RAM and a 256-GB SSD.

Seems a bit expensive no? About dead on with macbook air pricing

if you're strictly looking at value, it's a better value to buy a macbook air with m2 and the same stats and just install linux on it.

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While technically zero emission, 95% of hydrogen is created using natural gas reformation. It's really really disingenuous to say zero emission when it uses a huge amount of fossil fuels in the creation of the fuel,solar%2Ddriven%20and%20biological%20processes.

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  1. Anti capitalism is just anti capitalism. That's not a theory for how a society free from capitalism should work. Those theories will of course be diverse, and there will be disagreement.

  2. Divide and conquer works for detroying social movements, and is one of the ruling classes favorite weapons of class warfare. It's easy to get agitators to derail the conversation or movement as a whole. There are fundamental differences in what anti capitalists believe should be done and how power should be distributed. I don't believe all leftists think the same thing, but I believe that the vast majority of "leftist infighting" is just agitation by the ruling class.

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This is super real and definitely happened.

This country has never shown it has some giant progressive silent majority - Bernie would know, he bet and lost on that materializing in his own presidential runs.

nonsense. The dems pulled the dirtiest tricks to kneecap bernie - including ALL of them dropping out on super Tuesday. They battled bernie harder than they fucking did trump. Don't spread garbage like this

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He is spot on with how being a consumer enters you into an adversarial relationship. It's so incredibly frustrating having to fight for what you already paid for.

I like to remember how ugly and difficult it was to adjust to Reddit after moving from Digg's slick 2.0 interface. I think Lemmy will face more growing pains but will be the best solution in the end.

Reddit has literally never had a good UI/UX. It was worth it because it was the best alternative at the time.

That said, my requirements for a reddit alternative would have to be decentralized and open source. I just couldn't get into another situation like this one and I won't support it.

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I like condoms. I looove condoms. I just don't think they're right for our relationship

was making 125k. Got laid off. Interviewed at another company and asked for 200k. Ended up with 185k. Got laid off again and still haven't been able to find a job. Ups and downs :/

I know the evangelists can be somewhat overwhelming, but its popularity is not unwarranted. It's fairly easy to pick up, has an incredibly enthusiastic and welcoming community. People like it because it's incredibly performant, and its memory safe. In terms of DX it's really a joy to work with. It just has a LOT going for it, and the main drawback you'll hear about (difficulty) is really overblown and most devs can pick it up in a matter of months.

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Sounds promising but remember that when there's news of hydrogen, there's a fossil fuel company behind it

This is from SLB, the company that Kevin Wyss works for. Took about 30 seconds of googling to find out that it's essentially a greenwashing fossil fuel company

hold up it's actually the biggest offshore drilling company in the world. lol, lmao even

Good news guys, shareholders are profiting again!! At least be happy for them you ingrates

Article title: Here are 20 reasons why frameworks make us lousy programmers

Article body: Frameworks don't make us lousy programmers

this folks, is why you don't raw dog sql like some caveman

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Let’s make no mistake, this dude isn’t doing this out of some semblance of morals. Dudes an authoritarian dictator

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Probably meant migrating from reddit.

I for one will not be using this to introduce my kids to gore simulators where you can see chunks of peoples' heads blown off at your own hands, because it's called crack pipe, and that is where I draw the line

This should be the mandatory way for all computing. Hell, all products

maybe we can show a breakdown of which servers the votes are coming from so anything sus can be found out right away. Like, it would be easy enough to identify a bot farm I'd think

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From my understanding, Nix is currently reproducible in that you can easily run an install with a script that gets you set up with the packages and configuration that you want, but the announcement is that they can verify the binaries that they ship are faithful to their source, and haven't been tampered with anywhere in the build pipeline

That is almost word for word would the body of the post says

Ross man has some really good takes. He’s also kinda annoying and also has some total shit takes. This video was alright but I don’t expect this to last very long. It seems a little sus tbh. Also like others have pointed out, it’s not really open source. That said it’s cool that you can view the source code online.

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the cool thing about strikes is congress doesn't have to vote for a company to give in to the demands of the workers. As a matter of fact congress has fuck all to do with it

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Patient gamers unite!!!

Of fucking course lol. The cortana key

Saved this from r/piracy as it's a fantastic guide and deserves to be archived

I think that's even worse because it increases the likelihood you'll forget you faked that variable just for testing

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If it's passive voice, the atrocities are committed by Israel. If it's active voice, the atrocities are committed by Hamas.

I feel that too. It’s easy to misconstrue as anti nazi people getting pwned. Then again it’s really old nazis getting pwned by anti nazi musical director

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Eh, at least they added support for it. Good for them. Still looking at this app with some skepticism but so far seems to be doing what it sets out to do.


they're the folks who hit n run anyway. I guarantee not one of those bootlickers is seeding

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I kept thinking about that watching GN's last video and how it's so perfectly in line with what GN exposed.

Why's the alternative timeline still have to be total garbage lol. You're making up a completely fictional timeline, have some respect for yourself man, jesus

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Born le wrong generussy