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Joined 1 years ago

Looks just as clunky as the rest of discord. Sorry, its just not the same.

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I read the article, and to be fair it was kind of like finding a recipe online. The meat was at the very bottom and if you blink you'd miss it. The writer did a good job of writing about the context, but didn't present much for evidence or make a compelling argument.

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Historically it was only consumed by babies too.

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You can absolutely have both. In fact the galaxy S5 had both a swappable battery and IP67. Tons of devices do. Glued construction was always about reducing manufacturing costs, not about an IP rating.

Most phones are now good enough to use for years, and not much is happening for innovation. Makes sense that only people in the high end market are buying anything.

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Not only that but they helped reach critical mass to drive adoption, and used their dominance in the industry to push studios to work with us, instead of against us.

Couldn't disagree more. Both are huge selling points for me, and have virtually no downsides, unlike other phone features.

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You say "four cylinder" like its some kind of gutless junk. This turbo 4 puts past V8s to shame, and gets better fuel economy doing it. Sure new car prices have risen a lot, but I'd rather have this than an outdated V8.

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No you're right. Sixie chicks spoke out against war and got a lot of backlash.

I went through the same thing on my knee. 3 pointless appointments and two months to get to the MRI, that should have been the first step.

How can they be saving money by adding extra steps to my diagnosis? It's not just the insurance companies that are the problem. Medical providers have their own schemes to milk the insurance for more money.

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As amazing as proton is, Linux will never have 100% parity with Windows because developers and studios can block it. Honestly most games that don't run right now are intentionally blocked or restricted. If you are interested on what its like though I would strongly encourage throwing Linux on a spare drive or partition and installing steam.

Also, why wouldn't they use a cancer vaccine for a "mind control" or "tracking chip".

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Because it was. J

I'm not sure why this comes up in every Sony post. Their naming scheme is dirt simple and stable unlike other brands. 1 is flagship, 5 is their midrange and 10 is their low end. Mark number is generation.

Simpler than pro, max, plus, FE, lite, 5g etc from all the other brands. I swear people just like to bitch about Sony.

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I almost ordered, but this was a deal breaker.

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A lot of subreddits have discord servers associated with them. Personally I think discord doesn't fill the role of Reddit well, but it does have its place.

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It was a little tricky setting up for me, since I couldn't get heroic to work on my computer. I will use steam in a hearbest though, much easier.

2x2 is not a structural type of lumber. Houses use 2X4 or 2X6 for structure.

4.7" 16:9

And no, bezeless doesnt mske bigger OK. 4.7" was big 10 years ago, and is still plenty big if you ask me.

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Some people have different jobs that require it. Sometimes being able to check an email means less work, not more. Just because its there doesnt mean its toxic.

Unless you're in the US, then you don't get a choice.

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Yeah that whole "flat tire" thing was so blown out of proportion. It looks better than any of the current watches with their huge bezels. I swear someone paid off reviewers to pan Motorola's products. The moto X got a bunch of unfair BS too.

I'll never understand this style of social media. Facebook I hate, but kind of get, hearing from people you know. Reddit, was just a big message board. But twitter and its copy cats have zero appeal to me. Following people is just a creepy concept for me.

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I strongly dislike it. Having themed colors seems immature and less functional. Having it tied to a wallpaper makes even less sense. I set my system color to grey and use an icon pack for my third party launcher. Padding and other regressions are harder to fix.

4.4 was peak android.

Is there a chance we can loosen up the rules a bit here? I understand why its needed on reddit, but its pretty dead here with the rules so tight.

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Looks like a solid choice. I like the matte plastic back and wireless charging. This is a good recommendation for a mid price phone, although personally I am not a fan of Pixels barebones android.

Automakers manipulate demand through marketing and lobbying. CAFE requirements made it hard to sell small cars, so auto makers marketed and sold bigger cars. Now everyone thinks they need a massive vehicle, but really it's just a trend.

I don't get why higher than 5w is needed. I charge my phone while I sleep. Wireless is super nice.

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We had a good 20 years or so where the internet helped reduce ignorance, but somehow we lost all that ground and more.

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This another factor why kids lean to iphone. Their parents buy them the shitty $100 android phone from the carrier store. Compared to a $1000 iPhone, it sucks pretty bad.

Significant for me. Not sure if vsync is working.

I'm surprised they peg libertarians so low. I know a lot of people that vote GOP just for "lower taxes". Where do they fit in?

Depends on how you look at it. Im not a fan of carriers that limit my phone options. Thats why I ditched Verizon years ago.

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I used the Jelly 2 for several months and the Atom L for 2+ years. The hardware and base software is very solid, with some minor exceptions that can be expected for a small manufacturer.

The Jelly 2 was too small for me and the fingerprint sensor and camera were sub par. But if you want a tiny phone, its 100 times better than anything on the market. Get the Jelly star for the updates specs though.

The Atom L(and XL) was a solid phone, literally and rhetorically. The camera wasn't flagship class, but solid. I never had a problem with performance, and the phone is very durable. Mine developed a connection issue which was annoying, but not a show stopper. Unfortunately, they haven't updated this device any longer and there is no new version.

If you have any questions let me know.

Don't use a barometric chamber on your phone.

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Chrome crippling the reopen tab option(they removed from right click menu) is what drove me back to Firefox.

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If supporting Israel is supporting genocide than Trump supports that too. Trump is one of Netanyahus strongest supporters, LOL.

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Dissapointed was my experience with my pixel 1. My 4a is less so, but at least its cheap.

To be fair, there really isn't a need for them until recently