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Joined 13 months ago

Toyota do have a decade or so unbroken history of promising anything that will slow BEV adoption and then delivering a turd sandwich. Here's hoping it's different this time.

15 more...

This isn't an "all of the above approach" though, it's a "cancel the short term plans and pretend we're going to do something later" approach.

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...and decreasing the utilisation of their coal fleet to the point where their coal consumption for electricity is flat and set to start decreasing next year.

And their renewable energy share is higher than the US (and most of the world) and increasing faster.

Stop whatabouting and fix your own shit.

Bifaciality isn't new or limited to perovskite based PV. Ground reflection is also not the only source of indirect light.

This article is very bad, but bifacial panels are starting to dominate the industry for good reason. The backside gives a 5-20% boost in total annual yield (which is worth it on its own), but more importantly that boost is skewed towards times with low direct irradiance (such as cloudy days). This reduces the amount of storage required.

It also allows other orientations. Vertical installations have huge advantages including better compatibility with agrivoltaics, generation skewed towards times where low tilt panels don't produce (morning-evening for east-west and winter for north-south), better dual use, and lower racking cost. Glass-glass encapsulisation is also more durable and this alone pays for most of the added cost.

If the entire world turned vegan would it make a difference?

...yes. Plainly and obviously. Most land use would be gone overnight. Deforestation would stop immediately as would the second largest source of methane, one of the largest sources of NO2, and billions of tonnes of CO2 per year (about a quarter of all emissions). No other single initiative other than maybe ending urban driving would come close.

If you're in the global top 50% there is absolutely nothing stopping you from switching to a primarily plant based diet, and if you're in the bottom 50% you probably don't eat enough meat to be a major impact.

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What the fuck? It's called a starter home. How is the existence of sane-sized singe-family or mutli-family homes supposed to be a bad thing?

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Elaboration on the reasons why would be nice.

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It's not a godwin if they are literally nazis performing a literal genocide whilst literally losing a war of agression in Europe.

A phrase that refers to someone being openly fascist/nazi rather than trying to hide their true intentions.

Mask-on: Bush era GOP or current European far right.

Mask-off: DeSantis

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Nah, that will be 2027. After the current El Nino oscillation but before the 50 degree summers start.

That was end stage capitalism.

Unions mostly defeated it after that, but then everyone forgot how bad it was and elected Thatcher and Reagan

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Fossil fuel and monopoly utility owners desperately trying to direct resources away from the thing killing their profits to something they know is ineffective with astroturfing campaign. Fox news watchers parroting what they're told.

News at 11

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Nah. Give tesla the same number of points everyone else gets on their license. If the company runs out, no more cars controlled by tesla on the roads..

You'd have thought it was obvious, but everyone I've ever met IRL thought they'd be cheaper forever.

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Tool built by narcissist gaslighters is good for bullshit but nothing else? Colour me shocked.

Both are used for animal feed, and the vast tracts of no longer needed crop land would displace other demand.

Defederate the big corps immediately.

Splitting your assets into multiple subsidiary companies to limit liability isn’t organized crime, it’s standard corporate operations

Those are the same picture

Tesla is incompatible with socialism

So is the CCP so they're a pretty good match.

Don't worry, they're gearing up for the "Climate change is real, but we just need to genocide more of the people with a <100kg/yr carbon footprint to fix it" chapter of dogshit rhetoric soon.

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Switching >50% of the power to wind could have happened any time in the last 80 years for far less than any one of the various failed nuclear transitions.

Hell, the first commercial solar thermal installation was over a century ago and the first attempt to bring PV to market was george cove in 1906. One abandoned nuclear reactor worth of investment could have moved either down the economic learning curve to replace coal.

Here's an example of what can be done with 5 hours of storage. 5 hours is a 25% participation rate of V2G where the participants offer a third of their battery capacity.

If going with the (false) assumption that nuclear can hit 100% grid penetration, it would take decades to offset the carbon released by causing a single year of delay.

The lowest carbon "let's pretend storage is impossible and go with 100% nuclear" would still start with exclusively funding VRE.

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No on all fronts.

The only reactor designs with any sort of history don't produce steam at high enough temperature for the sulfur cycle and haber process.

The steam they do produce costs more per kWh thermal than a kWh electric from renewables with firming so is more economic to produce with a resistor.

Mirrors exist. Point one at a rock somewhere sunny and you have a source of high temperature heat.

Direct nitrogen electrolysis is better than all these options. It's had very little research but the catalysts are much more abundant than hydrogen electrolysers and higher efficiencies are possible.

Using fertilizer at all has a huge emissions footprint (much bigger than producing it). The correct path here is regenerative agriculture, precision fermentation and reducing the amount of farmland needed by stopping beef. Nitrogen electrolysis is a good bonus on top of this.

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Isn't there a decent argument they've abandoned the trademark?

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No it's not. Leave and destroy every asset you can't take with you.

We know they want their populace to think he's dead and that they're not trying to blame ukraine.

This actually narrows down the possibilities a fair bit.

Since shutdown, one of the reactors has been run in a mode where it is generating some steam (but I believe no or not enough electricity -- this is supplied by external power lines) for safety and maintenance purposes. Currently this is reactor 5. The russians are now switching it to reactor 4 (this being the one that Ukranian Intelligence alleged was rigged with explosives, and the one the russians won't let the IAEA fully inspect).

When you demand free insurance from someone they get to set the risk profile.

Tell you what. You put up collateral equal to the value of any nearby city and everything in it, and you can stop ALARA.

Also even with that it's still bullshit. Nuclear had a higher negative learning rate before ALARA and is still horrifically expensive outside the US.

Also the suggestion that wind and solar aren't subject to more extreme regulation on potential harms is even more ridiculous.

I'd settle for a single less sweet option.

The choice always seems to be extremely high in sugar, or even sweeter but with artificial sweeteners.

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People are educated. That's why they're buying solar panels even in places where laws are being written to make it harder and 10x more expensive.

Exxon is working on it. Give it another decade.

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On the billions of acres no longer needed to grow animal feed for a small minority of global calories and protein.

You're trying to pretend meat isn't over and order of magnitude less efficient than other agriculture and it's just making you look foolish.

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Normal non-fascist-reactionary people have the ability to distinguish between ridiculous bad faith pearl clutching (what you are doing now) and earnest expressions of identity.

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Solid state lithium are generally much safer. Keeping them working for more than a few charges is the problem.

Mines take a lot longer than 10 years, as do power-plants (the whole thing starting at permit submission and ending at last reactor coming online). 2045 is optimistic.

8 more...

Nah, that'll be 2026-2027 some time. The overall trend takes a decade or so to exceed the smaller scale ~3yr oscillations.

It's still an order of magnitude more responsive and reliable than reddit ever was.

Muh free speech! They're forcing me to use whatever name someone wants rather than calling him n****r boy. *clutchest pearls*

What's next? Not using pronouns to harrass and demean people intentionally?

12 more...

Plug in car. Press the "I would like to only pay $100/yr to fuel this please" button.

Later when you leave for work press the "I would like the house to be cool when I get home and also want to pay half as much for AC" button.

Buy the 1.5m wide water heater that stores 10kWh of hot water and lasts a week between heatings rather than the 70cm one that lasts a day.

Such an unconscionable burden.

And like others have said, the rest of the world is at fault too. Germany shut down all of its nuclear plants, which forced them to go heavy into coal. And not just any coal, but lignite which is considered the dirtiest of all types of coal.

That's a weird way of spelling wind and solar

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