
1 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Getting shot over shoplifting is insane.

The usa is fucked beyond saving

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Because windows is preinstalled on the computer they buy. That is literally it

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People who have a large following and magic emojis next to their name will keep using it because it gives them their validation. Twitter celebs are really in a sad state of existence

Sounds like the cutest girl

Humor is now legal on twitter!

My AI trained torrent client will be very happy to hear this

See, people are even defending it. Truly and absolutely fucked fucked fucked.

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Dinner with musk so I cqnshove my fork in his eyesocket

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They're an ally because they kill slightly browner people

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Stop! You are destroying my world with your LIES

Brother, you don't know how fucking tech illiterate our government is (with a nice topping of being wannabe autocrats)

Yeah but tbh i really despise powershells syntax. But i'm happy it is pretty powerful.

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Reminder that the USA was a big inspiration for the nazis.

They pretty much wanted to make a USA II

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"We want more money so fuck you"

Nobody ever installs windows themselves

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Bring back old skool rednecks who beat up their bosses and sing about it

What a bunch of losers lol

To a certain degree, there ain't really that many companies that are ideologically aligned with me lol

Owu nyaaaaaa~~~~

I would love the option to disable infinite scrolling, I really hate it as a feature because I noticeably spend more time on a platform, feels very bad for my little brain. I'm happy to read that it is at least something you think about, great work anyhow.

Be honest, how often do you clean your screen?

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MF I am posting this with a freaking phone wdym ludites? I have lightbulbs.

Also the ludites weren't even inherently anti technology

Because it is all fucking bullshit

Lmao what a load of horseshit

Also Belgium and Netherlands

I don't really like Germany being there either.

Switzerland can stay but it has to be without any swiss people

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No but it 's different this time!

Considering I'm pretty pisspoor at the moment everything is. And tbh if I had money I still wouldn't pay for movies but I would buy a lot on bandcamp(so I can make torrents out of it)

Because if people would talkto immigrants they would realize they are just people and the big wigs are the ones continuously fucking over everyone.

I propose force immigration to bikini island for politicians and billionaires (and millionaires too)

Luckily I'm so high they all look like foxes

Jokes on you, the sand cleans my stomach


I'mevaluatibg you on tour reactionaire right now!Talke that!

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Where I'm from we say it is 'carnival in hell'

Metaverse part 2

Sadly conservative people have the money

Shit man you got me, I want disabled people to die from thirst, I fucking love killing disabled people in the weekend it's my favorite hobby.

Calling me ableist because I make fun of straws is legitimately deranged, are you in the pockets of big straw or something?

(also the solution to plastic straws is easy, just use the ones that you can clean and reuse)

They do shitty homework?

Piracy + donations or something idk

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haha yes
