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Joined 1 years ago

Say it with me folks: regulatory capture.

Google et Al wants to make it illegal for the average user to run any kind of ai model locally.. it's scaremongering.

Even if po}pular image generation AIs did have images of children as part of their training dataset how many people would be able to have them generate anything even remotely like that?

Big tech will use this research, and research like it, to de-democratize artificial intelligence and take it out of the hands of ordinary people while actual pedophiles are training image generation AIs on actual child sexual assault media.

Sooner or later someone with a full blown cp generating stable diffusion model will be found and big tech is going to latch on to it like a lamprey on a shark, doing everything in their power to best the world over the head with it and ensure only they have the tools to make aim

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But how many football fields does it weigh?

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This is one of those things no one talks about but should. This is what the morning after do8ng a bunch if cocaine is like every time.

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The sharing thing sounds like a security nightmare. And who the hell am I sharing files with anyway? No thanks.

My vision of the future is having an os that'll install itself on any device I own whether the manufacturers want me to or not. I want to own the things I own.

That's it. Everything else is fine.

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Give it back to Rome. Roma Invicta.

What the fuck are you talking about?

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In tests they did in the 50s they told people yo cover their eyed with their hands and close their eyed and people could see the bones in the heir hands.

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Finnegan's wake is a far easier read. Pick a random page anywhere and it makes no fucking sense at all.

As someone who recently completed work on an 8 and a half tall demon statue in his living room, I approve.

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I blame proto indo Europeans

I'm not sure if this applies where you are but since covid it is HARD to talk to people irl. I'm chatty and will strike up conversations everywhere I go. Before covid most people engaged. Since they look at me like I'm grow>ng a second head. Dating apps have always worked well for me though. Damn well.

This is what the case is 9 times out of 10.

Mansplaining is a thing, sure. lit happens. But I think a key aspect of it is talking down to someone. Its explaining things like how to turn on a computer or telling an engineer how to do addition.

My head is filled with mostly useless facts. I've learned that if im talking to someone about something I'm interested in chances are they'll have never heard of it or no nothing about it. So I make sure to ask things like: do you know much about x? Or have you heard of you before?

It gives me an idea of how much I'll need to explain. Ive had a few instances where someone has gotten indignant to the question. To which I normally reply by jumping right past first principles and into to the heart of it. Cue confused look.

I guess we cant all be enlightened enough to trust Facebook with everything.

Am I the only one who wants it to stay exactly like it is?

Maybe a weird take coming from a recent redditfugee butnbint feels perfect as is. Like reddit read before all the enshittifcation like 8 years ago.

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I can't wear wool. It physically hurts and causes a rash. I want to like wool. I want to wear wool. I can appreciate that wool is good. But even cashmere I'd like sandpaper.

I think we all know what the solution is. We need to genetically engineer a sheep that is 15 times as big with wool 200 times softer the reproduces by laying eggs, and make it so that it produces mostly drone sheep that are able to care for it without human intervention, grooming it attentively and instinctually building large hives out of the coarse wool we currently call wool, so that all we have to do is harvest the total wool to have cuddly soft garments in cute colors.

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I too suck at it.

If I am picking up on a vibe I don't go all in. I point at the elephant and say: look, I think I see an elephant. Is it really there? My eyes play tricks in me sometimes, but I could swear you brought this elephant with you into the room.

Then they will say: yes, I did, or no, no elephant.

And then you carry on, with or without the elephant.

Social media is a huge part of the problem..

Stop using social media and 90% of the internets issues stop affecting you.

Search is still fucked tho

When they say gender they mean sex.

They mean different things to you. They don't to them.

There, argument over.

I be been fiddling with home assistants voice thing a bit and like wvwry4hing home assistant the process has been frustrating and bordering on Kafkaesque. I bought these atom echo things they recommend which don't seem to make the best google home replacements, and in struggling to figure out how to get home assistant to pipe the sound out of another device, thereby making them useful.

Admittedly this may be simpler if all I was looking to do is say things and have stuff happen in a default voice model, but I fine tuned my own RTS voice model(s) and am looking to be able to use them for controlling homeass as well as for general inference when i feel like it.

I've spent some tim3, not a lot but some, trying to find out what devices can be m2dia players and under what conditions and how (or whether) you can use esp home to pipe audio through the media player / use USB mics as microphones for the voice stuff.

I'm kind of at a loss as far as understanding what the actual intention was for homeless' year of the voice, so I've be3n thinking that maybe offloading some of my goals to a container or VM on TNT server running homeless on proxmox may be a better path forward. I came across this post just in time it seems.

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Imo ",the trans issue" is cut and dry. Be who you want, do what you want. Doesn't affect me, or anyone else.

I'm starting to take an issue with everyone who isn't trans though, and how weirdly obsessive and angry everyone iand their mother is about an issue that doesn't affect a vast majority of the population.

I get that people can care about more than one issue at once. But wage inequality, homelessness, war, genocide,declining standards of living, student loans - there are so many issues that deserve our collective consideration and action on more.

It's a non issue. What other people do to themselves and how they present themselves is their business. Its not that these issues don't matter, they do, but we have bigger fish to fry and while I'm personally glad to see such a widespread desire to advance causes like this I can't help but feel like the time so many people spend bickering online about it is time that could be better spent offline doing things that would advance these causes anyway.

And it doesn't help that the time spent bickering isn't even productive. It's just people who already agree withe sch otherr aggressively reinforcing each others,' beliefs to the point of militancy.

I'm not allowed to have opinions on the subject, and I largely don't because it really doesn't affect me snd I'm already in support of people being able to live how they choose anyway, but I'm bombarded with posts about the issue wherever I go, and I'm ju#t so fatigued by how little it matters on the grand scale of things, while being sensitive to how it can be the most important things of the world to some people.

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They probably think they're s clever. "Silly Jews, you think you've got such a good deal with all this free money but wait until the magic sky man comes and murders every one of you in cold blood because that's what somebody who claims to love people does, murders billions of them, and you're first! Ha ha. Silly magic sky man, doesn't even know about all the loopholes."

I mean. People will as readily do this to other people as they will to animals.

The sad fact is we are built to do this. Because we do.

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I'm not sure what baehaw is. I don't really)l care? So it if you want to or don't.

I don't like driving..

I don't need to drive

Owning a car is stupidly expensive. And its an expense I don't need to pay.

Cars make people lazy and entitled and create divisions between them. When you're driving you're not around other people like you would be on public transit. They're bothered.

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I'm currently involved in a legal case in which I produced audio recordings. I was questioned intensely by the other sides lawyer about the modified date on windows.

I kept asking him to clarify what he meant by modified until he said "I don't know".

Like. Ffs.

Oh man. Ai can upscale DVDs.

Like. I can upscale anything. But damn.

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I have this thing where I tend to get a raging hard-on when a woman is crying near me, like if a my girlfriend is sad and I'm consoling her:: boijg.

I have no intellectual inte=st a woman crying, and generally don't feel "turned on", like, I'll generally just try and }pretend like it's not happening and have no urge to do anything about it. I've always kind of wondered "what the fuck" every time it happens since there's nothing I find remotely interesting sexually about it. Now though, I wonder.

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So, for an example of what the other user was talking about, I'm just some guy and for my first foray inyo programming / machine learning (I kind of just threw myself into the deep end) I modified stylegan 3 and trained it on about 500g of reddit porn that I scraped off reddit.

Now, I stopped the training after about a week (it was going to take about a solid month on my rtx 2080 ti) when I found out stable diffusion existed but I learned a LOT from that experience.

I couldn't do that now. Arguably none of that was how any of that should be done but whatever.

No. Search isn't for finish g what you want anymore.. common misconception.

Yeah. You got it.

And sure you can hop on vocitai and download a model or lora or lycoris or comfyui workflow or whatwver. But we're only at the beginning stages of ai.

Like. Face swapping is mainly done with with the inswapper. Onnx model which was pulled by insight face after it started making the rounds in the face swapping applicarion roop. It's all well and good for hobbyist face swapping image gen but it's a 128 bit model and low res. It kind of makes a blurry mess on larger images. Insight face has higher resolution models available but they're not public, and to my knowledge there aren't any viable alternative to this model that can match the same speed and accuracy. So everyone is out here playing with sticks and rocks while those who can pay have shoyn new things.

There are very valid concerns about the harmful potential of deep fakes and I can understand how the models creator didn't want to take responsibility for enabling that. But if, say, google wanted to use that or a similar closed source in house model to deep fake CASM for propaganda purposes or the same for political leaders, celebrities, not only does the public not have access to those models to understand how it's being done and identify artifacts of that process, they lack the ability to "fight back" in any meaningful way.

To be clear I don't think the above is, or is inevitably going to happen, but it highlights the asymmetric nature of ai that big tech wants. It doesn't even have to be such high stakes. If you wanted to, say, swap out your son's face for Luke Skywalker on the star wars movie for a Christmas present or something, that's something that would be challenging to do locally and convincingly without the right model, but not having access to that model you could instead be forced to pay an absurdly high price by a private company or denied entirely due to fear of copyright infringement, even though I'm relatively certain doing that and not releasing it publicly falls purely in the realm of fair use.

And then there's text, speech, audio generation. What happens if the tech gets good enough for someone to spend a few hours setting up some parameters for some pop songs with vocals, hits go, and generates music as consistently appealing as what we hear on the radio? And when no one else can access that tech? They're able to pay artists nothing and basically produce free content wed have to pay for. If the public had access to that same tech then artists would still have a role in making popular music, even if the landscape had shifted totally. Either way the music business as we know it dies, but there's one option where creative people can still make money independently without getting on big techs dick to do so.

It's a complicated issue and the ethics of it are fraught no matter where you look, but take one look at how cynically terrible all of googles products are getting and I think it's painfully obvious we can't trust them and their ilk with some access to this kind of tech.

Can we just start hanging the rich on live TV?

They're the same thing.

First of all fuck you. Second of all I laughed my ass off at thst. I'm not sure why. Good job.

It actually looks like he could eat her. Snakes expand. A lot.

Search is broken. It's been getting worse year over year and Google / Bing and all the various offshoots that are JUST GOOGLE AND BING (this isn't a fucking secret, people. You can slap whatever algo you want over Google / bing and it's still fucking Google and bing. And a jolly go duck duck fucK yourself to the lot of them).

I pay $10/month for kagi. Its worth it.

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I've only ever met people online.

And it's allowed me to be the depraved slut I am today.

Let the squares go do square things.

Was the keyboard made by the Spanish inquisition?

How about inmates? Let's use that term. And make sure its accurate.

Like. I can't even rub Wayland on my 4090. Its a black screen. This happens with manjaro kde. With mint I can at least see my (frozen, unresponsive, unusable) desktop.

This all sounds cool and stuff but I kind of wish people would, like, shut the fuck up about Wayland? My understanding is that NY far from unique. People that own PCs have nvidia cards. Unless "the year of the Linux desktop" involves everyone vaporating anmd cards that magically have cuda cores somehow out of their asses then nothing about Wayland really matters to us.

You can "get an and" card to me all you want, but here's the thing: I don't fucking want one. I use my cuda cores. Its why I spent as much as I did on a 4090.

I guess 555 is supposed to make Wayland work with nvidia?

I mean, look. Using an nvidia card with Linux, and getting the requisite drivers working, can be am experience akin to having your has deferens ripped out by an aging badger. I get it. But until I can nvidia while I Wayland I just don't care. And I'm not alone.

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