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Joined 12 months ago

I know this has been said many times, but the fact that this clown was actually President of the USA makes me doubt the sanity of humanity.

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Sorry dude, you'll have to subtract one unfortunately. I created a NSFW account to have two different home feeds.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

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Don't worry, Kenya. Germany isn't doing any better either.

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Because the joke is about spending so much money on things like porn and alcohol. It's just a joke, no real statement of expenses.

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When I was a student, a friend texted me one evening:

"Tequila. Name of our usual bar. Now."

I replied "OK" and was there 20 minutes later. She was a little surprised, but learned exactly the lesson of this post that evening.

My wife has MS. And even though we are of course far from being at a point where the disease will be cured, articles like this give hope.

There are a lot of smart people who are dealing with the topic. Hopefully they can get something solid done soon!

You really want to test the limits of this sub.

What a mysterious and beautiful language.

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It is true.

Seeing is to the eyes what hearing is to the ears. Just as you can hear sounds, tones, and voices that tell you about the world around you, seeing allows people to perceive light, shapes, colors, and movements. Imagine being able to 'feel' everything around you without touching it, from a distance. It's like sensing the presence, shape, and texture of objects, but from afar and all at once. Colors, which are a significant aspect of vision, can be likened to different tones or pitches in sounds. Just as a high note feels different from a low note, different colors have their own 'feel' visually. Overall, seeing is a way of sensing and understanding the environment from a distance, much like how you can hear someone talking from the other side of a room

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Facebook was way more fun back then.

This joke is really old now.

And yes, even if such mistakes are funny at first glance, it doesn't change the fact that the field of AI has developed incredibly in the last year. And this development actually has the potential to completely change our economy. And not only that.

No, I'm not fun at parties.

25 more...

Nah, when I see what's going on here in Europe... These may not be such obvious jokes, but this stupid and dangerous right-wing propaganda, which seems to be gaining momentum everywhere, is frightening.

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Some of them keep talking about their Ex (Reddit).

This is “brave” until it goes wrong. Then it's "stupid". The border is narrow.

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It was the best 2023 we ever had.

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Even though I agree with you that you shouldn't look away, there are two things that bother me:

If I understand correctly, this is completely unmoderated. This means it is up to the viewer how they interpret what they see.

In addition, the income should be made available to solve the problem. But it seems like someone is just putting it in their pocket.

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Here in Germany there is a television station that likes to produce similar trash formats. Whole seasons show people on the streets struggling with addiction and the problems of homelessness.

Even though I think it's important that we don't forget this part of society, it always had a strange aftertaste to me. What is described here sounds like the next stage in this display of human tragedy for the purpose of entertainment.

He was fired due to some discrepancy. Nadella said directly that he didn't like it. And when he can't use his 49% to bring Altman back, he hires him himself.

Without sarcasm: that makes total sense to me.

What message?

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In Belgium, they use "septante" and "nonante" too. 80 is still "quatre-vingt".

The Room.

I don't know if there is anything to discuss there.

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Exactly. I was there and saw my wife having the worst pain of her life. Really without exaggeration. It was incredibly hard and painful.

Then, 10 minutes after it's all over, she looks at me and says "Well, that wasn't so bad".

Strangers I know nothing about? Sorry, as I dislike people in general, I can't give a number. I can't even say if such a number exists. What if I say 100 and they're all racist?

I would give my life for my son though. He ain't no racist. He's two years old.

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When I was 25, I met a young woman who was also 19. I couldn't believe she was so young, because she seemed so mature. But it wasn't an issue for me either.

That was 12 years ago. We have been married for 5 years.

I am very excited to see which areas of medicine will make progress through AI in the next few years.

My best friend has extreme back pain and there doesn't seem to be anyone who can really help him.

My wife has multiple sclerosis, which I don't need to say more about.

Medicine has made enormous progress in the last few decades. I pray this gets a turbo boost from AI. (And that even though I don't believe in God.)

Portal 2. I love the game. But when it goes all the way down and you have to fight your way through that underground rubble...

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I know this is a stereotypical answer, but honestly: playing with my breasts.

He fell while jogging.

To be honest, I don't understand the fuss. Of course, YouTube needs a history to make suggestions. How else? I thought that was a prerequisite anyway.

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No. Reality can't be better than expectations.

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Here is the official announcement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yl5PGoy5X6g

If anyone had asked me which rock band would be the first to come out with this kind of crap, I would have said KISS anyway.

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Looks like Holiday decorations for the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Both. Both is good.

Sometimes you say things that go down well, sometimes not. If you only ever experience approval in your life, you are doing something wrong.

Also possible.

Stereotypes are nonsense.

And no, what you are describing are French.