
Bernie to Lemmy – 950 points –

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I know this has been said many times, but the fact that this clown was actually President of the USA makes me doubt the sanity of humanity.

It was a huge shock to us all, all around the world, watching him go from attempting to run for president of the U.S., to actually attaining it. The best thing I can say for it, is that it shows that Americans have a genuine hunger for change. If it could just be directed in a productive way...

That's a very positive way of putting it. I appreciate it.

Was and might actually be again.

No, there's no way it'll ever happen. If he's even on the ballot, liberals will come out of the woodworks to vote for Biden. It also doesn't help that RFKJr is stealing a sizable amount of votes from the Republican party as well.

That’s what the world told itself last time….

I take nothing for granted with this clown. The fact that he’s still a free man in the first place makes me weary of his impact on the future.

I hope he loses. Or better gets hit by a car before election time. But if he makes it to the ballot and his name is on the paper in November. He’s a threat.

Weary = tired

Wary = cautious


Both are apt here I think.

sudo apt update

sudo apt install functional-government

... Sorry I've been learning Linux this past week

Package not found: functional-government

Did you mean: anarchy from people-are-tired (universe)

Careful with this dependency resolution. I predict lots of conflicts.

leery adjective ˈlir-ē variants or less commonly leary Synonyms of leery : SUSPICIOUS, WARY —often used with of leery of strangers She seemed a little leery of the proposal.

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"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." Also, "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.". Carlin of course.

I was curious, so i googled. I could find a mention that this quote could never be positively connected to Carlin even though (speciallu on facebook) people shared this quote. It most.likely is a wrong one.

“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”

It's literally his stand up routine that he repeated to hundreds of crowds.

“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”

This is the quote your link is questioning... They're likely correct that this direct quote doesn't exist. However there's many instances throughout his career that can succinctly be paraphrased as this phrase. I can specifically think of a few concepts Carlin talked about often that would apply... Religion, government, and general IQ discussions being prime examples. I'm not going to hunt for the specific quote... but it's on brand for him.

Yet Haley and De Santis could make it close against Biden in swing states according to a NYT/Siena poll. Never underestimate human beings potential for stupidity and or shooting itself in the foot.

Plus the various psychological warfare / trolling campaigns by Russia and China.

Yeah, I remember the last time there was no chance in hell he'd be elected.

I won't hold my breath.

They ran Hilary Clinton against him, that was a lot of the problem. Just as unlikable and abrasive.

I hope so. If Trump is attracting former Biden voters in enough numbers for him to win, I want off this ridiculous rock.

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The fact that over 74 million people voted for a literal monster in 2020 is what made me doubt it.

Also, the fact that there are women and non-whites who vote republican.

Some people have different priorities or ways of thinking, and this can cause them to conclude that the Republican candidate is the best option sometimes, without being malicious.

I don't vote Republican, for the record, but such people are out there. Otherwise it wouldn't be such a major party (unless you think nearly half the US is malicious.)

As a non-American, I concede that reading his Twitter meltdowns and hearing is asinine takes was extremely funny for the first 3 weeks. Then it just got sad.

Sanity of Americans*

Nah, when I see what's going on here in Europe... These may not be such obvious jokes, but this stupid and dangerous right-wing propaganda, which seems to be gaining momentum everywhere, is frightening.

It only works because more liberal politicians aren't helping people anymore. Embracing authoritarians is an incorrect response to the correct assessment that the West in general is backsliding. We are collectively putting the interests of the wealthy above the interest of our citizens. Some countries are just further down the path than others.

[I'm not advocating large scale violence]

The worst part is I don't see any way for it to reasonably stop outside of large scale violence.

And, the side who would need to revolt are the less likely side to resort to those methods, so I see things getting much worse before they get better.

Agreed. While it's currently bad for a lot of people in a lot of places I think it's going to have to be more widespread before we hit the breaking point.

The popular vote tells a better story than the electoral map, but yeah, the ones that can leave easily, should. I did.

The rest of the world is trending towards American insanity, though.

The UN should have walled us off after he was elected.

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