
0 Post – 217 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Former Farker, former Digger, former Redditor, current Lemming (or Lemonhead? Not sure which, but I'm all for it!)

Getcher prison pocket ready, fucker

If you're cool with sending an 18 year old to battle, you should be cool with letting them vote

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The same guy who played golf for more than 300 days while on "duty" as POTUS? Yeah, it'll be a good day

I wish I could get my parents to unplug from Fox for a while

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Backwards-ass Texas

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I hope Killer Mike laughed in his dumb face 🤣

A woman dedicated to her craft 🫡

I'm talked to tons of democrats who're unhappy with how Biden has failed to live up to his promises, and how he has lost an edge, and a myriad of other reasons. People criticize him ALL THE TIME! Left and right.

Edit- I've found that democrats are far more willing to criticize Biden than Republicans who are willing to criticize Trump. Despite the mountains of evidence to directly contradict most of what comes out of Trumps mouth, Republicans "stand by their man"

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So the cat is training you 😁

SMH an army of tech-illiterate boomers, just what we need!

They're all the same people

Hair dye from a ghoul?

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"Quick, do you have a structured settlement and need cash NOW?"

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Manufactured outrage is the calling card of the GOP and their supporters

I suppose McCarthy no longer needs him

Just the longest in US history, brought on by funding disputes over his stupid wall

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I mean, I'm not gonna tell 'em

While I agree, I also see the other guys POV...the Founding Fathers wanting to break from kings and royal lines, while Trump&Fam look like their doing their best to start a royal family of America (I'll be damned before that ever happens)

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NOW she wants a divorce? So she's been cool with it, but the conviction was just too much to continue to bear.

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I'm leaning towards him having dirt on the entire GOP (or most of 'em)

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I don't see anything to clench teeth on...rookie mistake!

Tie between Time Bandits and The Adventures of Baron Munchausen...well dammit, Robin Williams as King of the Moon wins, Munchausen re-watch time!

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It sounds like they mean to remove themselves from the gene pool as well! I'm all for it

Wrong, I think you'll find "Thad" is your favorite character played by Alan R. (/s)

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A broken clock is right twice a day

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Someone give that bitch a wedgie

They were free to find gainful employment elsewhere 🤷‍♂️

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And my belief in the average American drops

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She's trash, don't care what she has to say about anything

That 100% tracks

Or you could just deny reality like some do

That's funny, him getting pissed about anti-semetic ANYTHING

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I'm surprised the russkies have any to spare

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Benedict Donald

Or sell tickets to view

Needs butter, eggs, beans, garlic (i assume you already have salt & pepper), rice (get a bigger bag, it's cheap! Learn different rice recipes) and noodles...lose the uncrustables, the muffins, and the Swiss rolls. Get a big bag of cereal instead (good for snacking + breakfast) and a box of muffin mix (you get more for cheaper). Room for improvement, but good instincts with the veggies, just get some fruit too 🤙🤙

Edit- canned diced tomatoes and chicken broth really go a long way when making rice- I love using knorrs tomato/chicken bullion when making Mexican rice


Domino #1 has fallen, can't wait to see more!

Hey, c'mon down to Texas!

Also, don't bother with heated bidets - unless you have to worry about the device freezing. My parents installed one in an older house and it would draw quite a bit of power, the lights would noticeably flicker lol