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Joined 10 months ago

Here to read the internet.

Graphics updated for entire game, or just the newest expansion?

Edit: upon getting my lazy ass to read, it says the whole game! Nice.

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Picture: baby

6+ years

Not with that attitude!

I think you misread something. 20 dead looks like 15 police and 5 civilians, with another 45 injured.

Not any less horrible, but that's what it says so far.

What happened in Idaho?

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That last one hit best.

I'll constantly make entire spreadsheets to analyze the most random things, and then I get annoyed when my wife doesn't want to hear the summary and conclusion.

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it's still unfathomable that trump was "allowed" (I know it was "legal", don't point that out) to pardon his literal partners-in-crime. He basically has already self-pardoned himself by proxy by allowing these traitors to walk free.

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That's an excellent analogy, to say "you can buy palworld for that" which really makes it hit different for me.

It shows you how absurd it is, even with it being optional. It's still absurd.

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like when the collective world went outside at the same time when Pokemon Go launched. Our quiet downtown area was amazing to walk through. all those people.

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yeah, honestly, if you zoom out summary level, the whole thing is so confusing.

I'll admit I wasn't paying attention, so high-level he seemed like a Tony Stark, liberal darling: investing in space, internet access, electric cars, and solar. I mean, the dude was set to be a left-wing mascot. Boy was I an idiot. But I admit I wasn't paying close attention to any early flags.

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Most of our packaging machines require < 1%, target <0.5% variance (both ways). Honestly in practice, over a whole batch the total variance is extremely tiny.

Add to this story the accuracy of a household, not-calibrated scale? Yeah I'd say this seems OK.

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door opening sound knock knock

I can still sometimes "hear" ICQ, and that's going on almost 30 years ago now?

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honestly the 'pardon' ability needs to go away completely. maybe it made sense before, and/or wasnt abused, but now it just seems prepped to be a tool to release your fellow felons in crime.

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I need to look up how "insider trading" even works.

When you are the CEO, and you make decisions, and you own your own stock - wouldn't everything you ever do be with insider info? It is just honor system pinky-promise to act in good faith? I mean that sounds super effective.

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it really blows my mind that there were absolutely no consequences for what they were doing out in the open like that. then again, it also feels like 'par for the course' given everything else in the last 6+ years.

I was talking to my wife, and three times in a row I called the shower a "closet" and it just kept happening, while I got mad and she laughed at me.

Does saying the wrong word make me incompetent?

But anyway biden is still too old and it's embarrassing that he's our "pick", I agree.

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Ha! Our trick is that we're never with company. We are very boring homebodies.

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my dad, who is quite overweight, would order the sweet potato french fries at Culver's, after I told him to eat healthier. My mom even supported him - "those are SWEET POTATO fries! that's healthy!". I told them that's not how it works, and it just made them angry.

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"if we get out and vote" being the key unknown here. People gotta vote.

If I were "dictator for a day" one of the odd things I would do is ban all billboards. I think this every time I drive down the highway.

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Isn't Israel the 'bigger fish' in their conflict? I don't question that our status is "allies", but it's so strange thinking they need "help"?

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or even more directly: it would require the people CURRENTLY in power to sign a law that takes away THEIR power -

never going to happen. And my comment is generic enough for even "both sides" types

I sound like you, but I bet your answer is that we're buying groceries and preparing a lot of those meals.

Single parents or busy ones that can't do that have to buy ready food.

A classic tale of "it's expensive to be poor".

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RPi6 XL Plus - ad free

or do you go back to 2000 with the "if Gore won"

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He's probably shipping them to Cuba moreso to protect them from getting destroyed near Ukraine by all those missiles & drone boats.

defamation seems clear!

diesel absolutely DOES get a separate hose, every time

Honestly I wish he would 'leave' SpaceX too.

I caught his livestream for the latest Starship launch, and he literally introduced the event with a 10-minute speech on "saving your life" by buying crypto, and how they would match your crypto if you used his link or something. WTF was all that, and WTF did that have to do with SpaceX. --So that was a scam/fake video, but my top comment is still how I feel!

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yeah it seems like just a VERY quick way to say "the girl is cute and young-looking, typically petite, in a house/bedroom setting".

you can say all that, or "step".

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OMG I do math all the time and the way the question was phrased I fell for it. (Summing balance)

I'm going to feel dumb for the rest of the day.


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Only somewhat related - I "joined" gnu/linux 10 days ago or so, actually moving my main pc to Ubuntu last week (PopOS). Anyway - being as green as I am, I did search for "beginner tips" or "things to do" when installing Ubuntu/Linux.

I was very surprised that publication websites listed "install Chrome"... and it pretty much made me ignore those guides. Linux forums, reddit, etc were fine and what I opted to follow.

Hi Paul!

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I hope he loses, but then expect Dems to still disappoint.

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I saw the footage at the time, it seemed pretty clear that they should have gone straight to jail.

They were using other cars with families inside as cover, ffs.

It's really amazing how hard people will go out of their way to hate people they don't even know.

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This city was designed in the NES version of SimCity.

it's a shame he didn't have this opinion a bit earlier... say... Jan 2021?

it's "nice" that he said that, but.. too little too late dude

I agree, even the ingredients part, except referring to color/flavor additives.

But cane sugar is an utter "word trick" that means absolute nothing. It is just as processed, and is exactly as good for you, as corn syrup. It's an example of "health theater" that companies do with labeling.