1 Post – 323 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You make mostly good points but its stupid to call the game dead or dying. They don't currently have a bunch of players they never expected to have in the first place. They still sold their product to those people which makes it a huge net win for them. It's a wildly successful game by any reasonable metric you can choose to evaluate it against.

There are no moderate Republicans. Anyone who calls themselves a Republican in 2024 is a fascist, whether intentionally or not makes no practical difference. They will never ever vote for a Democrat. Calling them reachable voters is so hilariously out of touch that it makes me wonder where you've been the last 8 years.

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I hope you're right about that but I'll be legitimately shocked if that turns out to be true to any significant degree.

You served your purpose Joe. You saved us from Trump in 2020. I wish you would have done it 6 months ago but it's time to make as graceful an exit as you can. America has to persevere or succumb to fascism and I feel you're making the latter more likely. It may feel like abandoning your post but it's for the good of the nation. We need to look forward and you only remind us of the past. Please pass the baton.

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Honest question, what's there to be hyped about? I haven't ever looked into its feature set because it looks like ass. Do people just like the Tesla name or what?

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I can tell I'm getting old because I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything by not having a clue what this post is about. I'm actually kind of proud of the fact that this all reads like a foreign language to me.

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What a fucking ridiculous situation it is when the fact that one of the front runners for the presidency is fighting 6 legal battles at once and the biggest concern from their party is that those battles will hinder his ability to fundraise for them. No concerns over character or fitness to lead, just money. Our society needs to hurry up and collapse because we are a cancer on this planet.

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That's quite literally the least we could do.

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Nothing like a good 12 hour shift at the Smoothie King to build character.

At this point I can't tell if these guys are seeing how far they can push things or if they actually believe this kind of thing is good for their state. Both are stupid but neither would be surprising.

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Don't worry guys, everything is fine. We just need to [redacted] and this will all go back to normal in no time.

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Letting fear make your decisions is not something a public servant should be doing. Most people call cops out for that sort of thing so why would we tolerate it from a judge who is in an arguably more important position?

Ideally public servants would be more afraid of what the public will do to them if they don't do the right thing but we've let ourselves be "civilized" to the point that they know nothing will happen.

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Caving in to pressure and saying she will vote for Trump while calling Biden "catastrophic" is a clear demonstration that her whole campaign message about mature politics and moving on from Trump was just noise. She cares more about maintaining some semblance of influence than she does about character or integrity. She's just proving that everyone who said she was full of shit was absolutely correct.

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Said every apologist ever. Look around you man. It's already pretty bad out there. How much worse does it need to be before you stop downplaying the situation?

The hijabs are working as intended lol

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I hope the reckoning is swift and soon but I have a feeling this decade is going to end with most of us still saying "any day now"...

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This has always been the way I think about it but it has been pretty satisfying watching most others come around over the last decade or so. Why would I want to work extra hard so someone else can make more money?

Historically companies have tried to incentivize workers to perform better through bonuses, profit sharing, extra time off, things like that, but now those things are either nonexistent or so meager that they might as well be. I'm not going to work an extra 10 hours every week just so I can get $500 at the end of the year. That's not worth the effort. Boss man can call it quiet quitting and try to shame me for it all he wants but it's not going to change anything.

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Conservatives lose when more options are presented. If you're a conservative that's a great argument for banning ranked choice voting.

What's there to learn that isn't already widely known? Existing (copyright) laws are asinine and all corporations eventually become consumed by greed. That's America in a nutshell.

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We need to take climate change much more seriously

I know it's barely February but this is my vote for understatement of the year.

I find it interesting that you cite the stress of raising them as a factor in your regret. Could you not tell that was going to be an issue around the time number three came around? That's not intended to be accusatory btw. I'm genuinely curious.

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How did we ever get to the point where an MBA is a highly respected degree? Those skills have no utility on their own and yet we allow essentially uneducated people to run basically all businesses. I want to see engineers run companies that make things, chefs run restaurants, and doctors run hospitals, not these idiots whose only skills involve making graphs and excel sheets.

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Oh wow, a violent douche acts like a violent douche. I'm so surprised.

MBAs have no useful skills and yet they run every company in existence.

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They put the cum back in circumvent.

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It doesn't matter if he gets elected or not. Enough people support the kind of fascistic nationalism that he represents that we will have to deal with it eventually. History says that voting will not be sufficient. We should all prepare ourselves for that.

It should also be noted that this is not limited to America. Fascism is gaining ground all over the world, especially in the West. I believe that's largely due to traditional politicians being unwilling or unable to address the concerns of their voters but ultimately the cause is largely irrelevant. We are all going to have to remember the lessons of history in one way or another.

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It really is rather astonishing what one idiot in the right place at the right time can accomplish. For example, if you had asked me to describe a typical anti-vaxxer anytime before 2020 I would have described someone a lot like a hippie. Someone who smokes a lot of weed, makes their own clothes, shows up at all the mid-week protests against factory farming, that sort of thing. If you asked me that same question now you'd get a very different answer and it really can be summed pretty succinctly in the acronym MAGA.

I'm sure the first type is still out there but the second type is much more interesting in the academic sense of the word. These are people who were openly mocking anti-vaxxers less than 5 years ago. These are the people who didn't think twice about mandatory vaccination days in school or the military. This sort of person flipped their whole attitude towards the medical community almost exclusively because one loud idiot who obviously doesn't have a fucking clue how any of it works told them that he knew better. That's amazing.

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No one gives a shit what Putin has to say about anything. He's forever relegated to the little kids table with Kim Jong Un and the rest of the wannabe dictators around the world. He can't even project strength in Ukraine, much less undermine American hegemony on the world stage. Iran is largely in the same boat. China may be able to take advantage of the situation to a limited degree but the rest of the article is fanciful thinking.

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I feel like statistics on religion are largely useless, especially in Western, mostly Christian nations. So many people follow the "I said a prayer when I was 10 so now I won't go to hell" version of Christianity that a huge chunk of those yes responses are actually functionally atheists and have been for a long time.

I don't mean to imply anything negative about atheists here. I just think the only thing really changing is that younger people don't see the point in pretending to be religious anymore. They're at least casually familiar with the tenets of Christianity and are pretty aware that what their parents are doing is not religion but some sort of weird social and political club with little resemblance to the religion it's supposedly based on. In fact, I'd argue that the percentage of people who take religion seriously on a personal level has always been much lower than official numbers like this would indicate.

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He's not clever. He's a gigantic fucking moron. Don't give him more credit than he's due.

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Hey, at least he had the right idea. He saw that the delay was due to a lack of skilled workers and tried to fix that problem instead of just talking more about the project. That's more awareness than most PMs have in my experience.

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They should just collectively say no. My company tried to bring everyone back to the office two years ago and people just didn't show up. They're not going to fire everyone. Now we have 100% remote as an official option for those who want it.

The smaller the company the easier this is to organize but sometimes that's not even necessary. No one told us to do that but enough of us decided to on our own that it might as well have been organized. We're talking thousands of employees here. That collective response instilled more company pride in me than any corporate initiative ever has.

They're so pointless too. What are they even expecting forcing them in our faces to accomplish? You either care about audio or you don't. Seeing your logo isn't going to change that

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If he wins again then we deserve whatever happens.

Personally I don't think there's any way to avoid most of the consequences of him winning even if he loses. We'll just postpone them a while. The Republican party doesn't believe in democracy and they're not even trying to hide it anymore. We will have to face that beast. Whether it's in 2024, 2028, or later doesn't make much of a difference.

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From the preamble to the Constitution of the USA:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I think any one of the bolded items could be reasonably interpreted to include "make sure kids have food". You are of course free to disagree but that seems pretty disingenuous to me.

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God speed my Scandinavian brothers and sisters

Echo chambers are a lot easier to recognize and ignore when they aren't filled with your friends and family.

I don't think most people are aware of that exception clause but yes, that's exactly what it says and this sort of situation is exactly why it is phrased that way.

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That concept is lost on so many people and I don't understand why. One of the last teams I was on had two weekly meetings. One was 9:00 AM Monday morning and the other was 4:00 PM on Fridays. They were both running through all of our projects and always seemed surprised that the Monday update was the same as the previous Friday update.

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I bought a house in the Denver metro area in 2015. I just sold it this past summer for more than twice what I originally bought it for. There's asset appreciation and then there's whatever the hell you call that.

I would not have been able to afford a house at current prices and I make considerably more than minimum wage. I don't know how people are doing it.

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I think this guy did what he felt he needed to do and it doesn't have anything to do with us. Maybe it will spark change and maybe it won't. The only thing I know for sure is that being a self righteous prick on the internet about his actions isn't going to accomplish anything positive.

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