USA Today: Biden has no business running for president. The debate proved it. to politics – -9 points –
Biden has no business running for president. The debate proved it.

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You served your purpose Joe. You saved us from Trump in 2020. I wish you would have done it 6 months ago but it's time to make as graceful an exit as you can. America has to persevere or succumb to fascism and I feel you're making the latter more likely. It may feel like abandoning your post but it's for the good of the nation. We need to look forward and you only remind us of the past. Please pass the baton.

I bet Pete could come in and wreck house

There are such better picks, but he's definitely not the worst.

I'd like to see a Whitehouse green administration or someone progressive like AoC/Sanders.

I'd love to see AOC as President more than I would Pete but I believe AOC would not win the general. Coming in as a surprise candidate and winning would require BOATLOADS of charisma, and Pete has that.

Pete isn't that charismatic and has an awful record. I'd prefer someone who has a consistent record... and not Harris's - she is far too damaged.

It's one reason I mentioned Whitehouse.

So initially I thought AOC was too young to be president, but she turns 35 in October, so I think that means she'd qualify?

Historically most presidents were in their 50s or 60s when inaugurated; I struggle to see anyone who barely made the cutoff even being considered for nomination.

That's not why she won't be considered. She's progressive. Democrats would rather have a hereditary dictatorship headed by the Trump family than a progressive.

You mean the one that doesn't have the balls to ground an aircraft manufacturer that has planes falling out of the sky?