5 Post – 685 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Even with foreshortening, those are some freakishly short legs.

Good thing it's not an app, and it's all proprietary then. Except that it isn't.

The same voters that gave us the disaster that was 45 also. Get out and vote, people.

I'm sure trump will be strong on opinion and bluster, yet nonexistent on facts or strategies.

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They should do 4Gb. I hear M3 mac's make it seem like 8Gb.

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'The primaries aren't important'. Lol.

Welp. The country is fucked.

Well then, guess she'd better start handing out reasons for the voters to choose her.

Ok. I'll just call him stupid then.

You mean they can even make 0.5GB appear as 8GB?! That's 16x! That apple silicon is just something else!

Lol. This is the party they want to replace 'genocide joe' with. Well done, kids!

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Was he tried and has he served his sentence? If so, it's incumbent on society to put aside the personal feelings and help the criminal (yes that's what I said) re-integrate into society. It's either that, or fight for a different system.

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Maybe having served in Iraq, he should have learned how a mistake is sometimes just a mistake and to know how to change your course of action once it turns out to be a mistake.

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The influencers got their videos, I guess.

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That first one looks like he runs Argentina.

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Oh phew! I thought all the other things she did were what turned them against her. /S

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I guess lying is part of 'acting smart'.

Probably another porn star he cheated on his (then) wife with.

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Just make sure you get them at the prices he used for tax purposes.

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'There are no gays in Russia'

Now we know why.

Is there literally only one picture of this dead inside person?

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Anyone not surprised this is exactly what they accused Biden of doing?

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Would be interesting to find out how many were paid to attend also.

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Every time we trusted a large tech promise on an unverifiable claim, they ended up shafting us. Just sayin'.

I'm actually starting to think.the reason republicans want him in the oval office is because, due to him being an incompetent insurrectionist moron with the cognitive ability and reasoning faculties of a unripe walnut, he'd be so easy to manipulate into signing into policy any goddamn thing they want him to, in order to cling on to their tenous grip on power.

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Lol. Put together a bunch of armed, uninformed, unhealthy people with anger issues, a shortage of literacy and reasoning facilties and a propensity for individualistic, self centered motivations with delusions of grandeur under freedom of speech and self expression and what do you get? Color me surprised.

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It's almost like the cloud isn't the answer to everything...

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What's the point of a.gag order if it accomplishes literally nothing?

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Good. Get rid of proprietary messaging apps and unfettered access to our data. Bring back standards.

Great, let the rioters expose themselves, then lock them up.

I'd prefer if they just required them not to be election deniers, puppets to a foreign power, threats to democracy and overall just not be outright dreadful people.

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Pretty sure it's always been like this since newt.

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Oh yeah. Let trump back in and see how that works for them.

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Ah. But does it also make 8gb in a mac perform like 16gb on another platform?

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Dont. Don't give me hope.

Fuck him. His 195m compensation probably makes it easier to swallow.

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Article makes it sound like an old people problem. It isn't. It's a systemic one. People can't afford houses.

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Yes, but these are the republicans you're talking about.

You should go read up on the small optimizations that developers do to seemingly surpass the limits of earlier hardware. Stuff like swapping palettes in between scanlines to give the impression of more available colors, or reusing palette swapped cloud sprites in place of bushes to save on limited ram. Good engineers are really, really good. They seem to find a solution for everything.

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Soo.... file this under mutiny or treason then? Call it what it is.