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Joined 9 months ago

A mask ban for protesters would also limit our ability to stop a pandemic spreading. Mask bans are a bad idea (especially with creepy af facial recognition around).

But you do realize you jumped the shark into pure medication shaming right?

ADHD people have enough judgement focused on us that we don't need to start shaming each other for tactics that help us on a day to day.

I don't even know why the tagginator comment is necessary since it sounds like the system invisibly works how you'd expect it.

I tried, the establishment muscled out any real contenders.

I have yet to meet a quantity of drugs that brings me all the way down to "normal" levels. It just makes my ADHD slightly more copeable.

Damn, I'm just imagining your face if Trump wins the election if those people you're trying to remain ignorant of tip the election.

Ignorance is never a virtue.

Just to reaffirm. This ruling is insanely dumb and absolutely hamstrings pretty much all federal enforcement in any domain (it is for a case specific to the EPA but it hurts the DEA, SEC, and DHS just as bad).

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Eeesh, this feels too close to medication shaming to me - I know we all find different things effective but medication works extremely well for me and I've still got my moral code.

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Making sure nazis have protected liberties is part of what makes us not nazis - but it doesn't guarantee asshats like that a platform or societal tolerance.

Whatever actions are taken should be within the law.

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Earth honestly looks like the only functional society. The water nation is living in exile in hidden pockets and you're quite likely to get drafted in the fire nation.

Biden needs to be doing a fucking whistle stop tour - these political consultants are a waste of money.

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Because it's easier to be impulsive and generous in a luxurious romantic setting if you've got cash.

There are some great romantic tales about people sharing when they don't have much - or when they're well off... the middle ground is rarer because the middle class essentially doesn't exist and it's not as fantastical or compelling.

By tradition no serious politicians participated. We didn't have a primary and its disingenuous to say we did.

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Just to clarify - the briefly stated "political reasons" you mentioned are being dog-piled by the establishment and having your political career torpedoed.

Do we have the momentum to elect a different candidate at the convention? Otherwise I'm absolutely voting for Biden over fucking Trump.

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Sex isn't gender, there are plenty of trans folks that never seek surgical conversion, body dysmorphia is a common condition among trans people but not inherent to being trans and, finally, fuck off.

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You should take this opportunity to learn some really obscure guitar music to impress those around you... like Wonderwall.

Trump once again confirmed support for Isreal accelerating the genocide - if you think there's no difference between their policy on Palestine, you're arguing in bad faith.

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Trump claimed that his "Both sides" quote from Charlottesville was false... like, you're literally on tape asshat.

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We can change horses if there's overwhelming pressure to do it and it's exceptionally well planned.

What we absolutely can't do is nominate someone else against Biden's wishes and still have him on the ballot as an independent... that's how you get folks like Woodrow Wilson.

I, personally, think it's doubtful that much pressure will materialize, but I'm prepared to be pleasantly surprised.

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That's more a comment on how die-hard committed the political class is to perpetual war than anything else.

Also, while I don't appreciate Trump being elected... the DNC seems committed to running some of the worst candidates they can find - the fact that there was information that damaging to Clinton that didn't come out in the primaries is the part we should be mad at.

Downvoting partially correct answers discourages participation and we're not reddit.

One hilarious take-away... Trump literally doesn't know what the opioid crisis is. He completely floundered trying to respond.

I pretty much agree. I think the confusion of switching candidates would cause administrative panic, and a huge portion of voters would still vote for Biden. My morbid hope is for Biden to keel over. I think that's the most graceful way we could swap candidates.

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America has a broken political system. It needs to change and there are legitimate attempts - but this is the choice we have.

Trump has just flat out refused to answer several questions... the moderators have brought questions back a few time - I don't think Dana just saying "that's a lie" would be productive but I think Trump's evasion got well highlighted.

We don't need yet another rapist candidate.

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There are such better picks, but he's definitely not the worst.

I'd like to see a Whitehouse green administration or someone progressive like AoC/Sanders.

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Clearly, it's not ADHDing right. At 3 AM you should start preheating the oven and break out a thirty step recipe to cook a five course meal.

Pete isn't that charismatic and has an awful record. I'd prefer someone who has a consistent record... and not Harris's - she is far too damaged.

It's one reason I mentioned Whitehouse.

I think a fair amount of voters would still end up voting for Biden, though. Some people are really unaware of politics.

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The whiner line was amazing, and CNN absolutely gave that to Biden by cutting to commercial break right afterwards. This, of course, after CNN asked Trump to answer the same damn question three times in a row.

It may suck but it's necessary.

Cold pizza is the best pizza.

People who reheat their pizzas are monsters.

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Given how dysfunctional our democracy is do you think Biden would be properly removed from ballots in all the states? Wouldn't GOP governors in purple states have a big motivation to keep both candidates on the ballot?

Infinite growth is an absolutely insane bar to set for the economy.

The lowered birthrates are because we're getting ground into dust - my engineering team of twenty millennials has two folks with kids and two folks who openly plan on having kids... we're aging out of the window and it's not that we're trying and failing - most of us just don't want a fucking family. We're too fucking busy already.

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The list price was pretty low but they really milked her for fees during checkout.

My thing is... Biden can be a complete fucking train wreck but he's going to be surrounded by relatively sane people. Trump would be surrounded by Stephen Miller and other fucking clowns - Tate would probably pull Peterson or some other asshat into his cabinet.

Of the three? The senile old man hands down.

Especially with how insane both the rapists are.

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If someone else wins the convention I'll pop a bottle of champagne but I think it's nearly impossible. If you can get Whitehouse on the ballot though... I'll buy the next round.

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