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Joined 11 months ago

Biden didn't save us from Trump, voters did.

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I'm all for banning toxic players and cheaters, but the fact that they make you install a rootkit on your system to enable this is too much.

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You are speaking from an incredible place of privilege. You're nation had one of the most successful expansionist genocides in history. The reason there is still conflict in that region is because Israel's expansionist genocide is WIP.

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I use Firefox but this is kind of silly. The real advice is use very few addons. On Firefox I use only ublock.

What's the arch user equivalent of getting asked if a fish is an animal?

What's the vegan equivalent of getting asked if you use PC or Mac?

Vegan Arch user btw

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You're doing free advertising for them so I'd say their campaign is potentially successful.

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I'm not against food, I'm just against edible food.

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I use an SLS toothpaste and have never had canker sores but I agree it seems silly to add it when even a small dab of toothpaste creates an unnecessary amount of foam with proper brushing.

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It's rich that Trump thinks stances favorable towards Israel should buy him good will with the American Jewish population. If anything those stances are for people already in his base like Evangelicals and fascists. And his assumptions are just further telling on his racism if it wasn't made abundantly clear by the rest of the post or his previous actions.

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Once I started using Lemmy I never touched Reddit again. So I guess Lemmy.

Firefox+uBlock (web browser)
MEncoder (video encoder)
OBS (screen recording and streaming software)
Inkscape (vector illustration software)
Mumble (VoIP chat room server/client/protocol)
Julia (programming language great for scripting and mathematics)

For Unix systems:
Wezterm (terminal multiplexor)
i3 (window manager)

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Yeah let's glorify the parades of nationalists.

It's good but it doesn't feel like there are many vibrant communities with their own subculture. I know I'm part of the problem. I've heard people say 90% are lurkers, 9% are posters, and 1% are content creators. I'm clearly in that second category.

As a nonbinary someone who accepts any/all I would say whatever comes naturally or is your preference. I've identified as agender since I was young and so personally I don't really like defining myself to other people in terms of gendered language. I would say if someone tells you their pronouns are any/all to trust them that they are actually fine with that.

Did anyone seriously believe Americans would be healthier if they consumed more refined fat and alcohol?

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Something being a social construct doesn't make it inherently incorrect, subjective, or pointless. What it does mean is it is not a law of the universe, it is open to critique, reform, and dismantling. If a culture has a food taboo rooted in ethical beliefs or medical beliefs for example I feel like the words right and wrong are applicable.

Isn't it sexist to think that women can't hold their own regressive political ideas, and they only do so because they were tricked by a man?

The same "I know what's best for them" and "the law applies equally to everyone" arguments in favor of bans on drugs that many in liberal spaces will detest, they will happily use when supporting shit like this. We all know that everyone doesn't suffer equally under laws like this. Religion may be the opium of the people, but does that mean we should be the narcs? You don't eradicate religion by banning it. You eradicate it by having secular institutions provide the things people go to religion for, like a sense of purpose, assistance, and community.

There is no person the economic turnaround is not directly benefiting.

I call bs. I'm not suggesting it's hurting anyone but there are definitely those who's financial situation is no better. We need stronger social services, not just growth.

I'd be more interested in what obscure text editors, window managers, etc people were using regardless of distro. Distro in my mind is about software release and install philosophy, any distribution that comes with a lot of preinstalled software is generally built on the back of a more skeletal distribution, and is interesting mostly for what software choices it makes.

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If we are taking about battle mechanics I hope they come up with a new system all together. I think both the OS2 and BG3/DnD mechanics were serviceable, and it was fun to play out fights. But neither was much of a challenge and fights didn't often feel like unique puzzles.

So much clothing, even poor quality clothing, gets discarded for newer clothing before it has even become worn down. Sure we could use better fibers, but even if clothing was more durable it would get discarded at about the same rates because people want something new and opt for a throw out and buy culture rather than an exchange culture. Also we shouldn't turn back to animal fibers, unethical and its own environmental blight, especially if scaled up to supply the current apparel industry.

I thrift everything that's not undergarments, and for those I invest in quality ones that don't get destroyed within a few years.

What percent of Americans died in the 9/11 attacks? How many 9/11s is this?

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This could be a huge money save. Might cost the city less if they simply bisect pedestrians in police chases instead of paralysing them from the waist down.

I wouldn't ask someone their pronouns as a conversation opener because it makes some folks uncomfortable. For example a trans person might wonder something like "Do they ask that of everybody? Do I not pass?" if "passing" is something they care about.

It's better to just correct mistakes when you make them. It's also just something you'll pick up automatically talking with people they know, and like here where the hypothetical person's pronouns are ambiguous you can fall back to they. And when taking to the person themselves you are going to be using you anyway.

This fear mongering is just beneficial to Altman. If his product is powerful enough to be a threat to humanity then it is also powerful enough to be capable of many useful things, things it has not proven itself to be capable of. Ironically spreading fear about its capabilities will likely raise investment, so if you actually are afraid of openai somehow arriving at agi that is dangerous then you should really be trying to convince people of its lack of real utility.

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I'm tired of hearing this phrase inappropriately used in such a cynical hedonistic fashion. 90% of the time I hear it, the person is using it as if to say "All consumption under capitalism is equally ethical." Of course they don't seriously believe that, but because they aren't saying what they mean perhaps it allows them to maintain this cognitive dissonance.

People with this mindset would not be useful post revolution without reeducation. Y'all are just jealous of the parasitic class and would not want to make a better world if it were even a minor inconvenience to you. If we simply eat the rich and loot their coffers what we will be left with is a bunch of worthless financial instruments and the reins of the exploitative industry, and we must do more than simply grab those reins and be our own slave drivers.

Ban the breeding of all dogs.

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Network wasn't underrated but has felt more relevant every decade but has been talked about less and less.

Showgirls tells a compelling story about poverty, fame, power, misogyny, and abuse. This film is severely underrated but also it is forgotten by most people who do not go looking for the lowest rated movies to watch ironically.

The second season of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex was really good and I find the story centered around a refugee crisis to be a much more compelling one. I feel like this season gets talked about less than the first and the movies, which are generally seen as masterpieces.

You didn't list books but I wanted to mention that Player Piano is one of the most precient books I have read and was written back in the 50s. Vonnegut is of course a well known and regarded writer but you'll rarely see his first novel topping lists even among just his own works, and so it doesn't get read and discussed as much as it should.

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Needs more legumes, nuts and or seeds, maybe some starches and fruit.

Write the whole thing, and only then, scrap it and rewrite it. This way you actually have a good understanding of the entire implementation when you are rewriting. When I refractor while writing my draft I will slow myself down and trip over myself, I'll be way more likely to rewrite something I've already rewritten.

Sure there is a limit to the size of projects this can work for, but even for massive projects they can still be broken into decently sized chunks. I'm just advocating for not rewriting function A as soon as you finish function B.

There was an old woman who purchased a dog.

Disco Elysium lacks grinding and battles but is very much a roleplaying game with a compelling story and characters (including those in your head).

Crosscode is an ARPG which will certainly scratch that itch for Zelda like dungeons. Combat is skillful, but easy enough that you don't have to grind out the best gear and levels, though there is the option to grind a lot if you were to want that. The story is also really nice.

Crystal Project is the best JRPG I've played in a gameplay sense but it will require you to level classes and consider abilities. The reason I'd recommend it is because combat isn't really just bigger numbers, end game combat encounters especially are like puzzles where you need to use the right tools in the right order. Also I'd say half the game is about exploration, the game embraces sequence breaking and going your own way, and has fun though occasionally frustrating voxel platforming. If you want a JRPG that is more story focused then I think Mario RPG is great, and you don't have many choices to make as there are only like 5 characters / classes, it also has some voxel platforming and comedy.

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I don't really want to do everything in one language but if I did have to pick it would probably be Julia. It's slightly simpler than Python, and significantly faster without relying on APIs written in C. And has some really great features like broadcasting, multiple dispatch, and a good type system. The only place I feel like Python has it beat is quantity of libraries and support network, which both basically come from the same origin of just having more users. I'm hoping more data science types switch over in the next few years, since Julia is already great for most things mathematical. And I hope that momentum allows Julia to perhaps reach out to other domains.

There are different skills than just physical execution. Pokemon isn't easy because RNG or because it's turn based, it's easy because the NPC team compositions are awful, the AI sucks, and the game only has very lenient soft caps on grinding. A mod like Radical Red solves these things, and I've played other turn based games with plenty of RNG which require lots of skill.

We could also just stop eating fish.

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Letting my hair air dry with a morning walk after showering.

Stretching before sleep and then again in the morning.

Enjoying some tea and good food while catching up on YT.

Combining booze and difficult games.

Tales of Maj Eyal is a roguelike that is on the scale of an epic adventure rather than a single dungeon delve. It has some of the most unique class design I've seen in a game. It has great automation features that let you set trigger conditions for skills. The game has received persistent updates for over a decade now.

Crystal Project is a relatively new JRPG that features some of the best exploration I've ever seen in a game. Also like ToME it has interesting class design. The end game bosses are fun, and actually make you think about your team design, they are generally not brute forceable.

Both games are well received but have less than 10k reviews on Steam, where indie darlings such as Cuphead or Hades have over 100k.

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Projection? They asked a simple question about something they were unfamiliar with, I'd hardly call that obsessing.

If the VFT was grown for human purposes such as eating then no it would not be vegan, as they require a small but steady stream of bugs to grow. Though if you found a feed alternative like a nutrient pill then I guess it could be vegan. As for a VFT found in the wild then yes it would be vegan, anything it has consumed in the past wasn't done so for your sake.

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