Biden Campaign Quietly Meets With Haley Supporters After Trump Endorsement to politics – 93 points –
Biden Campaign Quietly Meets With Haley Supporters After Trump Endorsement

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Caving in to pressure and saying she will vote for Trump while calling Biden "catastrophic" is a clear demonstration that her whole campaign message about mature politics and moving on from Trump was just noise. She cares more about maintaining some semblance of influence than she does about character or integrity. She's just proving that everyone who said she was full of shit was absolutely correct.

She could single-handedly save the country by running independent and fucking trump. But no.

There are a number of high-profile allegedly moderate Republicans who could but won't, because for all their finger wagging about Trump, he's still their guy. Looking at you, Romney and Collins.

When the Repub with the most integrity is Liz Cheney you can tell the entire party is diseased. It is a cancer on the nation.

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