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Joined 2 months ago

I really wish the government would do their goddamn jobs regarding monopolies. Instead they are just accepting bribes and facilitating the mergers.

My understanding is that as long as IDs are roughly the same range of the index instead of literally random, it reduces the thrashing about needed for indexing these. It probably doesn't need to be perfectly exact. They're talking about B-trees, so these would all be modifying the same smaller branches of the tree instead of going in all over the place.

Thank you for sharing those links, I have been struggling with making rpm-ostree compose go from a yaml to an ISO, these look like they might reduce the level of effort!

It's atomic! If the latest version you try has issues you can roll back to the last one that was working. It's really cool. You cannot write to anything other than /etc and /var unless you make a reversible commit on top of the system base image.

I'm not fighting for this shithole country unless I am fighting against MAGAs instead of for MAGAs.

Yeah OpenWRT is incredibly slim. I remember doing a double-take looking at their install page because the memory requirements are so low. I'm used to seeing numbers in GB and they're saying they can provide full functionality in 64 MB.

I think I was on a previous account the last time I saw you, glad to see you're still posting. You convinced me to move from Proxmox to Incus a while back. Sure, I had some growing pains, but it's pretty smooth now.

I like that I can switch out my distros underneath Incus instead of being stuck on one weird kernel. IME you were absolutely right about that. I'm getting into atomic distros to manage homelab machines. I would not be able to do that on Proxmox.

I also don't need to edit a giant Javascript file to remove a nag about enterprise software repos, which is nice.

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Have you tried "arrete?"

As long as the Sackler family pays him after the ruling it is all legal.

Yeah, I think it's an unusual case, but I wanted to bring it up to support your point about rejecting their kernel and distro. You can put Incus on a lot of different systems. Don't like systemd? Put it on Void. Want a declarative setup? NixOS. Minimalist? Alpine.

Do I want to maintain a full operating system just to run this one type of software? No, that's absurd. I want to choose the distro I want to work with and then have the software work on top of it.

You have to follow the attribution and share-alike parts of the license. Otherwise you'll have the same consequences as an AI company would scraping it (still zero).

No onboard eMMC? Are you able to run this from a read-only SD? That's kinda intriguing, I figure eMMC could be one of the weakest links on an SBC.

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What on Earth.

Those children are completely delusional. I saw a thread about why the entire country is unlit at night which was a parody of itself. I wonder what their demographics are, if not 100% bots.

We have finally invented the Torment Nexus from popular novel Don't Invent the Torment Nexus.

They sure do love authoritarianism more than they like leftism.

Good. Anyone described as a "moderate" in the US is actually a conservative at best. Anyone described as a "conservative" is actually a fascist at best.

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Reality check: Repubs are trying to elect an insurrectionist promising to be a dictator. I'm sorry facts are divisive, I don't like the situation either.

This comment history is a neat little museum of bad takes.

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That's because billionaires have purchased SCOTUS. The outcome of a single court case has allowed unlimited money from whomever into election campaigns.

There are still clowns who think that if they say "Blue MAGA" enough people will believe it's real? Checks the username, oh, of course, it's one of the regulars lol.

One of the clowns on this court is a corrupt fuckhead who has been accepting bribes from billionaires for years.

Hey, that's not true. If the problem is that billionaires' bank accounts aren't full enough, the government will absolutely run truckloads of freshly-minted bills as fast as they can.


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That's helpful!

(It is the "always has been" meme with an astronaut looking at the Earth from space and a second astronaut pointing a gun at them behind their back.)

Trying to evoke nostalgia in millennials who have seen goatse.

Oh, dang, too bad the former company went bankrupt from debts. Sure was lucky we got all these assets before the hammer dropped!

What state's jurisdiction covers DC?

How do you unit test something like that?

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Conservatives are all liars. I mean, you know that. But the academic theory of the free market valuing things correctly requires an assumption that people can go without the goods and services being valued. It's not even a misrepresentation on this one. It's just a straight-up lie.

Seriously. The real Obama Death Panel is a lone worker mass-clicking "not covered" all the way down a spreadsheet that has your care as a line items.

I also like doing this juxtaposition:

Repubs under Obama: "death panels are going to kill our grandmas."

Repubs under Donald: "sacrifice all grandmas to the rising line."

I like when they surprise me. "Capitalism perfect, guns good, diversity bad," builds up a sort of caricature. Then that is completely broken with the weird digression, "HTTPS is bad and imperfect, throw it all out."

It's just exhausting to see them saying this dumb as fuck bullshit and they stay in office term after term. The 14th Amendment is about crimes, not no-fault divorces.

Repubs love ignoring amendments unless they are able to make create sort of fiction that an amendment supports their claims. We have this dumb shit going on while at the same time they're trying to jam religious trash in the schools.

You are correct.

Tesla is a lemon orchard.

Report them to the CFPB. They're forced to have an actual human review and respond.

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Just finished the article, it's not for free at all. Chips need to be designed to use it. I'm skeptical again. There's no point IMO. Nobody wants to put the R&D into massively parallel CPUs when they can put that effort into GPUs.

Putting the claim instead of the reality in the headline is journalistic malpractice. 2x for free is still pretty great tho.

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Oh, gotcha. Yeah they are shitheads. It honestly should be illegal to make an account for someone using an unverified email.

Tax all churches. They can apply for their government's equivalent of a 503 (c) status if they qualify.