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Joined 9 months ago

It's hilarious and ironic that Christian nationalists hate sharia law whilst wanting their own brand enacted.

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This is completely stupid. If Hamas are hiding in hospitals then surely there's a better fucking way to target them than trying to blow the whole fucking place up. One way would be to send a strike team, after all Israel and Mossad are "famous" for hunting terrorists down after the Munich bombing at the Olympics. Yet the same country can only now resort to cutting off infrastructure and bombing refugee camps, ambulances, schools and hospitals plus which is killing aid workers and drs.

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When the fuck is his poor health/diet going to catch up with him? Him kicking the bucket would do the US a massive favour.

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Us queers love dolly parton. Whoever wrote that had no fucking clue what they'd unleash.

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For all those people who like to say "HaMaS iS UsInG HuMan ShIelDs" why is bombing a hospital with civilians in it and killing civilians acceptable losses? If you need to completely scorch earth to kill 20-30 people then something is seriously wrong in strategy/equipment or personnel. Unless wiping out civilians is the point of the strategy.

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I remember when I first started using Reddit and there was so much weird and crazy shit that it really did feel like there was a sub for everything. Now it's so sanitised that it's nowhere near as diverse in its content and subs, hopefully Lemmy/fediverse can have as many different instances as old Reddit and the active community too.

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First time I played WoW I liked that you were given a guided tour of your races homeland as it explained the world. The last time I played WoW I had to to a tutorial island that explained nothing about the world and then dumped me in an expansion with characters I had no fucking idea who they were and why I should care about them. Even ESO doesn't prevent new players from playing the base storyline and FFXIV still requires you to complete ARR before moving to the first expansion. I dropped WoW pretty quickly again because I felt too lost.

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Billie Joe is also bisexual so is speaking as part of the LGBT community.

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Course the fucking clown didn't watch the video. Guy has no understanding of sectarian violence and apartheid at all.

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There's lgbtq people in Gaza. Nevermind civilians from any country shouldn't be starved or killed because of the actions of a few. Collective punishment is wrong no matter who it happens too.

Tropic thunder

Been there. In my secondary school, every week a class was selected for performing well (so good feedback for behaviour and homework sort of stuff) so the class got a tenner I think. So at the end of the year when we won so many times we had about 100 quid so the teacher wanted to see what everybody wanted to do and of course the class said party. So the teacher had to plan out how to spread 100 pound on food for a class of 30 and she used her own money too. My form teacher was a legend.

I'm sure it's just a complete coincidence then that republicans fought against marriage equality and adoption for same sex couples.

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Neil Gaiman was close friends with the legendary Terry Pratchett. There's no doubt he's a better human being than Joanne.

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Fuck off. When the troubles where on in northern Ireland the Brits and the ruc weren't shooting up prods when setting off fireworks and bonfires on the twelfth. But they targeted Catholics using whatever excuse they could think off. Israels doing the same shit, any excuse to kill people seen as less human.

He doesn't. The chief prosecutor of the ICC has put forward an application for a warrant, it's up to the judges to agree and that can take months.

You'd have a point except this march takes place every year and every year there's an outbreak of violence around the temple mount. Also there are Israeli Arabs (born and raised in Israel ) who funnily enough are Israeli citizens and have fuck all to do with Iran.

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Just a reminder to everyone that this guy fucked a pig when he was at uni.

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I've ulcerative colitis and my reality is, is that if I can't get to a toilet when I'm having a flare up then I will shit myself. Not because I can't hold it but I don't get a warning that something's coming so it's near instant. This would be one of my fears with traveling and I empathize with anyone who has an uncooperative body.

I wish I didn't as I'm a cis guy.

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In the books yen uses magic to hide her hunchback and ugliness. Geralt being a Witcher and therefore trained/experienced to analyse magic in front of him quickly sees through the illusion. If the show had the character look uglier to begin with then that's probably a result of adapting the books. I haven't watched the show as I don't really like adaptations. Btw it's not just Yen that uses magic to hide ugliness either, almost all other sorceresses do as well in the books including Triss.

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Yet if you have doubts about Biden then accused of enabling an agent orange win in the election. I'm so fucking glad that I don't live in the US so I can criticize Biden without the "YoUr'E SuPpoRting TrUMp" Also I distinctly remember reading that the Biden administration was concerned about the mass graves discovered. So they're concerned but not concerned enough to pull support or call for an investigation or apply pressure on Bibi or impose sanctions or literally do fucking anything. The administration is all fucking lip service to the deaths of Gazans.

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Yeah that was shit. Squid made more than clear he didn't want armchair diagnoses or input. I've had people do the same to me when I post about my colitis. I had someone a month ago tell me that my medical team was wrong to put me on a particular kind of medication, ignoring the fact that it's these kinds of medications or I go through surgery and have a stoma bag. I'm 27 so understandably my medical team doesn't want to jump to surgery without exhausting all other alternatives.

Too Fucking Late. Damage has been done and the expected shits like the Tory's have already fucking ran with her shite report. Not that I expect Labour to support Trans people better if they're elected. The report only did one thing and that's worked in favour of anti trans groups and politicians. I feel for the kids here in the UK who now have little to no medical support for something that is overwhelming for them thanks to fucking bigoted arse holes.

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Was going to say not to kink shame but then I'd have been whooshed.

Editing people's comments without their input/consents another big controversy with his involvement too.

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I honestly thought it was a high class escort for nobles.

Edit: looked it up. Basically they're dancers and entertainers who also flirt with men. But sex isn't permitted at all so I wasn't totally off.

Poor fucking you. Could try having some sympathy for the kids killed in a paediatric hospital in the last week.

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Same. It bugs me that people think larian only existed when making BG3. When DoS2 released on steam that game hit overwhelmingly positive in no time and I bought it day one with no idea what it was because the reviews were so good. Larian will be fine because they stick to what they're great at and they've been around a long time.

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It irks me too. The scene where she's contemplating killing herself while freebird plays isn't subtle at all about her state of mind and where her life has got her. Yet some people seem incapable of actually understanding that Jenny isn't hateful to Forrest and is a flawed human being.

I've no faith in Bethesda anymore. I played about 25 hours in Starfield and had finished the ranger questline and felt that is so shallow. Then I started thinking about all the quests that I did and how they didn't change or lead to anything. If Bethesda don't change how they structure quests then I won't play any of their future RPGs.

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Trump's definitely the sort of person who doesn't realize that Cartman isn't meant to be relatable. I knew several people when I was a teen that unironically thought Cartman was the best character in South Park and would quote him endlessly.

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Yep. People who work with death like first responders and pathologists are known to have a dark sense of humor. Helps to make things easier.

The guardian has an article about it up on the website currently. It is being reported in the west, you have to bother your arse to find out though.

My brother knocked down our neighbor's front wall by accident (his vision was obstructed somehow) in his car. He had to pay for the whole thing to get replaced. Plus he had to get his car repaired too.

Welp, a bussy is a bussy.

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Bullshit. That's the same shit used against drag queens and crossdressers. People who were instrumental to lgbtq history. I'd have thought someone "not straight" would've known better.

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Visual novel and it's more gamey than most.

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Is this how we refer to statutory rape now?

Ai is definitely making things worse. When I was at school there was no tool for creating a deep fake of girls, now boys sneek a pic and use an app to undress them. That then gets shared, girls find out and obviously become distressed. Without ai boys would have to either sneak into toilets/changing rooms or psychically remove girls clothes. Neither of which was happening at such a large degree in a school before as it would create a shit show.

Also most jurisdictions don't actually have strict AI laws yet which is making it harder for authorities to deal with. If you genuinely believe that AI isn't at fault here then you're ignorant of what's happening around the world. That's an article about one company that provides an app for deep fakes. It's a shell corp so not easy to shut down through the law and arrest people, also hundreds of teenage girls have been affected by others creating non consensual nudes of them.

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