Israeli forces shoot dead 12-year-old Palestinian who set off firework to World – 446 points –
Israeli forces shoot dead 12-year-old Palestinian who set off firework

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Course the fucking clown didn't watch the video. Guy has no understanding of sectarian violence and apartheid at all.

Do you think it's appropriate to run around with fireworks in the middle of an armed conflict?

Especially if it's what you idealistic, online types say and it's a "genocide" and an "apartheid state", do you really see any other way this would end?

It's in the west bank not in Gaza. These IDF terrorists are there illegally to begin with.

Do you think it’s appropriate to be in medical facilities to treat your wounds in the middle of an armed conflict?

That gets people shot in Gaza now too.

Why are you ok with anyone shooting kids?

Who said that? There is no room for a nuance discussion?

I didn't watch the video, but based on the text it sure seems like the kid made choices that a reasonable person could think were incredibly risky given the circumstances.

Pointing that out does not mean that you think it was reasonable to shoot him; just that you think it is unsurprising.

This was in the west bank. Not Gaza. You should have watched the video. It would have been wrong still but more understandable for this to have happened in Gaza. Where Israel's active terror campaign is currently in motion. But this was in the West Bank where Israel is still employing stochastic terrorist tactics.

This would be like saying it was understandable and excusable for police to come shoot and kill you on your doorstep for setting off a firework. Wherever you live.

This exactly. But no, asshats don't think. Just react. Sad thing is, they don't even know what they are reacting to. None of them even went to Israel, even fewer went to Gaza and most likely almost all of them never was involved in any other conflict that argument over who gets the toy from box of serial.

Those poor Israelis are just defending themselves by invading Gaza and murdering Gazans by the tens of thousands!

Wasn't Israelis who invaded first.

Correct, it was the british. It changes nothing

Gotta love how the British have fucked up every where they've been involved in. Hong Kong, Ireland and Israel.

there's a term for people who think this way and it's bootlicker. These fascist apologists line up to victim blame and tell people they're protesting wrong and gaslight you into believing an offensive occupation can justifiably murder a child. These are liberals, they call themselves Democrats and feel good that they're not Republicans but they're all the same. They're fascists and fascist enablers. Where is the left? We need to do something about all of this.

But no, asshats don't think. Just react. Sad thing is, they don't even know what they are reacting to.

This user is almost self aware.....

Tell me you know literally nothing about the Palestinian conflict without telling me you know literally nothing about the Palestinian conflict.

If a 12 year old child cannot play with fireworks, it's an apartheid state.

I think you have to be 18 to buy fireworks in most places in the US...

So here's a challenge for the non-fucking clown. Take the fireworks, got into the police station and set fire to it. See how that goes for you. Shithead.

Wow, cool comparison. Now what would happen if you were at home and the police entered your property and you set off a firework? Would you expect to be gunned down in your home? Because that's what IDF is doing to Palestinians. The whole country was their home, then they got relegated to Gaza, which is now their new home, currently being invaded and attacked by fascists.

Don’t bother feeding this moron. He’s not going to suddenly wake up to the realization he’s an ignorant cunt. Look at his post history. He’s a troll or an idiot or both.

If police came armed in my house, I certainly wouldn't point anything at them. Yes, I'd fully expect to be gunned down if someone is pointing a gun at me and I pulled something on them. Just look at all the police cam videos where people get gunned down for simplest of things. Sure police is not in the right, no one argued they were, but it's a stupid thing to point anything at armed people who are afraid of dying.

And no, there was no "whole country was their home". They had no country. They rejected that solution.

Partition and later the Two-State Solution have been wielded by Israel to covet and annex as much Palestinian land as possible with the least amount of Palestinians.

Before 1948, Palestinian Leadership repeatedly advocated for a Unitary Binational State for decades.

The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948

Palestinian Arab Congress advocating for Unified State 1928

Arab Higher Committee advocating for Unified State 1937

Arab League advocating for Unified Binational State 1948

After the founding of Israel, the Two-State Solutions were utilized to further annex the Palestinian Occupied Territories and enact military control over Palestinians while denying them human and civil rights. Despite this, both Fatah and later Hamas have accepted a Two-State Solution on the 1967 borders, with the two most important factors being the Right of Return of Palestinian refugees and an end to the permanent occupation.

Oslo Accords MEE, NYT, Haaretz, AJ

History of peace process

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