19 Post – 2796 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Trans people are not a monolith. There's other trans people in this thread begging us to vote for Biden for their safety. Your feelings about being a rhetorical token are not invalid, but recognize that other people in your vulnerable group are legitimately crying out for help.

Either way, I'm glad I'm not one of your loved ones. Your own safety is one thing. Their safety is another.

What else wouldn't you do to stop a genocide?

"Your lack of support for Democrats may end up empowering people who will throw me in jail just for who I am"

"Stop being lazy and go improve a better party"

You're entitled to your opinion dude, but you were a major dick here.

I’m not going to support a genocide to stop anything!

Ironically, not even to stop a genocide. You'd rather two genocides happen than try to at least prevent one.

If the trolley is going to run over people regardless, and you have the option afterwards to prevent it from running over more people, the moral option is not abstaining.

Pro lifers who don't believe in any exceptions believe abortions are genocide as well, and are willing to accept any and all consequence of total bans. There's a similarity with your thinking, and it's one you should seriously examine.

Your opinion is your own, as are your beliefs. Just be aware of their consequences and how others may perceive your morality.

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I'm afraid all of us don't have that much free time. But hey, if you can get them to stop being anti science and actually become a serious party, I'll consider them.

Just don't expect me to accept the Green Party's many imperfections. If you don't accept the Democrat's imperfections, then you should perfectly understand.

Lmao the green party isn't going to do jack shit. They're completely unserious about politics. They aren't even trying to build up an infrastructure in all 50 states that lets them get suffused into local and state politics. They aren't even aiming for Congressional seats, which would be necessary for an actual Green president to get anything done.

They're just anti science grifters who think wifi causes cancer, entertain vaccine skepticism, and demonize nuclear energy -- the latter of which could be a major asset to stopping global warming. Newer designs are even able to consume nuclear waste, meaning an anti nuclear position results in more waste than we would otherwise.

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You get it! We can't fuck over vulnerable people. We can't abandon minorities and LGBT people. Even if we let things get worse to the point of a societal collapse, a lot of people will die because of it -- and societal collapse has not historically led to better societies down the road.

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Biden isn't going to say "yeah I'm thinking of dropping out", nor will his campaign, even if they're strongly considering it. It he does decide to step aside, it will be a sudden announcement with no forewarning.

I agree with your premise though. It isn't impossible. We just need to collect data and do polling for like a week to understand how much the debate hurt Biden, and if there's any good alternative options who have a better shot.

I think debates and townhalls are Biden's best bet right now. He needs to show that it was just a bad night for him.

And if it wasn't just a bad night, it'll spur action to find a viable replacement.

Might be the doors are fail shut if anything happens... But that seems like the worst design ever.

Come to think of it, it's basic design to designate features as fail closed/fail open on loss of power in an emergency, and you go with what's inherently safe. It appears Tesla did not consider basic safety design. To no one's surprise.

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Sorry, what the fuck. This is a complete failure on engineering controls and safety. A safety analysis on an industrial plant would find something like this to be a major safety vulnerability that needs several redundant safeguards.

Jesus fucking Christ.

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This seems like an excellent way for the governing party to lose big time in elections.

It's basic safety for industrial plants to designate powered equipment as "fail open" or "fail closed" or on/off. It's shocking that this wasn't applied to Tesla cars.

We really need an industry that performs industrial grade HAZOPs on consumer products and publishes a report for everyone to see.

Putin has a history of false flag operations, so it isn't impossible.

It's a 17% difference now. I'm honestly skeptical that AIPAC money is the big cause here. It seems like he had a lot of other issues that contributed to his loss. I was reading earlier that he didn't really communicate or interface with his constituents much, while Latimer was a much bigger community presence.

This is a trend I've noticed actually. A lot of people who do take morally correct positions like to let their positions speak for themselves and not do as much communication or outside engagement. They want to let their moral high ground do the talking. And while their positions are laudable, their core job is to represent their constituents. If they ignore that, a loss isn't surprising.

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I've unfortunately been working on process control strategies for almost a year now on new and novel applications for my company, so I've been intimately familiar with this. If it isn't obvious, this isn't my favorite professional area of interest hahaha.

Designating fail open and fail closed valves is so intrinsic to what I've been doing that I can't imagine someone designing a car control system and not thinking about that at all.

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It happens! The important part is review and learning from the mistakes.

We all make mistakes. I once forgot to include gravity in a pressure drop calculation for a 100 ft vertical pipe as part of a steam drum system. I had to send an awkward email revising the design pressure I previously communicated out.

But hey, if we were perfect, we wouldn't need peer review.

I have a little bit of experience with limit switches, but that's really interesting. It certainly seems like an unusual system. I'm a lot more familiar with safety relays.

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It really says something when even oil companies will design for these considerations but Tesla won't.

Oh definitely. I just think their primary influence was on the size of the margin, not the actual outcome of the election. And it still benefits them, since they can say it was a 17% margin instead of like 3-5%.

On the one hand, this doesn't seem like a lot. But on the other, this is just for June. A lot of people left or drastically cut down their usage at the very end of June, and we're not seeing this reflected in the data yet.

Even so, no company wants to say they've lost 3% of their customers. With 1.7 billion total, that's still 51 million people. It's a notable loss, especially for a company trying to become profitable and have an IPO.

51 more...

It's worth stepping back a moment to appreciate that it's actually worked. Whether it will continue is another story, but Lemmy became a successful and viable alternative to Reddit. That's worthy of praise and celebration, and it couldn't be done without the admins and mods of .world who've made this place into what it is.

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This is why it's really handy to be well versed in the Bible -- it's very easy to throw their shit right back in their face. Know their bible better than they do.

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Frankly I don't know which words are powerful enough to describe this and condemn it. I don't think the right words exist to explain how bad it is.

This logic is just... If it's justified to blow up a refugee camp to kill a senior leader of Hamas, then by that same logic, Hamas would be justified in blowing up Israel's capitol buildings to kill Netanyahu.

Fucking hell, not only that, but this logic defends the Hamas attack on Israel too. There could have been IDF members there or government officials.

I don't see how anybody condemning Hamas' terrorist attack could not condemn this. It's the same picture.

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If genuine, this man shows a deep understanding of Christianity that eclipses all American evangelicals combined. He'd be a seriously good person, worth being respected by everyone regardless of religion.

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This has big "I am very smart" energy. Intelligence is knowing every 24 hours is a new day. Wisdom is knowing the phrase "new day" is used rhetorically and figuratively.

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I dislike doubting polls, but there's just some odd stuff in here.

  • 10% go for RFK Jr, and it's equal siphoning from both parties? 10%?!
  • 20% more people blame Biden for Roe being overturned than Trump?
  • They're TIED with Gen Z voters? TIED?!
  • After the absolute thrashing that Republicans have received on abortion, only like 50% of women would break for Biden?

This is a poll of just the 5 key states, but this part of their methodology gives me significant pause as well: "To further ensure that the results reflect the entire voting population, not just those willing to take a poll, we give more weight to respondents from demographic groups underrepresented among survey respondents, like people without a college degree. "

Emphasis mine. There could be a huge skew. And these results don't make sense. The other NYT poll from several months ago was also incredibly unusual and had very weird findings -- to the point that the Guardian wrote something was very fucky with the results.

This isn't to say this can't be what's going on, but we need corroboration from other polling groups. And it isn't summer yet, which makes polls rather inaccurate too.

TLDR: Something's fucky, we need more information and to monitor this.

EDIT: I just want to use my bully pulpit here to say that my criticisms by no means disprove the poll results. There's oddities, but that doesn't make the results an impossibility. Don't only give credence to criticism of polls. If someone has reasons they believe the poll is accurate, you should give equal attention to it. At the end of the day, we don't know what the actual truth is, and we won't until the election is over. Just remember that we don't want to just win, we want to dominate. We want massive margins. And that means we need to see wins even in less than accurate polls.

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I don't know whether or not he killed himself, and I strongly suspect he didn't, but I sure as hell know this warrants an intense and thorough investigation. All company and private emails of executives, with forensics to determine if anything was deleted. Long interrogations to see if alibis match up.

There isn't enough evidence to throw the book at Boeing, but there is enough to search every single little thing related to them.

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Suddenly, climate change isn't so much of an urgent issue? Nor abortion? Nor gay rights?

I'm not happy with what's going on nor what Biden's doing, but there's too many people I care about who will get hurt if Trump wins. And I'm not so selfish as to keep my ideals pure.

Life sucks. If you don't vote for Biden, more Palestinians will die than would otherwise. Is that fucked up? Yeah. Vote for him anyway. The world is cruel, and gives us cruel choices. All we can do is make the best of things.

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To give you an idea of just how fucking stupid this superintendent is -- hair discrimination is illegal by TEXAS law. Fucking Texan Republicans looked at this and said "okay this is way too far".

Having previously lived in Houston for a few years, let me tell you, Texas Republicans aren't terribly bright. Being worse than them takes effort.

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Cringing and being disappointed in our previous selves is a good thing. It shows growth and learning. Don't be too hard on yourself

Congress passed a law authorizing the secretary of education to forgive debts. They willingly ceded it.

still need someone knowledgeable in the loop to describe the things it needs to do, and handle exceptions

And any engineer or technician will tell you, exceptions are 80% of their job.

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I think the only thing we lose is community -- I'm jealous that religious people automatically have that.

The solution of course is trying to return to having neighborhood communities.

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Excellent job by Lauren Windsor. A full mask off, candid discussion that shows blatant partisanship is a step up from the other wrongdoings we've heard of Alito and Thomas so far.

Republicans are a craven mafia family so they'll do nothing, but this is still a very important news story. Change to the Court will only come once the public passes a critical threshold of distrust for it, and this story brings us closer and closer to that tipping point.

The Court will be reformed in our lifetimes. It's gone too far and will be course corrected. It's just a matter of when. And I can only hope it will be while Alito and Thomas and McConnell are all still alive so they can see the consequences of their partisan actions.

"Well-behaved women seldom make history."

I won't agree with her every decision nor statement, but I completely agree with her sentiment. After working for one of these oil majors, I believe it's going to take a lot of public pressure to get them to do the right thing. They'll do it, eventually, but the crusty execs need to be made to bend. My coworkers were all into sustainability and excited at new initiatives we'd hear about. It was the executive leadership that inhibited everything.

I'm in favor of calling the bluff, but leave it peaceful:

  • Army bases remain US army bases and the national guard remains US. Texas must raise its own military without any US military equipment. Existing US servicemen must resign if they wish to join the Texas military, and will be treated as foreign army -- they must leave US bases.
  • Any companies headquartered in Texas will be considered foreign companies and subject to all relevant taxes and laws. Employees will be considered employed by foreign companies. Any subsidizes and other credits to these companies are forfeit.
  • Employees of the state government will be considered foreign state agents.
  • Trade deals must be negotiated with the US. Any US facilities providing goods and services, like water or energy, will now charge a fair market rate.
  • Texas must renegotiate trade with other countries.
  • For the first five years, Texas and the US must allow people to freely move out of or into Texas. If any Texas resident wishes to live as a US citizen, Texas must pay for their relocation.
  • After that, or if they choose to renounce US citizenship, Texans are considered foreigners and will be treated as illegal immigrants if they enter the US without proper documentation.
  • Texas universities lose all US accreditation. Current Students may transfer to a US university at no cost, and have their existing credits recognized. Texas will pay for any moves. New students from Texas will be considered foreign students and applicants for admissions and tuition at US universities.
  • Any attack on US people or property or facilities will be seen as an act of war.
  • Texas senators and house representatives are expelled from Congress.

They'll be crying and begging to rejoin the US within a month. They'll be a fourth world hell scape within a year if they don't.

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Look, can we just collectively agree -- all of us who are left of center -- to work together and set our differences aside until after this election? Now really isn't the time for us to be divided. We need to first curb stomp the fascists, so we don't all get killed

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Imagine the outcry if instead this was a liberal justice at a Soros donor event. You'd have so many antisemitic dog whistles that it would attract every canine in the tristate area.

I really don't understand how anyone who likes logical consistency can tolerate Republicans. The hypocrisy is mind boggling.

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On this day, McCarthy remembered -- this is exactly what everyone said was going to happen and why no one understood why he wanted the position so badly.

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