
@Kalkaline @leminal.space
4 Post – 723 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Nothing to see here

Police are allowed to point weapons at you and not expect return fire. It's not considered self defense if you return fire even if the police burst into your home in the middle of the night and don't announce themselves. 2nd amendment rights are simply an advertisement for the gun industry to sell more weapons and ammunition and has nothing to do with self defense especially from the state.

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I used to be against the draft or conscription, but someone made the argument that people are far less war hungry when they or their loved ones might end up on the front lines. In that case, I'm all for it as long as the rich, politically connected, and otherwise privileged are treated like the rest of us. Otherwise the next best option is an all volunteer military.

I don't know that I want Jon Stewart as a POTUS, I just want him one on one with Trump and Trump isn't allowed to leave or call off the debate. Jon Stewart is what the Founding Fathers meant the press to be. They wanted the press to be a 4th check on government outside the separation of powers and not a mouthpieces of the government.

I'm probably a worse person than I let on. People like me more than they should. It could just be mild depression and poor self esteem talking though, the lying bastards.

Bill Burr or Jon Stewart, either one of them would absolutely crush Trump on a debate stage and people would line up to watch it.

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It just needs to not be Trump at this point. Biden isn't a touchdown, he's a punt with the hopes that we can do better next time.

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I legit forgot my roommate's name in college while he was right in front of me.

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Don't forget about the Satanic Panic, which would be an awesome band name if it's not already.

How can you organize voters with a district like the Texas 33rd?

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We are going to get less than ideal candidates until the voting system changes. I think it might be the one point of agreement with most voters in this country that we need a new voting system because first past the post isn't working well.

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Y'all are going to hell with me.

What the fuck is wrong with America?

Huh, Florida has bears, I didn't even think that bears lived that far south.

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$80,000 sounds like a steal for what happened.

Ahem, that's convicted felon Donald Trump.

Just looking at the production process of methanol vs ethanol it's way more likely that some asshole found some industrial methanol and stole it and used it to boost the potency of their product to boost their profit. Making enough methanol on a homebrew level to be dangerous is actually pretty tricky to do.

In the Old West people were hanged by their necks until dead for less. You used to face a firing squad if you were found to be a traitor to your country.

I'm not saying we go back to execution without trial, but we should at least have a speedy trial and some sort of consequences for a deterrent/punishment. Your national security doesn't exactly get stronger by leaving traitors alone.

Auto Hotkey probably has this out there somewhere.

I'm going to just trust you that he said it because I can't listen to that dumb fuck ramble all day.

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Thank you Seattle Children's Hospital for standing up to that bullshit.

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Wait, what? This isn't something to be criticized for. Having a black adopted son and learning the realities of racism in America and learning from it is a good thing. He should be criticized for all the other shit, but not this.

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Smart cookie undersells it dramatically. Taylor Swift is a marketing and possibly a financial genius who has locked herself into the collective consciousness of the country. I used to try to not listen to her music at all, but my daughter and wife absolutely love her, so it's all I get to listen to around them. She's had virtually 0 truly bad press surrounding her. You don't have to like her music, but you have to respect her ability to sell her image and music.

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There's no good reason to use a functional gun in film and theater, change my mind.

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Alexa is so bad though. Who's going to pay for that?

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I can't make up my mind on this one. On one hand we probably should make some rules etiquette and laws regarding VR, but on the other hand I made it through the Halo series just fine and was able to separate myself from what those people did to my corpse.

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Don't you fucking take him, COVID. Don't you fucking dare.

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This is a textbook HIPAA violation.

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At some point we're just back to building web browsers with spyware built in.

They don't want legitimacy, they want to rule by brute force

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What a little piss baby

https://media.nature.com/lw767/magazine-assets/d41586-023-02995-7/d41586-023-02995-7_26075536.png?as=webp how can people look at this image and just not understand it and the implications of it?

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Yeah, some common sense gun laws would have helped. People hearing voices should not have guns in their possession.

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You're not supposed to enjoy sex if you're a Republican.

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Be like Captain America

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Call me crazy, but I would be happy to pay extra in taxes to make sure everyone had a roof over their head, healthcare (including dental, vision, mental health care), and their basic needs of life met (including hygiene products). If that comes out of police budgets, so be it.

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Usually I don't believe these quotes, but it's attributed and there's her picture, so it must be true.

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So, how would this work exactly? For curiosity's sake.

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So, pro choice then. Come on "pro-life" people if you make exceptions you are pro choice. Abortion should be legal and accessible to women who need it, birth control too.

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No, it should be 3x revenue, IMO it's not enough to just get that money back, it should cause some hurt on top of it.

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