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That should be enough to worry anybody.

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If all debates for like that one. I would not miss a single debate. He cut through the b******* and got straight to the answers or not answers as the case may be. Which is what a debate moderator should do. A debate moderator is not intended to be a personified a cue card. The Talking Heads at CNN failed even harder than I ever thought they could with their moderation.

History, procedure, common sense, and logic all said that was what was going to happen. They didn't cancel the primaries. They never started the primaries. A lot of states started holding primaries assuming the incumbent wasn't running again. But that was never the case. Biden never said that he was only going to run the one time and not again. People in his orbit discussed that he might do that. But that was nothing that he said or that they ever committed to.

You and I are welcome to believe this what he should have done. But historically if an incumbent decides to run for another Term. No party ever Has primaried them. We can criticize Biden on not telegraphing that well enough. That's fair. We can absolutely criticized Biden on things like that. But policy-wise and as far as his administration goes. He's been fairly popular and consequential. Despite the one really big issue which seems to be all people want to talk about ignoring the fascist in the room.

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Absolutely. Though to be fair most people who call themselves Libertarians aren't regardless.

From the founding of the ideology through at least the first 100 years it kind of did. I think the basic fact that the man who coined the phrase and founded the ideology. Fought against the kind of people who pretend to be libertarian today. He literally participated in the French revolution. And we have economic liberals today making up thought terminating cliches and tripe like the non-aggression principle to protect wealthy thieves. Calling themselves right wing Libertarians it's a joke.

Bowman was the better candidate. No doubt. But he isn't without fault. Many in the district had legitimate complaints about his focus. Not even pertaining to Israel. It's a shame so many people when feeling let down by representation can gravitate to worse candidates. Simply because they're someone else. And not a better candidate.

Check the candidate debate. It was a clown show. Not the moderators though. They were kings. But the candidates all were fucking clown shoes. Apart from the token that seemed sincere but wouldn't fly with the racist base. Somehow Bobo seriously came out looking the better of the group while still being visually white enough. Had it been a skit on veep or some other show it would have been hilarious. I just hope the democrat candidate can win against her this time. They got close last time.

The 4th estate is a wholly owned subsidiary of fascist inc these days. And facts don't sell. Just rage.

They're keeping their powder dry when they all swing hard right for the most consequential ruling. So everyone can say but look we were reasonable on all these other things that wouldn't have ever really impacted you.

Yes we absolutely need plenty of immigration. The American population has been below replacement on birth rates since the 1970s. With the Boomers going down it's going to hit the fan real soon but all they want to do is restrict immigrants.

Shame about Keith. The prodigy was fire back in the early 90s. Charlie, poison, voodoo people and of course Keith's firestarter. Last album or two hasn't hit me the same. But that's probably the 30 years on my part. Not in my 20s or in college anymore.

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If the Republican party was fed up with this. They could revoke his committee memberships and replace him with someone else at any time. So you have to ask yourself. Are they fed up really? Or is this all just performative. And is he doing exactly what they want.

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Not stunning to anyone who's paid attention. So I bet there's lots of people who are deeply shocked by this.

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Interesting they look like three and a half inch floppies out of their sleeves

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No it literally wouldn't. It's absolutely possible to produce smaller lightweight vehicles with the exact same standards. But unfortunately we've all been pushed towards larger vehicles. Simply because they make more money on them.

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We canceled our yearly subscription in August. Haven't missed any of the content. I mean I've seen what I wanted to regardless. Just not from there.

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Yes, but they aren't moving for conservative policies or "red state". They're moving to more affordable liberal/socialist friendly enclaves. Like Austin as you pointed out. Conservatives /fascists like to imply otherwise. But they are already panicking as those areas grow in power and influence. Doing everything they can to try to neuter it. Before it changes their state politics to take their power away from them.

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North Korean workers in China. The Mexicans of China if you will. The plant manager wasn't likely going to buy mega yachts. But finding someone with so little regard for their fellow humans carries a pay bump there. Just as it does in the western world.

If politics were ever boring or less evil, it's because you weren't paying attention or engaged. Every upcoming election will always be the most important. Simply because all the others have happened, and the remainder are too far off and nebulous.

Ask all the people suppressed, attacked, and assassinated in the 50s and 60s fighting for civil rights. All the ones since then too. It didn't magically become perfect. Or all the people brutalized by robber barons before as they fought for unions, weekends, reasonable hours, and basic safety.

Being disengaged from politics is a luxury and a privilege that most people can't afford. Which explains why we're in such a deficit. With so much of the American population chomping at the bit for fascism again. And much of the rest of the world close behind. Putin in Russia, Orban in Hungary, Milieu in Argentina, etc etc etc. We've been asleep at the wheel, enabling the worst people among us.

You mean the one about the government surplus from the government not doing the things it's supposed to?

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It was never really an option. Sanders far outperformed even his expectations. But in running as he did. He showed others how to actually make change. Work from within the party to pull them left. Sanders's performance and work as a Democrat senator did more to pull the party left than 100 years of 3rd party protest votes. This is the lesson we should go away with. And never stop applying it.

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Gonna put this out there. Ended up in a thread on ML the other day. The poster/admin got a little unhinged, over 4 down votes. 4. Took to the admin panel to see who dared down vote him. Convinced he had been the victim of the tiniest not swarm ever.


It's troubling behavior for anyone with power.

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Toxic generally extremist instances both left and right finding out that not only can people de-Federate from them but that they will. And that it is their right.

Mostly explodingheads and hexbears. If you search for those two you can read about it all to your heart's Delight.

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No they aren't. Locked down restrictive app stores are the problem. App stores can provide visibility to apps that might not get it otherwise. Or help developers reach an audience through a central deployment platform. They can promote better security as well. Making updates easy and prompt. They're more or less at the heart of every Linux/BSD platform for a reason.

Let's be honest. How frequently do you check for updates to every program you installed manually? Even if the program itself notifies you. Are you going to navigate to the website immediately. Find the download link and promptly install for every, single, one. App stores and repositories are literally one of the greatest software inventions of the last 30+ years.

Being locked to a specific store or repository is the problem. Which is why everyone but apple tends to provide solutions. Whether it's side loading, flatpack, app images etc.

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To them conservatism can never fail. It can only be failed, because you didn't conservative hard enough. There is no introspection, no critical thinking. Only doubling down. Because otherwise all the suffering would have been for naught.

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Someone promised them that they could preserve their perceived power. And return the world to a time that never existed. If you understand that conservatives have no ideology Beyond coveting power and wealth and purely reactionary behaviors. This is all very logical and understandable unfortunately.

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As a leftist. None of the right-wing parties in America serve my economic policies or desires. I can vote with Democrats generally because of social policy. But the Biden administration has seriously far too low key still managed to have some major economic wins that he should run on. The American rescue plan, the NLRB ruling, etc. Why they refuse to talk about it I'll never know.

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As an American. You are 100% spot on. Had Republicans not enabled and helped trump at every step. He would have gotten nothing accomplished. They were there every hour of every day ready to lick his greasy taint in an effort to please their voters. It could be any idiot. It just happened to be Trump

That's like saying when Republicans do something stupid. It's America. It's not. There's far more going on. And that's just disingenuous.

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It's been scary for the last 100 years. They previously plotted overthrowing and killing FDR in the 30s. And suffered nothing for it when caught. In fact a few got elected to Congress post plot. Since then, they've been the defacto home for American fascism and neo Nazis in general.

Throughout the 50s and 60s they stirred up fascist, anti socialist propaganda. Smearing, and attacking anyone they didn't like regardless of facts or evidence. Ending careers, livelihoods and even a few lives through the persecution.

There's plenty to say about the 70s as well. Though "Nixon" covers a lot. Even as we consistently find out more and more as time goes on. Combined with starting to court their soulmates. The murderous KKK and lynching Dixiecrats post 1964 exodus from the Democrats. Culminating with Reagan. Who also courted extreme, fascistic anti christian fundamentalist "Christian" cults.

It's been a constant terrifying push from them. To which the American public has largely ignored, waffled, and had zero appetite to acknowledge or address. Even as they overthrew democratically elected governments around the world. Jr Bush and trumple orangeskin are just the most recent, less competent legacy of the last American century. And it's fucking terrifying how "normal" it's been.

But yes, it does seem to be a bit more visible to some these days. So that good. Just wish more could see and acknowledge.

But her emails, white water, Lewinsky etc etc.

100% Libertarianism originated as a left wing movement in the 19th century. Right wing libertarianism didn't ooze out of the swamp till nearly a century later. In the mid 20th century. Post red scare when actual leftist were keeping their heads down due to fascist witch hunts. And unable to really call out the posers.

Real libertarians don't have a problem with government. They just believe that it should be focused on maximizing freedom, and access to it. Where the larpers are all about maximizing their personal freedom (privilege) and don't care if others have access.

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They're not down voting you because they're liberals. They're down vote you because you're likely an accelerationis hypocrite. With shitty unconstructive hot takes and zero actual solutions.

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I'm with you for all this. But let's not be like them. Let's not dehumanize them like they do their victims. They're very human. Shitty humans. But definitely human.

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Either way it's just more illustration that it isn't because Apple can't do iMessage on android. Not that anyone should have ever believed that. They just want a walled garden with their users trapped inside to be repeatedly prayed upon. And not even RCS coming to iOS is really going to change that.

The United States was the primary source of inspiration for the German Nazis. Even as the fascist Nazi party was rising up in Germany. They were mimicking fascists in the United States. The German beer hall putch was not an isolated or unique event. The fascists here in the United States had the business plot. Which FDR almost completely dropped the ball on in exchange for short-term gains. Letting these seditious fascist escape with their lives to regroup and continue plotting. Long ago having clawed back most of the short-term gains FDR got.

Within barely a generation they were running bigoted racists like Nixon and winning. Soon followed by the rather open protofascist Reagan. Whose vice president was former head spook at the CIA. The same CIA that had spent much of the early 20th century overthrowing democracies and destabilizing the rest of the world. He also happened to be the son of the man that was most likely to have been their intended leader to install as fascist dictator. Who's coke adult son a little over a decade later followed in his father's footsteps.

Fascists in the US at least have never had consequences to learn from. They've barely had to setbacks. They just slow boiled it here. But we still arrived at poisoning the blood of our country and blood and soil. Eventually. January 6th was not even the first Republican coup plot that we know about.

And there are plenty in the UK and Europe that learned the wrong lessons from world war II as well.

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It does for me. It's a portmanteau of voxel and libre wit the last l of the first word and first l of the 2nd word shared. If you don't pause at the caps and just roll straight through. It rolls just fine and is rather clever.

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I wouldn't take the mises institutes word on anything. Fascistic adjacent right wingers larping as libertarians would never accurately identity fascism.

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Clinton was impeached because we "almost impeached" Nixon. And to distract from his as well as Reagan and Bush's crimes. Now that we've actually held a Republican minorly to account in a largely meaningless way. Republicans have become fully unhinged. And after a setback of nearly 100 years, finally fully ready to openly embrace fascism again. Persecuting and prosecuting people simply for who they are.