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Joined 4 months ago

I'll second Pixel Dungeon. It's the only one I've played, but it perfectly fits OP's reqs.

So we should just do away with debates?

That man was never sending his kids to space camp. He just decided to doxx the only known trans person within 100 miles of his home.

Hopefully the organization doesn't cave and backs their employee.

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2 tv's side-by-side with 2 consoles for local multi-player. Dream achieved with a bonus wife to play with.

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Some Christians, I'm sure. The Evangelicals that already loved him are currently trying to figure out how to shove a Trump Bible in their anus while describing it as "God's plan".

They don't have the money for champagne.

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I've always been sympathetic toward Trans people, but cases like this really illustrate how shitty it can be to just exist while Trans in America.

With most "minorities" there are still so many of them in any given community that it's hard or pointless to single any one out for hate. But with a Trans person you can call them out by name because they rarely have anonymity within a local collective.

Like, this person was working a cool job, probably proud of themselves, helping kids and enjoying life. Now they're being called out by elected State officials and online random. Being called a pedo and a freak... I can't imagine what that does to a person.

Now let's find all the quotes from these people railing about "Cancel Culture".

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That's Blizzard's business model at this point.

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They say the opposite (about systemic injustice) when arguing against corporate DEI, affirmative action, police and voting reforms etc...

It's crazy they try to make the point that white, middle-class America is the most persecuted segment of the poulation.

Until T2 decides to lay-off the developers because they only wanted the IP.

The "King Trump Bible" it came to be known...

"My kid was was arrested for racking up fraudulent charges on counterfeit bank cards. THANKS OBAMA!" -Absent Conservative Parents

Women care about women's sports.

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Walking in to an honest-to-god Toy Store as a small child.

R.I.P. Geoffrey

Ask him for his favorite passage.

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Those stats go back 35 years. He's maybe the only person that's been in office that long, of course he's going to accumulate the most.

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I quit working in a factory setting a couple years ago. It was definitely unsettling seeing dozens of pipes running all through the facility, and a few are labeled "Asbestos-Free".

Has it not mooned yet? Apes must be in shambles.

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You missed the best part of the quote.

Both people he's suing are ex-contestants on "The Apprentice".

So they're not ordering new text books (yet) they're just allowing teachers to bring it up, and answer questions.

Sounds like it will open the door for crackpot teachers, but it's not "being taught" in the school. Definitely a slippery-slope, hopefully not many teachers indulge.

Out of state donations help out a lot of Democrats in red area too. The difference tends to be Republican candidates get mega-donors and corps from out of state, while Dems get lots of small donation from private citizens throughout the country.

The 2020 Senate races in Georgia, Kentucky and Texas come to mind. They had popular Dem candidates that were getting donations from all over because of the attention their races were getting.

You're mostly comparing legal and financial ramifications to self-identity. I trust a teenager more to tell me who they are than to pay back a car loan.

From the little research I've done, puberty-blockers don't have long-term effects and most kids aren't on them more than a few years. This is widely agreed upon in the medical community. There is non-biased research done on this for decades you can read up on.

Yes, being a teenager is weird and confusing. Even more so, if you feel like you live in the wrong body, I imagine. That's the exact reason puberty blockers are effective, by giving a teen a little more time to figure out their identity, without it being rushed or compounded by the effects of puberty.

Fox didn't. Smartmatic isn't interested in actual justice or proving any points to America. They just want to get paid.

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Distracting from the rest of their circus.

They refused to participate in the Jan. 6 investigation and hearings four years ago. There's no way this isn't a sham, and they know it.

Texas did the same thing a year or two ago. Florida is just following the leader.

That's "literally" not true. Some may be getting off easy, some are definitely doing years in prison.

They campaigned on this 4 years ago. They've done plenty of good things, but this one turned out out to be an empty promise.

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They don't like to admit the side they are championing is a bunch of beheading rapists that also lie from time-to-time.

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That's a wild jump to make.

Such disingenuous horse shit.

Fuck immigration, I guess. Let's just leave the doors wide open and allow free access to public services, housing, medical, whatever with no accounting.

Any effort at bookkeeping or immigration control is apparently inhumane. You want these people to stand in line and fill out paperwork? You may as well be throwing them in cages yourself.

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"For the crime of cheering legitimate terrorists, blah blah clever horseshit"

You people continue to gloss over that on one side of this conflict is a proud terrorist org who, as a matter of practice, rapes, kidnaps and otherwise specifically targets civilians for harm in order to enact their worldview.

All of these middle-to-upper class lefties protesting on campuses would get a knife up the anus if they were caught in Hamas territory. They don't care if you're cheering them on from across an ocean, they still hate you and would rather you suffer and die, because you don't fit with their religious view.

I still feel bad for the Palestinian people and separate them from their Hamas government, as it's obvious Hamas doesn't care about their charge, and is using them for political capital.

Arresting people who break the law is not fascism. Do you not think it should be illegal to totally disrupt government assemblies and college campuses? Or do you only think it's ok when you agree with it? What if all these protests were anti-abortion protests, would you still be OK with them setting up shanty towns on campuses and disrupting classes?

Lefties are getting as bad as Republicans with diluting language.

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Are Zionists disrupting a lot of learning institutions?

And it's not about pro-israel VS. Pro-palestine. The issue is much more nuanced. You people realize a terrorist organization is the representative government of Palestine, right? They chant "death to america" and their founding charter calls for the eradication of all jews. They still have, and are probably still torturing and raping hostages. You're cheering for the scum of the earth.

Both sides have done shitty things, but things will never get better as long as Hamas controls the territory. They have no interest in peace.

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Their strategy is being performative, whiny shits for tiktok videos. They have no clue what they're talking about, or the context for the current situation. Just more terminally online lefties that would rather camp out than go to class.

The nation was already discussing Israel-Palestine, these people are just being self-indulgent and making it about themselves. They don't give a shit about Palestinians unless it's trending.

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Do you think it's appropriate to run around with fireworks in the middle of an armed conflict?

Especially if it's what you idealistic, online types say and it's a "genocide" and an "apartheid state", do you really see any other way this would end?

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Calling Jews nazis, and saying Israel should be nuked, yet I'm the one getting banned from communities all over the site for saying leftists have lost their fucking minds over this conflict.

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Wasting thousands of dollars to turn their campuses into trashy tent-cities and ultimately accomplish nothing? They probably go to their parent's upper-class homes at night to sleep, and stop for artisanal coffees on their way back to protesting in the morning.

Performative junk.

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I honestly don't know how I feel about this. If my kid (which I do have one) was trying to pass as another gender in school, but not home, I would want to know. It's generally not good for kids to keep big secrets like this from the people looking out for them. That's how they end up getting in to trouble in life.

At the same time, I'm not the kind of parent that wouldn't support my kid through such an issue. I understand it could be dangerous for some kids to be outted to their parents, but I don't know that we should be governing based on the worst possible outcomes, when keeping the secret could also be dangerous to some.

It is telling to me that most of the supporters that showed up had no skin in the game. I don't think this specific issue is as cut-and-dry as it appears at first. My mind has certainly changed on it the more I think about it.

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