
2 Post – 527 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

How dare you complain about their aggressive monetization practices, won't you think of the record corporate profits.

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Republic lawmakers don't know the law, more news at 11.

If Americans knew what workers rights were they'd be very angry to realise they have none.

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I like the look of this place, honey. But why are there 5 smoke alarms in the bedroom?

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And if you follow the chain of causation to the top what do we find?

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Sketch artists gave way to photographs, traditional artists gave way to digital artists, now photography will give way to AI. AI is still enhanced by traditional art, as is our culture, and it's value won't change because the value is in the expression not the medium. AI is just another tool in the digital art tool-set. I've been a digital artist for 25 years, and if you're threatened by AI instead of embracing it's ability to improve and enhance your work then I'm sorry, welcome to the past, this is you:

This is an AI generated image made with copyright free community resources. Each AI generated image made contributes further to a global wealth of artistic knowledge at the fingertips of all. If you're interested seek out FOSS AIgen software like Stable Diffusion and community resources as linked below, or visit the various AIgen communities here on Lemmy.

See more: https://civitai.com/user/lorom
Referral link: https://civitai.com/login?ref_code=LOR-IYG

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It would be nice if we as a species could get from one generation to the next without needing to see an example of every failure first hand.

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Yep, it's easy to bait them too. You make a post or comment calling out tankies for supporting authoritarianism, and out of the woodwork scurry all the "socialists and communists" to downvote you.

Thing is, a real socialist or communist hates a tankie too.

Stop! You've broken the law!

Chances are you engaged in one of the following:

Arguing an objectively correct viewpoint with a moron.

Engaged in political sarcasm.

Made use of hyperbole, facetiousness, or facetious hyperbole.

Made a mod look stupid on their alt. account.

Hurt a fascists feelings.

Engaged in dark humour. (It's like food, not everybody gets it.)

Engaged in anti-reddit activism.

Or just cause.

If you're feeling vindictive you can still request your data under GDPR every 30 days even on banned accounts and they have to comply by law.

Communication has become reactive instead of proactive.

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I find it hilarious that people are happy and celebrating the long and unaffected life of this piece of shit.

No he hasn't gotten his comeuppance, he just shuffled off this mortal coil like every one of us will, having never suffered for his actions, and long after the relevance of his death could have any meaningful impact after living longer than most of us will have the opportunity. He has lost nothing, we have gained nothing.

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They are committing acts of terrorism in the hopes of getting genetically engineered cat girls. I'm not about to start considering them intelligent.

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Trying to monetise the fraction of a percent of users who actively avoid your advertising and wouldn't engage with it or purchase products from the advertisers even if forced to watch them is the epitome of corporate greed. Pathetic, money grubbing billionaire corporations deserve to burn to the ground rather than be supported by the societies they leech off like the cancer they are.

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Can we turn them off? I'm almost 40 and really couldn't give a flying fuck about emoji spam. I'm already about to ditch Voyager for putting emoji's on my app interface.

The last thing I think lemmy needs is another way for belligerent idiots to say something without saying anything. They do enough of that with words.

99% of emoticon responses:

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The world isn't made for children, where are their fucking parents?

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R2-D2 is the king of all short kings, and inspiration to any who wish to woo large powerful women.

It's law to have them in every room where I live, but not 5 in one lol.

It's never really been conservatism, it's regressivism. They want Feudalism because they think they can be king.

We still have Australia day on invasion day, there's a decent push to change it, but the general concensus is problems of the past belong to people of the past and you can't rectify permanent history by creating new inequalities when there's a percentage of the entire population that still struggle with necessities.

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ChatGPT can help you deal with those feelings.

If someone is feeling sad about the normalization of ChatGPT posts, it's understandable that they might be expressing concern or disappointment about a change they perceive in the nature of discussions or interactions involving ChatGPT. Here are a few things you might say:

Acknowledge Their Feelings: Start by acknowledging their feelings. You might say, "I understand that you're feeling sad about the normalization of ChatGPT posts. It's okay to feel that way, and I'm here to listen."

Encourage Communication: Encourage them to share more about why they feel this way. Open-ended questions like "Can you tell me more about what's bothering you?" can invite them to express their thoughts.

Offer Understanding: Let them know that it's normal for people to have different perspectives on changes, and it's okay to express their opinions. You might say, "It's completely okay to have mixed feelings about changes, especially when it comes to how ChatGPT is used."

Express Empathy: Show empathy by expressing that you understand their concerns. For example, "I can see why the normalization of ChatGPT posts might be disheartening for you. Changes can be challenging, especially when they affect something we care about."

Highlight Positives: If there are positive aspects or potential benefits of ChatGPT posts, you can share those as well. For instance, "While the normalization of ChatGPT posts might bring changes, it's also an opportunity for diverse discussions and perspectives to emerge."

Suggest Alternatives: If applicable, suggest alternative platforms or communities where they might find the type of content or discussions they prefer.

Encourage Adaptation: Remind them that change is a constant part of life, and adapting to new circumstances can lead to new and positive experiences.

Remember to approach the conversation with empathy and an open mind, allowing the person to express their feelings and thoughts freely.

Good thing I checked, I was going to just insult you.

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Imagine how it feels for us who live in these countries and are bombarded with the hate and ignorance of social wellfare spewing out of the US cultural machine for decades to the point of eroding our own systems through cultural decay.

Need cognition to have cognitive dissonance.

Please, traditional artists have been saying the same about photoshop for 25 years. I know, because I've been a digital artist for 25 years. AI is just another tool for expression. If you're expression is valuable people will be willing to pay for it, online or in the "real world".

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So more unnecessary middle man trash designed to tie users more permanently to their OS choice. Nothing new then.

Doesn't do much good when the brain isn't.

For every person using an ad blocker there's 10,000 that don't. Going after the fraction of a percent of perceived lost revenue from people who wouldn't click your ads or buy your products anyway is just the epitome of greed.

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  1. Don't not hate Capitalism, even as a joke.
  2. Don't post anything a child can't understand.
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Of course I'm not, society will move on without the chaff by it's own accord, always has. So relax, sit back, and enjoy the view.

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30 seconds and a basic prompt, no specific training data packages.

I use Google to spellcheck because predictive text can't spell. What a time to be alive.

Non-Americans experiencing schadenfreude after a hundred years of American self aggrandisement.

It's not good, but it is what it is. Welcome to the U.S.A., best country in the world.

American politics are all right wing compared to other socially democratic countries.

Our major political parties are the Australian Labor Party (progressive/socialist), Liberal Party of Australia (capitalist/liberal), The Greens (environmental/progressive), National Party of Australia(authoritarian/regressives).

The Liberals and the Nats have a coalition called the Liberal National Party (LNP) because it's the only way they can get enough representation to get majority government.

Greens typically vote along Labor lines.

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Now I want to write a Clippy personality wrapper for GPT-4...

At least you can get your teenage girls to eat their vegetables.

They do listen to Jesus. Not the Middle-Eastern Jewish Socialist Jesus. They listen to white racist Conservative American Jesus, they listen to Supply Side Jesus, they listen to the Jesus who can fit a rich man through the eye of a needle and who's death gives them the right to sin.

We don't fear you, we pity you, so we put you in the pity party corner. Come back when you develop emotional regulation. Bye Lemmygrad!

Playing 'Bob the builder' with troglodyte kids in the hopes of mitigating some of the damage their wilfully ignorant parents inflicted upon the world.

Can we fix it!?...eh, maybe.