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That’s what the world told itself last time….

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Well I mean it did work. You have now shared it and made it a meme for others to enjoy, it’s fulfilled it’s task successfully.

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I used to condone this, but people are stupid and can drive on the flat tire until it explodes, potentially putting other peoples lives at risk.

Not worth it for some petty revenge.

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My kids little league tried that, lasted a game before they realized that having a biased ref that doesn’t know the rules doesn’t make for a fun experience for the kids.

One of those sounds great in theory things, which is why it’s probably such a popular fallacy to spread.

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Clickbait title is clickbait.

They told the chatbot to do something and it did it. No one in their right mind should think that’s “convincing” by any stretch of the definition.

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Big brain move, getting you to acknowledge that you’re pirating for when the lawsuit comes.

More people need to accept that piracy helps sales in the end, not take sales.

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Isn’t there two types of missiles? The distinction matters, why would you assume it’s intercontinental based off of the type of missile? Cruise or ballistic can both be intercontinental.

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Fan votes have been and will always be popularity contests.

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That’s why he’s in a prison hospital instead. I think they are called psyche wards or mental institutes in some places.

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And it’s funny how it doesn’t apply both ways. Go make a parody of one of Rockstars IP and see how fast you get cease and desist.

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Why so sour?

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It got lost on the noise of reddit. There’s no way lemmy has more bots, let alone a higher ratio to users.

And it’s entirely up to your instance, the instance I am in has strict bot rules that other instances bots must follow.

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These have been used to train ai for decades. Of course they can solve them, it’s what they are being trained to do by them.

Shopping, cooking and cleanup are part of food.

Each meal can easily be considered 1-2 hours of labor.

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FWIW you can lawfully play pirated games, so that means nothing.

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How are they trying to make it sound scary? They are literally just telling you the type of missle. Cruise vs ballistic. Anything else is in your head.

People don’t need to look anything up, it’s not denoted as intercontinental, so why would you assume that?

You’re the one trying to make it sound scary lmfao. The article is fine and don’t claim critical thinking when you’re lacking it yourself. People aren’t going to assume icbm since it wasn’t ever mentioned until you did….

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I thought the official announcement from the pentagon was it never sent any data?

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Kids often aren’t explained the difference and if they have been they just don’t understand, wifi IS the internet to them.

A 51 year old Judge has a vastly different brain and should be able to retain the difference when explained.

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They actually make a decent seat when you bend the top over. Makes it look like you have an orange dong too, extra bonus.

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There was adhdmemes on Reddit. It’s basically what this place is.

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And the fact that there is a shortage on a large amount of ADHD meds just makes this all the worse.

Define “fly”

I’ve been airborne due to me not jumping or falling, carrying a sheet of plywood and windy days are fun. Airfoil goes WHEEEE.

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Better article.

It’s much worse, they are buying up shares to take them over, so it’s been happening for a while.

"I say "until recently" as our former MS BoD member ValueAct has been heavily acquiring shares of Nintendo and I've kept in touch with [ValueAct CEO] Mason Morfit as he's been acquiring. It's likely he will be pushing for more from Nintendo stock which could create opportunities for us.

"Without that catalyst I don't see an angle to a near term mutually agreeable merger of Nintendo and MS and I don't think a hostile action would be a good move so we are playing the long game. But our BoD has seen the full writeup on Nintendo (and Valve) and they are fully supportive on either if opportunity arises as am I."

Weird how the OC article doesn’t even have that full quote.

Can take hours to fully deflate, they could be on the Highway home by the time they go flat enough to be noticeable.

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They’ve been shitty for decades at this point. The colours are just getting more obvious.

The inside of the can is lined by spray coating an epoxy lacquer or polymer to protect the aluminum from being corroded by acidic contents such as carbonated beverages and imparting a metallic taste to the beverage.

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Ah yes of course, my apologies for the misunderstanding. I hate when a butt plug is the voice of reason, thank you for your service though.

Judges should specialize in certain areas for this exact reason. They should absolutely understand the material as well as the law.

Both are apt here I think.

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So it’s not filled with holiday music.

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Food can also be 5 minutes a day if you use paper plates and microwave pizza pops for every meal.

You’re paying with something else if it’s not your time.

Eating proper nutritious meals and not having others to share the burden with adds time. 15 minutes of cleanup for 4 people would be an hour for a single person, granted there is less overall to do, but now you need to each task alone.

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Same energy as losing your glasses on your head or your phone for a flashlight to look for phone.

Everyone makes follies like this, we just like to pretend we are better and can’t.

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It’s not, but peoples would use them, it’s not inherently illegal to shoot a deer at a farmers cow lick, but it’s obviously against the spirit of hunting. These would also attract more than just moose as well, so predators would change habits and could use them for easy kills too.

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Did you read the article? The guy was diagnosing a sensor issue, can’t LOTO, you would have no power to diagnose the issue with.

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When you’re constantly getting attacked and having issues, sometimes you need to do stuff you don’t want to do, just to be able to get stuff done.

In a perfect world I think devs wouldn’t want to use Discord, but it’s one of the only options that won’t be constantly taking down with attacks.

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The biggest issue in some places was, even if your opinion is valid, if it didn’t fit the group speak, it would be downvoted regardless.

It wasn’t really a great indicator if your opinion was popular or not, it was more if it got that groups niche.

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It’s called community service and if the person would rather pay a fine or go to jail they are normally allowed to pick those options.

Amazon was using people to train the model, so at the starts it would be 100%, but eventually the goal would be to get near zero, maybe the average was 70% but when the ended it was near 40%?

I thought they figured out caffeine was a false flag, it is a diuretic, but the amount of water consumed with drinking caffeine far offsets what you lose.

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Malls are always a good choice. Food options, lots of seats. Can people watch.

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