1 Post – 851 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Nope. I don't talk about myself like that.

This soldier won’t see real repercussions for this. At worst he will he courmarshalled and get a dishonorable discharge and nothing else.

Uh... A court martial is typically equivalent to a felony. If you're found guilty it's often associated with prison time and civilian felony statuses.

Step 1: Flee the country

Good luck doing that. It's a bitch to live just about anywhere else you'd actually want to live without citizenship.

Eh, in Trump's case it was best to be running in autopilot... His tweets were him "thinking"

Nothing about their comment outlined that they didn't know how to use it. But that they never did use it.

Nothing about their comment eludes to any fact that they're embarrassed at all. They posted it publicly and directly with not reservation which is the opposite of "embarrassed".

They didn't blame anyone for anything related to the iron itself. But for shallow intentions if they care at all about the clothes that they wear. Which I can understand and agree with to some extent.

You on the other hand... You're a jackass. Lots of insinuations, lots of assumptions. Just to put down some random person on the internet for not wanting a fucking iron that probably was the 20$ special at wally world.

They're caught off guard because all they've done up to this point was humanitarian aid. And there's been no hints for participating any further. Imagine yelling at someone who's only ever done positive things for your people.

It's not complicated. It's moronic on their end.

27 more...

CRTs do have latency

Only if you're measuring "how long to draw a full image". (which is not latency).

The time it takes for voltage input to equal drawn pixel on the phosphor is much less than the ms scale, which LCD panels simply cannot do.

Latency. Not refresh rate or FPS.

1 more...

Nope. There is an industry standard way of measuring latency, and it’s measured at the halfway point of drawing the image.

No. And if you want to actually provide a link to your "industry standard" feel free to, just make sure that your "standard" actually can be applied to a CRT first.

You can literally focus the CRT to only show one pixel (more accurately beam width) worth of value. And that pixel would be updated many thousands of times a second (literally constant... since it's analog).

If you're going to define latency as "drawing the image" (by any part of the metric) then a CRT can draw a single "pixel" worth of value 1000s of times a second... probably more. Where your standard 60hz panel can only do 1/60th a second... (or even the highest LCDs at 1/365).

If there is a frame to draw and that frame is being processed, then yes. You're right. Measuring at the middle will yield a delay. But this isn't how all games/operations work for devices in all of history. There are many applications where data being sent to the display is literally read from memory nanoseconds prior. CRTs have NO processing delay that LCDs do have.

Further points of failure in your post. CRTs are not all "NTSC" standard (Virtually every computer monitor for instance). There's plenty of CRTs that can push much higher than the NTSC standard specifies.

Here's an example from a bog standard monitor I had a long time ago...

800 x 600/155 Hz
1024 x 768/121 Hz
1280 x 1024/91 Hz
1600 x 1200/78 Hz

So on a 60hz LCD will always be 0.016 to do the whole image. Regardless of it's resolution being displayed. Not so on the CRT... Higher performance CRTs can draw more "pixels" per second. and when you lower the amount of lines you want it to display the full frame draw times go down substantially. There's a lot of ways to define these things, that your simplistic view doesn't account for. The reality is though, it's possible if you skip the idea of a "frame" that the time from input to the time of display on the CRT monitor is lower simply because there's no processing occurring here, your limit is physics of the materials you build the monitor out of. Not some chips capability to decode a frame. thus... No latency.

Not frametime. Not FPS. Not Hz. Latency is NONE of those things, otherwise we wouldn't have those other terms and would have strictly used "latency" instead.

And a wonderful example of this is the commodor64 tape loading screens.

Those lines/colors are drawn straight from memory without the concept of a frame. There is no latency here. Many scene demos abused this function to achieve really wild affects as well. Your LCD cannot do that, those demos don't function correctly on LCDs...

Lightguns are a perfect example of how this can be leveraged (which is completely impossible on an LCD as well).

Specifically scroll down to the Sega section.

By timing the click of the lightgun input to which pixel is currently being drawn by the frame to take that as input for the gun. That requires minimal latency to do. LCDs cant do that.

Ultimately people like you are trying to redefine what latency is that flies in the face of actual history that shows us there is a distinct difference that has historically mattered and even applications of that latency that CANNOT be what you're claiming it to be.

can you tell me why the LCD on the right is ALWAYS behind? And why it will ALWAYS be the case that it will not work, regardless of how fast the LCD panel is? The reason you're going to come to is that it's processing delay. Which didn't exist on CRTs. That's "LATENCY".

When talking about retro consoles, we’re limited by the hardware feeding the display, and the frame can’t start drawing until the console has transmitted everything.

This is where you're completely wrong. CRTs don't know the concept of a frame. It draws the input that it gets. Period. There's no buffer... there's no where to hold onto anything that is being transmitted. It's literally just spewing electrons at the phosphors.

Edit: typo

Edit2: to expound on the LCD vs CRT thing with light guns. CRTs drawn the "frame" as it's received... so as it gets the voltage it varies that voltage on the electron gun itself, which means that when the Sega console in this case sets the video buffer to the white value for a coordinate and displays it, it knows exactly which pixel is currently being modified. The LCD will take the input, store it in a buffer until it gets the full frame. Then display. The Sega doesn't know when that frame will actually be displayed as there's other shit between it and the display mechanism doing stuff. There is an innate delay that MUST occur on the LCD that simply doesn't on the CRT. That's the latency.

To me this is even worse though. They're using your electricity and CPU cycles to grab the data they want which lowers their bandwidth bills.

It happening "locally" while still sending all the metadata home is just a slap in the face.

4 more...

It's just a computer... Why not? As long as it cannot be running while the car is driving I don't particularly see an issue.

Would be great if I could fire up a game while waiting in cell parking at the airport for my family that comes into town for example. Gotta remember that this isn't new. We had minivans with built in n64s and shit before.

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If you've lost root credentials you can always bypass them.

When your in after this point you can reset the password to something you know then continue from there.

22 more...

They've been doing it for a while. Since June of last year or something. They have ipv6 rotation tools to get around it now. But youtube is basically ip banning instances.

I host my own. Specifically for myself and those who are friends or friends of friends.

I have a cluster of servers operating in my garage. Free real-estate for tons of stuff I want to host. I have to "pay" for electricity... the rest was already paid for long ago. My electricity cost for my whole cluster... is an estimated $1750 a year. But that cluster is 160 CPU cores, 750 GB of RAM, and ~400TB of storage. You ain't getting that on a cloud hosted provider for $145 a month. About $110 of that is subsidized by my business operations. I host email, websites, nextcloud, plex, etc... boatloads of stuff.

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Because anyone using CloudFlare’s DNS for privacy is being denied access to links.

Yes, which makes a terrible service... Because they don't get super fine details of where your connection is originating from they poison the DNS response they give cloudflare. Any site that weaponizes DNS then blames me for choosing to not allow them to do so... Fuck them.

16 more...

You've hurt me right in the vSphere.

What a lot of people at these companies don't understand is that other options existing means people will find a way to continue without you... The more that happens, the larger the community... the faster you fail.

When Broadcom announced buying VMWare, literally all the IT subreddits in unison looked for other alternatives. We're on Proxmox now, it's been a better product than VMWare in literally every way.

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Because if the cell networks fail, right now there's no backup method to get crucial information to everyone's hands.

Radio are an easy secondary, really long range mechanism to get information INTO disaster stricken areas when normal means of communications have failed.

They both have rabid modding communities

Minecraft would have been dead a decade ago if it wasn't for modding. Look at all those custom servers and hosting platforms. All the Youtube content.

It's more money than the total amount of profit the company has EVER made across ALL years it's been operating combined.

The company CANNOT liquidate all that money without literally killing itself. Tesla is walking dead.

4 more...

Literally yesterday. What source is sufficient to tell you first hand that I used the feature yesterday?

You want proof that it's useful. Go look at waybackmachine. Literally millions of users using a cached web page feature.

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Breed specific legislation isn’t the answer.

When 1 breed is per capita significantly higher represented... yes it is.

Little dogs can be assholes too.

Little dogs can't kill you.

If we breed a dog to be the size of a hippo... Is that still okay to have? Even if it's only 6x as dangerous as the next breed?

58 more...

It’s so cool and amazing that we finally have home theatre systems in every fucking house

Yeah I've noticed this too and it bothers me. We had 4 way split on 20inch tube tvs on hardware that measure their ram in MBs... But on modern 75+inch tvs on consoles with GBs of ram... Nah, too hard. You need to buy 4 copies of the game and have 4 separate setups... and probably need to be in 4 separate houses.

Couch co-op dying is basically when I stopped bothering with consoles all together. If I'm going to use a glorified PC, might as well just use a full fat PC and ignore consoles all together. I miss the N64 days.

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Because it doesn't state anywhere in the law what parts must be supplied and at what price.

Apple will simply sell the whole mainboard as one unit... and price it at $799 for an $850 phone. The phrasing is "fair and reasonable terms." which Apple can simply say that the whole board is tied together as one item from the get go and therefore is not reasonable to separate for repairs. Further Apple gets the win of

The bill requires repair vendors that are "not an authorized repair provider" to "provide a written notice of that fact" to customers and to "disclose if it uses replacement parts that are used" or third-party.

So now there must be a mandatory letter when someone like Louis Rossmann repairs your phone... But Apple doesn't have to do it, even while the first party repair people steal all your data and post your videos to porn sites.

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to do with a 1mb text file

God you must be like my wife and write fucking novels as text messages.

1 more...

Nah, I've seen people who were hard chrome users start to change their tune about it. A few even changed over to Firefox. Now I understand that my sample size is people I know, but even my wife asked me "how can I stop the youtube ads stuff" after noticing that I don't have to deal with that bullshit... and she's not tech literate at all.

3 more...

You sign over rights to your works when you turn them in for grades anyway. The school can do whatever they want with your papers.

5 more...

360 isn't as arbitrary as you think and was chosen specifically for its divisibilty. 365 doesn't divide well by much of anything.

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LMFAO. I love people like you... If you demand everyone stay home... You know what will happen? You won't have customers in the restaurant. Which leads to less tables, which leads to less wait staff needed. You will simply lose your job. So not only do you not get tips... but you won't even get your minimum wages.

Congrats you're ruining it yourself!

27 more...

You ALL have a responsibility to communicate back to lemmy devs to try to stop it.

No I don't. Stop trying to brigade people to an issue. If you have an issue with it... Fork the lemmy UI code and make your own. Or stay on pre 0.18 code.

It's one thing to bring awareness to the issue. It's another to demand that I take action on something that's not only a non-issue for me (and likely many other admins of instances) but that the devs don't have to support. You're not paying them... you're not their mother. You don't get to force them to do anything they don't want to do.

Honestly the captchas that lemmy uses are terrible anyway. You can even solve them yourself as a browser extension... There's no point to them in today's world.

13 more...

Fast would be if windows 8 had ads and non uninstallable internet exploder etc

Sounds like someone who doesn't remember windows 8!


They were working on it... and had it working in several places.

Uninstallable IE:

While not literally uninstallable... they definitely made it a lot harder.

Windows 7 was the last good version of windows.

7 more...

Fuck off with this hYpOcRiSy bullshit

I don't even find it hypocritical... I'd be sad too if I couldn't eat the fish... It could have at least died to fit in my belly rather than just dying for no good reason.

You actually can't be mad about this one. This is effectively binary which you use all the time without knowing it. And even worse, proper SI notation has jacked up binary hardcore.

1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32... You won't find a 1/12 or some other number.

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When LMG releases a video supposedly addressing everything... doesn't address it... then actively removed any mention of it in the comments of the video (I've had 2 comments removed myself). It's safe to assume that LMG doesn't have anything they want to add to the topic. I'll just presume that I've heard all sides of the story.

The first thing you learn when you start gaining money is that it's always best to tie up someone else's money. Most people learn this first with credit cards.

While the login system works...

It's ripe for abuse though. DMs are federated traffic and are not cryptographically secured in any form. So in theory a bad actor instance admin could spawn unlimited accounts and login... Or just sniff incoming requests from whatever instance this traffic is spawned from and obtain the login code.

For something like this, probably fine... But I wouldn't use it for anything else, nor would I trust any app that does use this system.

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a major browser feature that works in every browser except FireFox

Funny cause it works fine in my browser with a bitwarden plugin. I don't need and actually REALLY don't want my browser handling my passwords... or passkeys... or whatever the fuck authenticates me.

but here’s a major issue:

You're acting like other games have never successfully ran server-side before. Hell the whole net engine doesn't need to be server-side at all. But you can run server side checks on shit at the very least. A player being 100 ft in the air is likely a cheater... A player making a shot through impenetrable terrain is likely a cheater. Tarkov is missing these basics. Forget ESPs and other bullshit.

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It's been since 2009. They need to enforce laws.

When presented this way, it reads like some arcane incantation to summon some demonic monster...

Or I guess in this case to summon pirates.

Yet more spending on infrastructure that was already paid for decades ago and will likely never get lit up.

Edit: for those who don't remember or are too young to remember. We've literally already paid this over 10 fold... They've weaseled their way out of all the requirements every time. This is why any "infrastructure" bill pertaining to internet (at the very least) is a joke. This is just the government writing a handout check to ISPs.

Absurdly safe.

Proxmox cluster, HA active. Ceph for live data. Truenas for long term/slow data.

About 600 pounds of batteries at the bottom of the rack to weather short power outages (up to 5 hours). 2 dedicated breakers on different phases of power.

Dual/stacked switches with lacp'd connections that must be on both switches (one switch dies? Who cares). Dual firewalls with Carp ACTIVE/ACTIVE connection....

Basically everything is as redundant as it can be aside from one power source into the house... and one internet connection into the house. My "single point of failures" are all outside of my hands... and are all mitigated/risk assessed down.

I do not use cloud anything... to put even 1/10th of my shit onto the cloud it's thousands a month.

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I don't really see the merit in these cases.

If I read a book in the library (so not even purchasing it) and have some great idea... Take it to market and make billions off of it. The Author has no stake in my financial success. Why would this be any different for ChatGPT or other AI products? If I write a summary of a book, and post it online for a journal/website and I make some ad revenue from it... I'm also protected and there is no recourse for the original author.

Copyright laws always protects derivative works. Anything and everything that ChatGPT would create would be derivative.