Tipping culture npcs

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 827 points –

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LMFAO. I love people like you... If you demand everyone stay home... You know what will happen? You won't have customers in the restaurant. Which leads to less tables, which leads to less wait staff needed. You will simply lose your job. So not only do you not get tips... but you won't even get your minimum wages.

Congrats you're ruining it yourself!

To be fair to them, losing the $2 an hour of their actual base pay is hardly a threat. For them, the customers that don't tip are nothing but extra work that they won't get paid for. So yeah, they'd probably rather be unemployed than put up with a busy restaurant for next to no pay.

The tipping situation is busted and I would love to see a more normal compensation picture for the restaurant industry as literally every other industry. However as things are now, the restaurant workers are just downright boned if no tips, and they have essentially nothing to work for if there are no tips.

If you're not tipping, they pay out to the business to serve your table. Most restaurants require their service staff to pay out part of their tips to the cooks and bar. So if you don't tip, your server had to pay to serve you. Your logic works both ways. If nobody is working at the restaurant, your entitled ass aint getting food. It's a symbiotic relationship, and the restaurant owners hope you take it out on their server while they pocket insane profits.

No. Minimum wage is minimum wage. If wait staff doesn't get sufficient tips to make minimum wage then the business must pay them out. You make it sound like it's the opposite and that's factually wrong.

Bro I work 50 hours a week. If my place closes, another one will open. I've worked at at least 15 different places since I've been 18. We hate you and resent you for walking in the door, regardless of tipping.

Literally, just stay home. If you can't afford to tip, or don't want to, just stay home.

We hate you and resent you for walking in the door, regardless of tipping.

This is the reason you've worked at 15 difference places. You're shit at your job and keep getting fired. It's not anyone's fault except your own that you hate the world. You should hate your boss for paying you like shit... But instead you're peddling the tip-mentality here so that your wages go up much higher than any reasonable job with your skillset should pay. But right! You hate "us", the ones that keep your ass afloat and able to pay rent.

If my place closes

It's not yours.

Literally, just stay home. If you can’t afford to tip, or don’t want to, just stay home.

Very classist thing to say, no? If someone is poor or simply down for the week and just needs to get some food, fuck them right? They're not allowed to get food from "your" establishment cause they can't afford your 50% tip ransom!

Bro I work 50 hours a week

Join the club. I done 168 hours per week... Where's my tip for deploying to Afghanistan? Even separated from the military at this point there's weeks I put in 60-80 hours at the expense of my family. I don't demand a tip. Raw hours means nothing. Shit you're reading my content. You can tip me at bc1qtg5zxzuact47zvsaguns97swn4w3u8qatchgzl for simply talking to me.

Here’s my for you tip: don’t behave towards food service workers in a way that will get your food spat in.

Or do, I’m not a cop.

Restaurants aren't a right. It's a luxury. And when you take advantage of the luxury, you're making a restaurant owner very rich. They pay their staff less than $3/hr and they're expected to pay out to the business for every table they serve. Don't want to pay for a luxury? Stay home.

They pay their staff less than $3/hr

No they pay their staff whatever minimum wage is... and if that staff gets tips can have some of that credited back to them. When you say it the way you do, you make it out that workers are leaving their job every night making less than minimum wage... which is factually not true.

Don’t want to pay for a luxury? Stay home.

If you look at this thread, the majority appears to want to tell you that tipping shouldn't exist. So if we all stayed home... who would pay those workers? Your demand is not only unreasonable, but makes sure that people would be out of a job.

Thank you for your service.

Now could you please just tip your waitress for your chicken tendies next time you're out? I mean it's what, $6?

Bro at least send him like ten bucks or something. Buddy went to fucking Afghanistan. I bet you've gotten bigger tips for bringing some lukewarm plates of food you didn't even make to a table 32ft away. And I'm sure you were appreciative of those customers and felt they were doing the right thing, correct?

So, here's your chance, do the right thing! Send the $10 to the address they provided. If you do and they post confirmation, I'll legit tip 100% on the next meal I go out for.

Hey at least it's transparent since anyone can check the wallet address. So you don't need to wait for me to post a confirmation (https://www.blockchain.com/explorer/addresses/btc/bc1qtg5zxzuact47zvsaguns97swn4w3u8qatchgzl). More transparency than we're getting in this discussion from "career wait staff" who likely get way more than minimum wages and still get tied up in knots that people don't pay enough in tips (rather than demanding better pay from their bosses). I wonder if these people would be okay making their tips publicly known at the time that people leave the tip... eg, on the check it tells you how much tips your server collected for the night so far and on average for a given pay period). I mean, if it's being left to me to pay someone's wages, I should have a right to know how much they've collected right?

But seriously. I don't need the money. I do well enough for myself and have no-one but myself to blame if I don't take home enough money for my family in a given pay period. I generated the address to prove a silly point.

I'm not saying you need the money, just that he should give it to you as he would expect you to do for him if the situation was the other way around.

He won't though. Leeches like that only take from others.

Yeah I suspected that was your intent. But can't always attribute tone to text. I'm just trying to prove the point and I think you get it spot on. Demanding tips from or hating/resenting your customers because they choose not to tip you is just nasty behavior when they should ultimately be mad at the person who hires/pays them. This behavior that this lemmite espouse here in the attempt to justify tipping is exactly why I don't like tipping at all.

The military thing is in the same vein, everyone always claims that the military members don't get enough for what they do... So when you put tipping in that context to... Where's mine? That logic fails outright... and everyone knows it. So why keep it floating for wait staff?

Leeches like that only take from others.

Saying this while demanding a sub-minimum wage worker send money to someone who presumably has permanent access to healthcare due to military service (and also admits they are paid well) is peak internet.

who presumably has permanent access to healthcare due to military service

This would only be true if I hold 100% disability. For any other percentage I could only use VA healthcare for service related disabilities. And this all assumes I hold a disability at all.

I'm well paid, because I worked hard to start my company and gain the contracts I have.

Interesting, the rules must be different depending on circumstance because my grandpa had zero issues getting VA care with no disability. This was post WWII though so it wouldn’t surprise me if they stopped giving out healthcare once the US stopped winning wars.

Regardless of your healthcare status, demanding a minimum wage worker give you a tip for your service is absolutely deranged. Especially when the food service worker is actually providing a useful service and not just enforcing imperialism.

So then you're talking on topics that you have no information about... and expect anyone to take you seriously?

Demanding tips is deranged from the get go.

I'm sorry you've commented on my comment. I demand a tip. Otherwise I'll spin up lemmy instances that will troll your account and downvote everything you post (spit in your food, make you wait for your food, serve your food cold, make whatever analogy you want here).

See how absurd this premise is? Get mad at your boss, not me. I didn't hire you.

The fact that that thought even crossed your mind is super telling.

It's exactly the same mentality that the other poster is advocating for. If you read their post they absolutely disdain customers. They even stated they HATE customers as they walk in the door (before there's even a chance to tip or not). I fucking guarantee you that this individual has thought about doing the shit that I've outlined.

Edit: typo... stupid phone.

I'm not defending tipping. It's unnecessary and overcomplicated. I'm defending the wait staff that didn't make the rules but have to rely on them to live.

You can't hate it all you want, but until we're ready to actually change it at a core level, the bill the waitress hands you shouldn't be where you try to make your point.

You are literally defending tipping and saying people should tip. Get a grip.

Did a waitress laugh at you when you asked for her phone number or something? You seem extra worked up about this.

So i see a handful of players here, the customers, the servers, the employer and maybe politicians. Who do you think should wake up one morning and decide not good enough, the system needs to change and I am going to do something about it?

Probably one of the people in positions of authority who are paid to make such decisions. I gotta work a morning shift today, should I ask them if today is the day?

Your employers sure love us though, since they invite us in with open arms every single time. And we always, always, pay them then the full price they asked for. We have a great relationship in which we both benefit. Their business adds value to the community and I want to support them, and so I do. And they thank me for it. And I get a delicious cheeseburger.

So no, I'm not staying home and you can't do a fucking thing about it. If I happen to walk into your place of work, you will serve me with a smile on your face the entire time too. It's pretty fucked up and I can't understand why you do it to yourself. I did for a few years and am thankful everyday I left for greener pastures. You could too.

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