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Joined 12 months ago

Don't get the hate for kodi, nor the massive boner that the selfhosted communities here and on reddit have for plex. And how can you compare vlc it's a fifteenth kind of software.

Anyway i won't even downvote, im curious what's the problem with kodi? some of us have been using it for probably 15 years, i have hit a million bugs over the years but never noticed it was unusable? Always used it on some sort of Linux.

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I don't see how this is giving up though. Been doing this to close to two decades in one form of another and I wouldn't consider any other way. Except kodi instead of plexus here.

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Or a black woman!

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Italian here, sometimes I wonder why we ever stopped, it should be an ongoing thing

So you are saying the invasion cannot be stopped or someone with an expired passport won't be able to renew it? Okay then, I guess there is no other option but continue then..

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Been on reddit for over a decade, never heard of this channel. On lemmy since a few weeks, I keep reading about him and his dishwasher video at least twice a week.

And yes, I've watched it a couple of weeks ago, it is good. I'll have to watch some of his other videos sometimes

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I haven't had McDonald's in over 20 years, the only thing worse than McDonald's food that I can think of is home delivered cold soggy McDonald's. Is free delivery really that appealing?

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100% agree. Mate, there's an another ongoing post on lemmy about autosaving documents, and how everyone seems to think that saving files with their fingers pressing keys on a keyboard is the best approach possible in 2024 because software just can't do this reliably.

Of course everyone also knows better than their charger, battery and device.

This is lemmy. You are no better than musk or bezos for doing that you filthy capitalist.

You should do you open source work hungry, naked and in the cold while someone is whipping you. Like all the virtuous 14yo tankies that are downvoting you certainly do.

/s in case it's needed

Oh shit wrong Georgia!

Also the perfect age to make them try meth. Some kids find it too bitter and stay away from it as a consequence.

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You think ypu are but you are probably not familiar with the sport and the gear. In terms of risk assessment IMO the riskiest part in lthis pic is they are not wearing a helmet!

Rock climbing really has little to do with adrenaline chasing and rock climbers are among the chilliest folks out there. Really all the people in this thread comparing it to base jumping or other crazy things should visit their local climbing gym and have an introductory session, give it a try its awesome.

These folks resting (presumably preparing to overnight?) On a ledge is not something you'd do as a beginner.

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People on lemmy are becoming judgemental like on reddit. This is probably safer than riding a motorbike on a public road, remember there aren't many rock climbing accidents and the gear is really safe when used properly. Darwin award would be justified MAYBE if they were doing something wrong, or had forgotten a piece of gear at home. Wtf..

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You seem to be in a very unique situation. And to have a pretty good understanding of personal finance and of your risk appetite. What you say works for you and a few people that happen to have access to universal healthcare, what looks like four separate insurance policies, and that can manage not to fuck it up with credit cards.

6 months liquid emergency fund remains the best strategy for most people out there.

Pretty high, until someone from IDF finds them and shoots them

Fuck me we did those conversions in primary school in Italy in the eighties. Can't remember what year exactly but we were prolly 7yo?

What you have here is another case of Linux users jumping to defend the only things they have to defend, even if it’s absolute shit.

Funny how OP is using libreoffice on Windows though, what's there Linux-related to defend? Did a Linux user hurt you? If anything this is another opportunity for some snarky comment about Windows being shit and crashing for no reason since the 1990s.

Then you missed the point of this conversation

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Would certainly suck if those six months worth of emergency fund had temporarily gone down to four months because of a downturn in the stock market though.

Accidentally there might also be some correlation with stock markets going down, and an emergency happening. Eg large company laying staff off.

That said you can do the math and see how much that money would return on average on etfs compared to a bank account, and decide if that's worth the risk to you.

Experts say no, I agree with them but I see your point, and it's definitely worth to challenge these suggestions.

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Find some volunteering group, you'll get tradition, community and being part of something bigger, prolly not the music though. Where I am we are big into Emergency services, they are mostly run by volunteers but really you can find whatever works for you from animal shelters to helping people with personal finance if that's your niche. , No need to waste time idolatring an imaginary friend that doesn't reciprocate, you can do some actual good and feel good!

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It's more sustainable to eat the animals you make clothes from.

I'm in the southern emisphere and just started eating grapes. Assuming you are in the US, consider looking for produce that is in season. Besides helping with your budget, it contributes to addressa number of other issues around shops and producers trying to focus on growing stuff that doesn't want to grow at a particular time of the year.

Human influences have always given me dystopian vibes. And they were just making some executives and themselves rich, is not such a big loss..

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Yeah i think a couple of Neanderthals descendants have claims that go back tens of thousands of years. do they get the same sentiment from your bleeding hearth?

Also my cousin has Etruscan blood, should he kick Italians out of Italy as he has a claim that goes back TWO thousands years and he's got nowhere to go since his wife kicked him out?

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Southern Italy is better at pizza, we all agree atelier all that's where pizza comes from. Florence is not in the south however, you might have had a good pizza, you can eat very good pizza everywhere in Italy. That said general consensus is Naples is where you want to go for the good good shit.

Disagree, there were, possibly still are, good ones. A handful around mushrooms cultivation, food preserving, food fermentation and personal finance specific to my country come to mind, lots of high quality content.

But I know what you mean. I think it mainly happens once specific subreddits started going mainstream, often with an influxnl from facebook people. Out of all the fermented stuff, the kombucha one made my eyes bleed due to its popularity. Half the posts where new people asking if they had a mold problem, the other half was existing members posting "read this before posting, this is what mold looks like", but they were obviously ignored lol

You might want to go and check in on them?

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That guy is not asking, is demanding. I use lots of open source software and am aware that the developer is often stretched thin. If I can't help with the project (can't say I have in the past two decades) I want them focused on what is important and what probably keeps them motivated, writing code and adding cool features. If they have time, fix bugs. If there is more bandwidth, write documentation.

Not wasting time making an executable for every OS out there because some ingrateful asshole is too lazy to figure out how to read instructions in plain English.

If you asked me who a prime time news anchor on 1980 would vote for, I would have no idea.

We are probably from different countries but I agree and interesting point.

I don't really see much toxicity. Some people are just afraid of change, and ai is just another technology jump, most of what Ive read in rhis thread so far is about this being similar tothe introduction of photoshop. A bit less fearmongering would go a long way, and this might be an opportunity for those artists that are being impacted to review and improve their business model if it's really that delicate ai is not their only concern

"How about we finish this drink and we go to my place to fuck?"

Works 100% of the times, everyone should try it and stop it with the immature waste of time that is flirting /s

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Just the tip

Shooting drugs is a lot of fun too, you should try.

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But they never do that. Musk could have been supping margaritas on a man made island with oompa loompas in a private ocean a long time ago

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So the pro gun in the US are just farmers that need to defend their farmhouse from robbers? You might want to sit down and think who the useful idiot is here.

That's how it works in the developed world.


Mate, a populist fascist is a populist fascist in sud America, Greenland or in the US. You don't need to live in the country to see how trump, bolsonaro, duterte or milei are just shit human beings that prey on poor and ignorant people. That's what populists do, we have seen it a million times in the past and since you mention education, that's the only hope that people learn critical skills and stop voting for these assholes ( or better even, they hang them upside down)

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If you replace every occurrence of hamas with nethanyahu your comments makes half sense

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That's what drives me crazy about dated religions and ultra nationalism. We could have flying cars if people stopped with this shit

Ah the person that complains they had to tap into their investments because you need to periodically get a new bed and redo your deck and can't save money. Yes I got downvoted for providing basic personal finance recommendations there!

I think the problem is a combination of the things you mention, and the fact that society is just normalising stupid spending, waste of resources and spending everything you earn, if not more.

When on reddit, I was active on personal finance subs. The amount of people asking for suggestions on how to improve their budget that didn't see anything wrong with 10-12 subscriptions for shows and music, on top of astronomic phone bills, eating out etc was crazy. At least they took the first step, wrote down their expenses, and were asking for help. The bed/deck guy was just pure madness.