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Joined 1 years ago

Which you can learn Maus. Ffs.

In my experience many recreational motorcyclists specifically seek out curvey roads as they are fun. Am I missing something?

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Okay, but didn't that happen in an environment where ket was not legally available for people who may be able to benefit from it? Like...that shit already happens. And yeah it sucks.

Do you not feel he would have benefited from it being legal when he attempted to seek treatment? Might he have had less motivation to steal and suck his landlords dick if the illegal market didn't make the drugs so cost prohibitive?

Lol it's probably one of the most famous weather delays in history.

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Wrong? I see people deciding not to have kids as fundamentally a good thing. Coercion into having kids due to government pressure or social norms seems a whole lot more wrong to me. It's ok to not want kids, it's not some sort of disorder that needs fixing.

I would absolutely love to see the population go down, even for like a single day, within my lifetime. But considering we've added over 2 billion people to the population since I was a kid...I don't have high hopes.

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Just ordered one. I had no real interest, but once you tell me I can't have one....I must have one.

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Yeah I think I'll stick to piracy thanks.

In order to actually fight climate change, we should start by trying to reduce the population in the future. Less people = more resources per person.

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See also: Metric time.

10hrs in a day. 100min in a hour. 100 sec in a min.

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MyStErIoUs WaYz

They already know who I am lol. I don't hide it at all, straight raw dogging it without VPN or anything. Thankfully they can't do anything because they would lose money pursuing me.

Well yeah, I'm probably not the only daily active user who stopped visiting all together... after 10+ years of daily active use. They brought this on themselves.

And it has literally nothing to do with ethics and is profit driven. The entire point of advertising is to make money.

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I'd argue a lot of the people who actually add value and produce content (for fun, rather than for profit) have left or want to. And those people are what grew reddit in the first place by making it somewhere worth going.

Perhaps reddit will end up just like all those sites that just repost shit from reddit... Except it won't be reddit anymore.

Agreed. Piracy, aka the sharing of information freely (see also: libraries), is a fundamentally ethically correct course of action. Always.

Withholding knowledge for personal profit on the other hand is obviously not.

The reason they won't pay is specifically because people tip.

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Tipping landlords makes the same amount of sense as tipping dentists or food servers: none.

Thought this was going to be onion for a sec until the second paragraph. My initial thought was yes, I too am celebrating Christmas for the first time this year on Christmas...

Lol yep, any child who has played monopoly a few times can see how capitalism works. It always ends in one person having literally all the property and money... and generally with players quite upset at one another. And once all players have optimized the game, it simply becomes a game of luck.

Back in the day my grandma would literally mute TV ads and look away while setting a timer to indicate when to look back. So I come from a long line of people refusing to watch ads and not about to start now.


From what I understand, it's unknown if coconuts kill more people per year than sharks as death by coconut are not well tracked. But the specific number quoted of 150 isn't legitimate. However, I can't find anything about it being related at all to an experiment to see how far a lie could go though. Did someone tell you this? Definitely a possibility of some irony here...

I love paid time off. But the summer when tons other people are off and everything is busy/expensive/hot would be my very last choice.

I'm all about that off season.

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One is outright discrimination based on sexual orientation. The other is simply a policy applied to all patrons.

It should absolutely be legal to say 'no shoes no service' or 'has gun no service' even if it was not legal to discriminate based on sexual orientation/race/gender/etc. They aren't at all the same thing.

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Eventually people will say that about the current options lol.

There should be no default percent options at all. None.

'complete transaction' or 'add optional tip'.

I'm currently at hour 47 of only beers, no food and no water. Can't say I'd recommend it.

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And I'd be fine with the neighbors cooking up a smelly fish meal if they could just make that food odorless.

But obviously they can't and that makes no sense, so instead I am a normal human being and just deal with a smell that is not to my preference since it's completely subjective and can't hurt me.

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It seems the whole last decade has been focused on dumbing the Internet down for the dumbest 10% of the population. The Internet was better when it was less inclusive.

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Good. Lowering the birth rate at the global scale = more resources per person.

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The AR-15 was designed in 1956...

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Yes, sort of like gummy bears versus fentanyl.

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Can we ban 'skate stoppers' intended to physically injure skaters who attempt the feature too?

Like, if it's designed from the start to not be super skateable that's fine. But adding things after the spot is already established that will cause people to 'catch' and fall seems a bit messed up.

Sounds like something the people on top would say to ensure I work more hours.

Yeah, and we could shut down the Internet all together... or we could be realistic about prevention.

And yes, I accessed lots of 'sensitive' material online as a kid well before this website existed. So I find it hard to blame this specific website...websites come and go. I do however absolutely blame the creep himself since they are the one who did something wrong. Not the website.

This gets dangerous once you make semi decent money though. Like why would I take public transit that takes an hour to get there for $2.50, when I could just take a cab that costs $25 and only takes 30min to get there.

Like, sure...if making $50+/h one can justify it. But one could also instead save $23.50 for the piggy bank by taking the bus. And the 30min extra is not time one would have been at work getting paid anyway (unless your taking the bus/taxi to work I guess and actually gain 30min of pay).

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I feel you underestimate Saudi Arabia's ability to be totalitarian. And while the population might disagree with leadership on this issue, it doesn't mean they disagree on all issues and are about to start a revolution about this one issue.

But, more importantly, Saudi Arabia is the USAs most significant ally in the middle east. Losing access to American made weapons is more worrying to the Saudi Arabian Royal Family than losing the popular support of the domestic population. Because with American weaponry one can easily coerce the domestic population.

I feel those intentions to normalize relations are still there behind closed doors and will play out in the long run.

I smoked weed in Thailand as a 15 year old in like 2006 lol. It's always been there and always will be.

I've also smoked hash in Saudi Arabia. I have yet to find a single country in which I could not find cannabis in if around for more than a week or two. Literally no one has ever won the war on drugs or even come close.

Adding some element of democracy (like voting on posts) could maybe improve both those marketplace sites.

I think it would improve any site really. Imagine how much better Instagram or Facebook would be if one could downvote stupid shit and the posters would see what people actually thought about their posts/comments. But that might lead to sads, and therefore less active users, so they won't allow it.

Democracy is pretty cool though imo.

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They will suffer. And I'm willing to be among them as it's worth it long term. The alternative of infinite growth isn't a realistic possibility in a world with finite resources.

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Also, I've had various cards decline 10-20 times over that last decade and not once was it due to not having funds on that account. The majority of the time it's using Amex where not supported. Or entering the wrong pin. Or me not seeing the sign that said debit only. Or me forgetting I had cancelled that card already.

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I still can't believe people even used it before Musk bought it. Literally any other forum is more effective for engaging with others and being able to follow a discussion.