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The difference between how 80 F feels at 65% humidity vs 45% humidity is ridiculous. Lower humidity also makes cooling yourself by misting or damp cloths a lot more effective, because it will evaporate quicker.

The tweet is misrepresenting what Section 377 is. It is a law against all sex that was “against the order of nature”, and was used to persecute queer people. The anti-gay sex part was ruled unconstitutional in 2018.

I also can’t find any news sources saying the Modi government is even considering completely getting rid of the law, as Indian conservatives are generally in support of it. What is the source for this?

I’ll say it, cauliflower is the worst brassica. Brussels sprouts are fantastic with just a little oil and parm, but I’ve never had a good cauliflower.

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Yeah, I do feel lemmy leaves something to be desired with blocking. I like Bluesky’s system, where it stops them from interacting with you and also breaks any posts of theirs that were quote tweeting (quote posting?) your posts.

It taught her magic tasty water might fall from the sky if she stays close enough to you!

And how does charging a homeless person $300 for falling asleep outside with a blanket fix any of that?

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Honestly a lot of people on lemmy legitimately do not know what sea lioning is and use it to mean “you said something that annoyed me.”

The article and ruling isn’t about Portland, it’s about Grants Pass.

At the center of the case is Grants Pass, a city of roughly 40,000 in southern Oregon with ordinances that bar camping or sleeping on public property or in city parks. The city's rules define "campsite" as "any place where bedding, sleeping bag, or other material used for bedding purposes, or any stove or fire is placed."

As far as I can find their ordinance has no such exceptions.

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I often have nightmares (yay PTSD!), the last bad one I had was about a week ago. It was about my sister being scared and me not being able to get in contact with her or help her. My husband woke me up 3 different times from that one because I’d keep yelling in my sleep, which happens at least a couple of times a month and sometimes a few times a week.

I’ve been in therapy and am on meds, there’s just not a magic bullet unfortunately.

You seem to be overlooking that SCOTUS specifically ruled that it is constitutional to charge homeless people $300 for falling asleep outside with a blanket, which is what the thread was about.

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Conservative (and let’s be real, also neoliberal) Christians hate that verse. There are so few places in the NT where Jesus explicitly says “you will go to hell for this,” and that’s one of them. They get extremely uncomfortable if you make them think about how they believe they will one day have to stand in front of God and explain why they ignored this verse.

So naturally I advocate bringing it up to them as much as possible. There actually are a lot of deeply Christian people who are disturbed by the dissonance there, and for the most part the messaging just isn’t happening. Like, what is the biggest Jesus advertisement campaign right now? Probably the Protestant Buddy Jesus “He gets us” campaign, which doesn’t really say much of anything.

That doesn’t really do much for the other 49 states + DC or say anything meaningful about the decision itself.

Why the fuck is a cisgender children’s fiction author consulting with the government on what rights trans people should have?? Absolutely deranged country.

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I feel like the cursed inverse of this is The Orville, where they’re divorced and then drama and jokes about being divorced is half the show. It was in what I saw of season 1 anyway, it was so relentless I couldn’t stand another minute of it.

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Using her real name and then reporting the results as “they thought Judge Judy was a SCOTUS justice” seems disingenuous. It’s not like the option that they chose said “Judge Judy”. I wouldn’t even have known that Judith Sheindlin is her real name and not just a generic old lady name.

I would wager the majority of American college grads can’t name all 9 SCOTUS justices (or even all 4 women), and if you’re just guessing then any choice that isn’t obviously wrong (like “Judge Judy”) has around the same chance of being chosen as any other not obviously wrong option.

Chrono Cross, despite being a 3D game made in the late 90s, has also aged pretty well if you want to give it a play too. If the game style doesn’t look to your liking the soundtrack is still great.

IIRC there is a brief depiction of a (possibly human rather than mouse? It’s been a while since I read it) woman whose body is in a tub after committing suicide, which is what I’ve read other groups trying to get it banned object to. Because titty.

Do you wear cotton (or another natural fiber) socks? Polyester tends to make smells linger a lot more because it doesn’t wick moisture properly.

If you have an ice maker and a small cooler it’s way quicker to put them in the cooler and cover them with ice and water. You know, if you have a cold beer emergency and don’t want to wait for the freezer to cool it down. 5 minutes is plenty.

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TIL click beetle is a real group of beetles and not just something we called them where I grew up.

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After seeing my husband play for hours, I didn’t even know it was possible to play without belts!

Neat, a potential FCC violation. I don't know if this violates the advertisement disclosure requirement for political ads, but I bet someone at the FCC does.

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This month, Walmart became the latest retailer to announce it’s replacing the price stickers in its aisles with electronic shelf labels. The new labels allow employees to change prices as often as every ten seconds.

“If it’s hot outside, we can raise the price of water and ice cream. If there's something that’s close to the expiration date, we can lower the price — that’s the good news,” said Phil Lempert, a grocery industry analyst.

Jesus, I can’t imagine just coming out and saying this like it’s not fucking deranged to charge people more for WATER during a heat wave.

Also, the first time the price of something rises in the 5 minutes it takes for me to get my shopping done and get to the checkout, I’m taking a shit on the floor.

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$1000/day, no qualifications, no details is more likely a scam than human trafficking. Maybe porn or something illegal.

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The institute's founder, Mark McAfee, told the Los Angeles Times this weekend that his customers are, in fact, specifically requesting raw milk from H5N1-infected cows. According to McAfee, his customers believe, without evidence, that directly drinking high levels of the avian influenza virus will give them immunity to the deadly pathogen.

Looks like it’s going to be a fun flu season this year 🫠 Every day I feel more justified in my decision to relentlessly mask with an N95 every time I’m indoors in public.

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They’re not shaped like penises, they’re shaped like the inside of a vagina. Next question.

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The humor is way more redditty on lemmy. Which I realize sounds nonsensical, but a huge portion of lemmy users are former reddit users who both think reddit humor is funny and have like 10 years of reddit humor memes to draw on. The “early” (2012ish) reddit I’m remembering had less of that and a lot more of what current users would consider cringe, like f7u12 comics. And a lot more general weird nerd awkwardness… like the frozen soap post.

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It’s because furries are overwhelmingly queer and often used as a stand in for fear mongering about trans people (ex: the “litter boxes in schools” rumor).

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Some important context here is that this is an effort to deal with terribly behaving British tourists, since the same bylaw also bans walking around nude or only in underwear. In addition to just being terrible tourists generally, there’s a history of British tourists treating Spanish beaches like their personal vacationing grounds and not a different country where other people live and speak a different language.

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I would have been eligible for so many refunds in the past if this rule had been in place earlier 🥲

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My response to that asinine argument is and remains: so the fuck what if they’d kill me? You think that makes them special? I grew up in the deepest red hellhole you can imagine, plenty of people there would want me dead for being queer too. Is it suddenly fine to war crime my entire home town?

This is pay walled so I can’t read the whole thing, but some incredibly important context to the Cass report is that it examined 103 studies on trans youth and rejected 101 of them. Of the 50 studies on hormone blockers and 53 studies on hormone replacement therapy, miraculously the 2 they found to be ‘valid’ just happened to have inconclusive results.

Their excuse for rejecting them is that they weren’t double blind. But the thing is, it’s not always ethical or possible to do double blinds in medicine. If you have evidence that withholding medicine causes harm (guess what all those rejected studies found!!) then you’re never going to convince an ethics review board to let you withhold treatment. Even if it momentarily answers the “concerns” of terminally online transphobic freaks before they start hauling the goal post off somewhere else.

Anyway, Helen Lewis is a well known member of the terminally online transphobic freak club and has no background in any field of science to comment on any aspect of the Cass report, so here’s a breakdown of why the report sucks ass from someone who is qualified:

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Conservatives are freaking out because they learned that some animals are gay

Are we seriously doomed to have this stupid ass homophobia shoved down our throats by conservative bigots every 5-10 years because they keep getting mad about the same thing all over again? I've been listening to this shit for over 20 years now.

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Oh, that was mandatory? I was just doing it for fun.

Three of Handy’s co-defendants—Joan Andrews Bell, Jean Marshall, and Paulette Harlow—are in their 70s; Bell is longtime anti-abortion activist who has been arrested hundreds of times for similar clinic invasions, and inspired some of the other co-defendants to join the clinic blockade, according to local news station WUSA9.

Absolutely incredible what they let white conservatives get away with.

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Oh sweet, he’s at the threat-begging stage.

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RIP to whoever was desperate enough to try it. Hopefully they don’t die as painfully as the Neuralink monkeys did.

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There’s a documentary about this called Class Action Park that’s absolutely wild. They interview a bunch of former employees, and I can’t emphasize enough to people who don’t remember it how much the attitudes described epitomized a large portion of 80s and 90s youth culture in America. Which was simultaneously rad and a fucking nightmare, because so much of it was synonymous with just being a reckless shithead, lol.

This is also unironically a good way to get more comfortable spontaneously speaking a language you're learning. Don't know the word for refrigerator? Cold food box. Don't know how to say yawn? Tired sound. Etc. You'll be more or less understandable and people will probably tell you the word you need when they figure out what you mean.

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Hello fellow fare jumpers, please look directly into my hat and speak clearly!