
3 Post – 462 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

You know… in all my time upon this earth, I cannot look back and think of a single instance where I thought: “Gosh, this advertisement which has inserted itself in between me and the desired content has actually made me want to go purchase that product.”

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The original game as invented by bored semi-drunk Scots was, I’m sure, a good laugh several hundred years ago with wee sticks and a random round thing.

The modern game and all its hideous capitalist/ classist cultural connotations is fucked.

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The whole repair thing should made super easy if we want EVs to succeed.

  1. Make all batteries use an easily swappable set of standard cell sizes.
  2. Make battery controllers standardised and swappable.
  3. …. Er… that’s it.
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How have we come to point where Chris fucking Christie seems like a sensible choice out of a tray of crap?

The guy who closed down a public bridge to cause political harm to a rival. What a jerk.

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Corporate infighting in the macabre world of feeding people shit instead of real food.

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I was described to someone, right in front of me, as “…the sort of person who educates people involuntarily.”

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Yes! I’m confused! Hawley has always been a shithead. What’s changed!!?! I’m not complaining, just curious… and a little suspicious.

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Mmmm. What fun. Stewing in a disease-ridden floating money-sponge for three years. Marvellous.

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Melania always seemed to have a look on her face like someone just farted. I now know why.

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Welp…good lucky with that other guy, whomever that might be.

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My 14 yo would be stoked. He’s right into networking tech. Doesn’t really care about Nintendo.

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The right wing orthodox settlers are indeed really fucking annoying to witness from the outside. It must be beyond infuriating to be their victims.

I really hope this works. Also: banning water-intensive farming in dumb places might help.

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On a slight tangent, how come in the Mad Max movies (not the first one) the ‘societies’ he encounters seem to be the products of multi-generational effort, especially Fury Road.

In the first one, there’s a more or less functional world almost as we know it. Then he goes out into the deserts and it’s like 100 years passes.

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Greed is the oldest aphrodisiac.

When does political showboating become treason?

For instance, if you were to sabotage someone’s car brakes “as a prank” or perhaps even “to make a point” (about some stupid shit, who knows?) and that car failed to stop and killed somebody… you be charged with murder or at least manslaughter.

TFG is sabotaging the genuine security readiness and functioning of the military of the ENTIRE USA because he has some retarded “culture war” excuses.

Being a blockage for a couple of weeks…? Maybe valid political theatre.

Doing this shit for months and months?!?! That’s beyond criminal. That’s straight up treason.

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The part about ‘no profit’.

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Yeah Whoopy, I think you are totally on the money.

That is to say, you have too much money and you are totally out of touch.

JFC that guy needs to be in a secure care home.

I really don’t understand why Cuba is still on some dumb blacklist when the Cold War has been over for decades. I mean… WTF?!?

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Can Hitler’s estate sue him for copyright theft?

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Plus, the show is long, long overdue to be not only over but actually cancelled and never run again. it’s actually time to get back to fucking work and not have these shitheads carry on with their awful routines and slapstick.

This is one of the most nottheonion headlines I’ve ever seen.

What the fuck do you care cunt?

Says China, who frequently engages in confrontations.

Yeah! That’ll teach Disney! You show’em Elon!

Deny Disney of about 100 subscribers. Gosh.

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“I basically encouraged sexual abuse of the students in my care, for 20 hours a day!!!”

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Black, gay and also incidentally TOTAL FUCKING IDIOT.

Or perhaps he’s just reeeeeally into being abused. Really gets off on humiliation from a particular section of white boomers and their inbred single-digit IQ MAGA offspring.

Just to note that not all white boomers are MAGA. My dad, a white boomer, though heavily fucked with dementia now, was a solid left-wing Democratic his whole life.

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That’s exactly what happened and it’s not secret. They are referred to in some publications as ‘the couple’.

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Yeah… she’s overdue for the woodchipper.

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Makes me want to go watch it. Racist idiots gonna be racist idiots.

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Shouldn’t it be ‘assault and battery acid ‘?

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Maybe they had poisoned inseams?

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To be honest, I don’t think Rhonda is any better than Trump, but in a different way. They are both shitstains upon society.

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Well, ya gotta have a hobby.

Fail. We need a full page, single spaced, in their best cursive.

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“Oh nonsense! There’s no Chinese interference in any US politics!” said a number of chucklefucks to me time and time again when I kept raising the issue.

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Honestly, Trump and his base are straight up traitors and should all be deported.

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I wish he fucking would!

I slightly chipped my fingernail polish.

Xmas is fucking RUINED.