Reviews for "Leave The World Behind" being brigaded with copy/paste negative reviews - presumably because it was produced by the Obamas. to Mildly – 365 points –

Filter to 1-star and note how many reviews are direct copies of each other - many referencing that the Obamas are executive producers.


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Makes me want to go watch it. Racist idiots gonna be racist idiots.

It's worth a watch. Don't read anything else about it before watching.

It's not great. Definitely more than 1 star but I watched it the other day and couldn't remember a thing about it until looking up the plot summary just now. It's one of those movies that could be amazing if it stuck the landing but I personally don't feel like it did. I voted for Obama twice so my opinion is not politically motivated.

I enjoyed, it's not the best movie but if you already pay for Netflix it's worth a watch