
16 Post – 1244 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Goddamn Dream Theater fucking rocks. Glad to see some love for them here on Lemmy.

I was so mad Biden whiffed his response on this. I wanted him to come out and be like "women are literally fleeing states that have abortion bans. Infant mortality rates in Texas are skyrocketing."

Instead he said something like "I met a woman who was killed by illegal immigrants." Wtf man...

Still voting blue, but come on.

Lol last night before the debate started, I sent a message to my friends asking if it was too late to get Kyle Clark to moderate. The guy is amazing.

It's because Republicans are skewing the numbers. 84% of Democrats and 73% of Independents understand the Supreme Court is a joke.


Pretty sure Chipotle is owned by McDonalds.

It is not. McDonald's was an early investor but hasn't been for a long long time (almost 20 years now), but the idea has stuck around.

We've still got a few years until the three seashells take over and Taco Bell wins the franchise wars.

Lol at the ending

Yeah and if they saw that, they'd immediately think "the gods are pissed, we must have angered them by something we did."

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Unfortunately, I think this is the most likely scenario. Going from our modern technology levels, which are more than capable of destroying the world, to Dyson spheres is a huge leap that will take who knows how long (decades? centuries? millennia?).

Before that happens, we have to live together on a planet without blowing ourselves up or making the planet uninhabitable. As technology continues to advance, walking that knife edge of survival seems more and more difficult. The pessimist inside of me says that no civilization has been able to accomplish it.

First off, fuck Trump. Just wanted to get that out of the way.

Second, this article is summarizing another article that it links to at the beginning. The original article was written in 2017. If they're going to plagarize paraphrase another article, could they at least choose something more recent?

Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies since then and has plenty more convictions on the way. Surely they can at least try to update the article.

Objectively hilarious.

Lol "well what do I know about shifting?"

In a video that went viral, a well-known blogger complained about how rude it is for drones to be launched “when people are sleeping.”

“Ukraine is going crazy. Drones at three in the morning. Have you lost your mind?”

This made me laugh way harder than it should. Like, "I don't mind the war but can we keep it from 9:00-5:00? Oh and I was thinking of stepping out early on Friday so maybe call it a half day?"

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"Pleads guilty to abortion" is a phrase I never hoped to read in my lifetime.

They had this poor guy's numbers listed as winning for 3 days on their website. Then when he went to turn in his ticket, they were like "lol jk".

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I once met this girl who let me touch her boobs and do other fun stuff. In order to make that more convenient, we rented an apartment together. Which meant I needed a job to pay rent. Eventually we wanted a nicer place, so we bought a townhouse, which meant I needed to make more money and get a better job. Then we wanted kids, which meant a bigger house, car, etc etc. So needed a promotion to keep up with growing bills and spending.

Now I'm in my 40s, have a bunch of kids, work too much. And all I wanted was to touch some boobs and stuff.

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Mr Cheeks is now suing on eight separate counts, including breach of contract, negligence, infliction of emotional distress, and fraud.

He might not get awarded the full amount for the reason you mentioned, but I think he's probably got a good case on negligence and infliction of emotional distress.

I'm not a lawyer, but I've gotta imagine you can easily make a case that publishing something as life changing as winning $340 million and then backing out would inflict some serious distress. People quit their jobs and divorce spouses for less.

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I think that by pardoning him, that absolutely would move the country forward, instead of dividing it further.

Why are Republicans so soft on crime?

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I agree that both sides do shitty things, but they're no where near equivocal.

  • Democrats impeached Trump for withholding aid to Ukraine in an attempt to blackmail his political opponent, and then again for inciting an insurrection when he lost the election.
  • Republicans are trying to impeach Biden because he's a Democratic, while they're trying to normalize impeachment to downplay how serious it is so Trump's previous impeachments don't look so bad for the next election.

Implying that both sides suck equally is dangerous. It'd be like a kid saying "My parents made me eat my vegetables, they suck. Also the guy that broke into my house and tried to stab my family sucks. All adults suck."

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The original version would have allowed a child support action at any time following conception, but the measure was amended to have such an action apply only retroactively after the birth within the time limit.

Weird, it's almost like there's a huge difference between a fertilized egg and a baby.

The secret to a healthy career in IT is to let things break just a little every once in a while. Nothing so bad as to cause serious problems. But just enough to remind people that you exist and their world would come crumbling down without you.

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I feel like the editor that wrote the headline missed the main point of the article. The headline makes the article sound like there are a bunch of dumb and boring middle managers at Google. The actual article has nothing to do with people's direct bosses or even their bosses' bosses. The article was about how Google execs are ruining the company to appease the shareholders. Best quote from the article is:

“We get that execs are excited about Google’s future,” another question reportedly said. “Why should we be excited, when we might get laid off and not be around to share in that future? If we lose our jobs and equity grants, it’s cold comfort that Google is succeeding off our hard work, and we don’t get rewarded for it, but you do.”

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Ken Buck is my congressman and I have disagreed with him on almost everything during his entire term. With that being said, him going out in a way specifically to fuck over Boebert and the rest of the GOP brings a smile to my face. He's still a massive piece of shit, but he did good here.

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Can't wait for them to explain how states don't have rights.

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I love how the lawyers were fined for presenting shitty arguments that they were specifically instructed not to. Hope that sets a precedent.

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No... No that can't be right. 1994 was like.. shit.

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Project 2025 is a conservative plan to immediately reshape the executive branch and replace most people with Trump loyalists immediately if he wins. It includes dismantling the FBI and Department of Homeland Security, because while Republicans like to claim to be tough on crime, they really don't like an independently functioning Justice Department that has shown their leader to be a criminal.

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This is standard operating procedure for them. From the article:

Earlier this year, the Court decided 303 Creative v. Elenis, holding that the First Amendment prohibited Colorado, which has a broad anti-discrimination statute that protects LGBTQ people, from requiring a website designer to make a wedding website for a gay couple. The plaintiff, Lorie Smith, said in court filings that she had been contacted by “Stewart,” one half of a gay couple named Stewart and Mike, about making invites, placemats, and a website for their upcoming same-sex nuptials. Stewart sent Smith his contact information through her website, and this is what ostensibly caused Smith to take a case all the way to the Supreme Court — the mere inquiry from a gay man. Except even that never happened.

Melissa Gira Grant, a writer at the New Republic, decided to call Stewart, as his contact information was submitted to the court in Smith’s filings. Stewart was very surprised by the call, telling Grant he is straight, has been married to a woman for 15 years, and certainly didn’t ask anyone to make him a wedding website.

The fact that this scenario literally never happened didn't stop the Supreme Court from ruling to strip protections away from the LGBTQ community.

Interesting that he says:

Back in 2011, although NPR’s audience tilted a bit to the left, it still bore a resemblance to America at large. Twenty-six percent of listeners described themselves as conservative, 23 percent as middle of the road, and 37 percent as liberal.

By 2023, the picture was completely different: only 11 percent described themselves as very or somewhat conservative, 21 percent as middle of the road, and 67 percent of listeners said they were very or somewhat liberal. We weren’t just losing conservatives; we were also losing moderates and traditional liberals.

And then blames this on NPR. The GOP has been labeling NPR and other legitimate news sources as "fake news" and corrupt for years now. They are constantly pushing their constituents to only get their news from the right-wing bubble where they can control the message.

It's no wonder that conservatives aren't listening to NPR. But that is not NPR's fault nor should NPR change their reporting as a result. Their job is to report fair and unbiased news. If a group of the population doesn't want fair and unbaised news, they shouldn't start spewing bullshit just to appease these people.

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I like how they said 10G meant 10 Gb/s and wasn't meant to be confused with meaning 10th Generation.

Then when it was pointed out that their speeds aren't 10 Gb/s, they're trying to claim that the 10G never was about the speed. So if it doesn't mean 10 Gb/s and it doesn't mean 10th Generation, then what the fuck does it mean?!?

The answer is obviously nothing. They're just trying to confuse consumers who think "10G surely must be better than 5G".

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"He wants to know before he sentences someone what the typical sentence is," Aidala said, and would consider other factors, like Trump's age and lack of a criminal record, while also taking into account the lack of injury caused by the crime

Lack of injury?? He literally committed crimes to get elected, which he did. 340 million Americans had to suffer this dipshit being president for 4 years. A million of us died during his piss-poor response to COVID!

It's worth reading the whole interview with her. It's pretty short and to the point. She makes it clear how she's literally just doing her job following the law. The idea that she's a "deep-state" plant or something is just ridiculous.

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Link to the document .

I'm always a big fan of primary sources to avoid any political spin. Looking at this doc it's 100% clear that the State department was calling for Shokin's removal and was instructing Biden on how to frame the conversation. Seems pretty clear cut.

With that being said, I am 100% confident that this will have no impact on House Republican plans to pursue impeachment.

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“I fully disagree with both verdicts and will be appealing this whole Biden Directed Witch Hunt focused on me and the Republican Party. Our Legal System is out of control, and being used as a Political Weapon. They have taken away all First Amendment Rights. THIS IS NOT AMERICA!” [Trump] claimed...

This mother fucker is so dumb he thinks civil suits are brought about by the federal government. Sometimes I still can't believe this guy was actually president.

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I hate when companies say they're "forced" to do layoffs. Elon could easily pay six figure salaries to 14,000 people for over a decade before he noticed even the slightest change to his net worth. What they really mean is that by upending the lives of 14,000 families, they're hoping to get a temporary bump in the stock price this quarter so they can buy another yacht.

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That's not really what the article says though. Sounds like people are just doomscrolling curated content instead of creating content themselves.

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They should consider committing less crimes.

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Under “tax refunds owed to you,” the filing also mentions “Overpayment of taxes from The Mask Singer” in California for more than $10,000. Mr Giuliani performed on “The Masked Singer” in 2022, in which he sang “Bad to the Bone.”

This timeline is just too weird.

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I'm so confused by the GOP play here. I, along with hundreds of millions of people, saw this unfolding live on TV. Do they think that by releasing more footage we're going to somehow be less mad?

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