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Joined 11 months ago

For example:

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If it opened on the default browser it would be several times less infuriating, but clicking on anything by mistake and then waiting for Edge to open with all the prompts because you never use it makes me furious

My last name ends with ar so I tried to get a .ar domain to setup a personalized email but it seems like they are reserved for government stuff, I was only allowed to get (last time I checked this was about 4 years ago)

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It's not an Instagram filter, it's exposure time. I set my camera on night mode and it took pictures during 4-10 seconds and the results were incredible

But even with the naked eye the lights were incredible last night

We arrived to the park before sunset and the biggest display was right when it became dark enough and a lot of people started arriving 2-3 hours later after watching pictures of other people and they were complaining that it didn't look as magical as the pictures. Lots of those people who arrived late were also using flashlights and just taking pictures of using their phones, not letting their eyes get used to the dark conditions or even really looking at the sky

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Basically same. I also tried sync and another one that I can't remember but I stayed with Voyager

And then you can't use it when the temp is 0F because they decide to do some maintenance

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Did they? Other than /nfl most of the communities I followed went to shit very quickly and haven't recovered. They are mostly bots talking to bots or the same questions and post over and over with minimal new content

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100% science based dragon MMO

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My friend moved early this year to a new apartment and we gave him a very easy to care plant and some decor

When we visited him again about a month later he told us he didn't put the decor because it's gay (as in gay to decor, not the specific stuff we gave him) and the plant was dead because he put it in a closet because he brought in a woman and she could think he was gay so he hid it 👍

Edit: fixed lots of mistakes lol, don't write a comment before drinking coffee

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And also, they started using steamboat willie in the intro of their films, so even if it's not copyright'd it will still be TradeMark and will not be able to use it to create merchandise

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We had a priest teacher (Catholic school) and he kept saying that being gay was an aberration

We couldn't hold it and we told him that there's lots of gay animals, but the only aberration was being celibate. He got so angry that he tried to expell all of us, but he ended up being replaced

My wife has family in California who entered illegally but gained citizenship thanks to Clinton and they basically have the same argument as your in-laws

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I had a one on one with my boss today. He told me he was very happy that sometimes he doesn't even know what I'm doing, but he doesn't get any complaints and all my deliverables are on time. I am for help when I need it and before everything is urgent

Meanwhile he needs to babysit the two most senior employees and have daily meetings with them because they don't deliver anything on time and is going to force them to go to the office twice per week. I guess not everyone knows how to be responsible, but at least my boss knows he can trust some people

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I don't go a lot to TJ but I thought they were one of the good guys. So sad to see that there are not a lot of good options

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Why don't you buy 4 houses, you rent 3 and live in one. You can ask your parents for the capital of you don't have it


I wonder how true that is for the average user

My father disabled ublock because it didn't let him use YouTube. I sent hima tutorial on how to update the list and purge the cache but it was too much work for him

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Out of all the brands you picked the one that actually has cheap models. A rio starts at 17k and a soul at 20k. Most of its vehicles, including SUVs are sub 40k

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The movie is very antagonistic towards men

Lol no it isn't

If you have that point of view after watching the movie that's exactly the red flag the women in the article are looking for

What app do you recommend? I've seen good progress with duolingo since I upgraded to premium but I'm willing to try something different

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Lol it's not, it's just what you are used to

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My wife's pixel 3a became so slow to the point of being useless. I tried to restore it but it was still very slow. It started happening after a software update after the pixel 5 came out 🤷

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Or you can deny the permission when you connect it

Hacking the Vita is equally easy

I was about to pay for NSO extra or whatever is calledt o play Game Boy games then I realized I could do that with the Vita I had collecting dust

Super easy to install emulators and super easy to install "back ups"

You can even use an adapter to use high capacity microSD cards and avoid the ridiculous prices of the propietary cards

My wife has been with Mint for 5 years now and there have not been any increases to her plan, on the contrary, they increased the data allowance in her tier

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I noticed recently that Google has been ignoring my commands sporadically on Mobile. They still work if I switch to desktop mode tho

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I recently noticed that I switched from adding lol to inserting an emoji at the end 😅

Passenger simulator...

If you connected to the plane's Wi-Fi disney+ tries to validate before opening downloads or something like that, but the wifi usually blocks streaming requests

You need to put the phone in airplane mode, open disney+, then you can connect the Wi-Fi

They don't do all the checks in process that are normal in automotive industry. They build them "good enough" and hope for the best. The plastics and frames don't align and if you work in the industry and benchmark a Tesla you can quickly see where the cut corners

You can be a man and hate fishing as well

No need for safari, I use that option in chrome and firefox. I created an account just for lurking and use desktop mode and it "works", at least it stopped bothering to get the app or restricting content because I wasn't logged in

What kind of Japanese teacher cannot explain the -ne?

He also probably holds a large stake in Arkham. Every criminal he sends is money the city puts into his deep pockets

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I find it cheaper and more effective to subscribe and use the initial coupon (usually 25% off), then immediately cancel the subscription after they ship it. Most likely there will be another coupon next time I need the product

The only thing I had as a really reocurring subscription was my cat's kibble but then I noticed that on some deliveries the price was considerably higher so I switched to buying it at the store market

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The picture shows the "eco" route which is a setting you can turn on/off that selects gas saving routes even if they add some minutes to the trip

Thank you for your service!