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Joined 1 years ago

If it's hanging from the other side, there's even more space for a spider to hide outside of view.

I don't like being wet, so I'd use about as much TP anyways. Maybe more.

Look for a bonnet. Wolves don't wear bonnets.

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At least they're not red circles and arrows.

I've had a bidet for years and never used it. The rest of my family does, but I have no interest.

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Can't get up until it moves, that's they rules

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Can confirm. I pedest, and it's more useful for me to know how long it will take to get somewhere than how far away that somewhere is. One effects my time of departure, the other is just a fun fact.

In my experience, ChatGPT is a bit of a yes-man.

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Logically, that does follow, but we're talking about wizards here.

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It's funnier because it implies the bit on the bottom is unimportant.

He doesn't use guns because he specifically doesn't like them. If it were just about killing, he'd use nonlethal bullets. The no killing rule is a separate but related phenomenon.

As for explosives, he generally only uses flash bangs, but when he's fighting someone who can clearly take it (like Superman or Darkseid) or a robot that it's okay to kill, then he uses more lethal bombs.

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I was surprised when I made attackPower and it suggested defensePower next. It was then that it sunk in that the autocomplete was AI.

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Well they do give them a strong incentive to stop driving.

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I think Iā€™d rather get hit by a car than hit someone with my car.


The "Keep scrolling and enjoy the ride, my friend." is what tipped me off. ChatGPT tends to say stuff like that when trying to be enthusiatic.

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Oh hey I think I'm in this picture.

No you wouldn't, you're delusional.

"They" instead of "their."

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By getting someone to hire you to do it.

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Yup, that's me. Only have a handful of active interests at a time. But a couple of those are free floating interest slots that I'll swap out every month or few as I really dig into something new. And then everything else gets moved into passive interest territory, where I'm not seeking it out but can still relate or engage if it comes up again. So that's how I live with it.


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They doe is a being not an object.

The accidental header formatting makes this so much better.

A game remade only because it's old will age again. A game remade because it missed its potential the first time is a big improvement.

Sonic the Hedgehog (2006).

StackOverflow will discourage you when you're right. ChatGPT will encourage you when you're wrong.

The person who drew that pipe captioned it "This is not a pipe" in French.

For some reason it's a popular piece. I don't really like it because I prefer art to be aesthetically interesting rather than "any creative work that makes a statement."

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I actually haven't heard it before.

If you kill an oil executive, a new one will take their place. You've gotta go after the company instead, that'll have a more direct impact and be harder to replace, especially if paired with regulation.

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I do like sugar more than chocolate, and I do like vinegar more than cucumbers.

I feel like I'm missing something. What's the myth and what's the reality?

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Probably gonna get downvoted for this, but that's a misleading headline. Nazi meme implies the meme itself is Nazi, where as the meme in question, according to the article, was comparing LGBT to Nazis.

I don't agree with the meme, for the record, I just have (what I think is) a reasonably specific definition of Nazi. "Bigoted" would be a more accurate word to use here.

But then, this is Not The Onion, and the headline is technically correct (it's a Nazi meme in that it's a meme featuring Nazis,) so whatever.

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Correction: He will have turned 0 dollars into a lifetime of hardship and a few hundred dollars.

Who's this X fellow I keep hearing about?

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Uppercase I is often drawn without serifs, in which case it would be a dot.

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Sleep is for the weak.

However, without sleep, you become sleepy, and sleepiness is weakness.

Therefore, sleep is for the sleepy.

No, no, my food's not genetically modified. It's just been developed via artificial selection for thousands of years.

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What is this karma of which you speak?

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